Kids these days have it so easy.

Started by Desertman, October 27, 2015, 05:25:51 PM

I remember when a half-elf was going around raping people.

This is going to be really nostalgic. Read at your own risk!

I remember the Sun King's Sanctuary sitting alongside the North Road with nothing more than a stable and a wagon yard to serve as the primary hub of the Northlands. I remember having to rest in the ruined observatory on my way outside the sciaen walls to go buy a kank in the Reynolte vinyard. I remember having to use forage to get logs instead of an axe, and when we did use an axe it was only a roleplay prop. I remember the Northlands having three separate taverns, the Sanctuary, the one in the vineyard (I forget the name, if it even had one) and the Firestorm pub. I remember the first Lirathan player to appear as Tuluk was being rebuilt after the Northlands finally defeated Allanak. I remember people calling it New Tuluk. I remember the formation of the Bloodriders (just a human, a half-giant, and a dwarf). I remember when packs of kryl used to patrol the grasslands.

I remember the beggar outside of the Trader's Inn droning on about Allanaki flamecheese and dropping names of old characters like Garrick the Red and Khan Salarr. I remember losing all my money gambling with the dart game NPC in the Golden Nugget casino above the Bard's Barrel. I remember renting housing in Allanak from a Nenyuk player who'd collect rent in game. I remember the elven tribe northwest of Allanak being destroyed.

I remember the wrecked wagon southwest of Allanak with the screwy one way wall I could shoot people out of but couldn't be seen. I remember a time when the base of the shield wall had a lot fewer broken wagons. I remember visiting the Kadian outpost west of Allanak. I remember walking to Red Storm just to get totally wasted on spice and then return to Allanak. I remember getting raided by the Blackmoon raiders (Drop pack!) with no casualties. I remember travelling to Red Storm East to buy flour. I remember walking out on the docks and being afraid I'd  make a wrong move and fall into the silt and die.

I remember when subguilds were added, all living characters got to choose the new subguild they wanted and a staff member added them individually. I remember when coded fighting styles made a brief visit to the game (I miss you advanced hammer tactics!) I remember when characters entered the game with only a shirt and trousers. I remember being a new character and having trouble finding a belt to sheath weapons with, with this sometimes being a real challenge depending on the starting location because if the one shop that sold a belt was gone I might to wait until Saturday or a reboot for a shop to have another belt in stock. I remember Saturday downtime and when Saturday might be the only reboot all week. I remember rushing to the NPC merchants on Saturday to sell things I'd been stockpiling because once they bought five of whatever I was selling they wouldn't buy anymore until the next reboot (which was probably in a week.) I remember when scars and later tattoos were added. I remember when the think command was added and the ability to change long descriptions.
"It's too hot in the hottub!"

-James Brown

Coded shit:
I remember weekly downtimes and the saturday morning sell rush.
I remember trap making every single closeable container a potential mantis head.
I remember walking up to an apartment to see 'smoke lingers in the air here'
Not having Tdesc.
Not having Ldesc.
Not having Scars/tats.
Wrist razors/gloves, I remember watching two warriors fight for an hour in a locked room. Death by wrist razor, as neither could get by the other ones guard. Hilarious.
I remember when sheaths were rarer than metal.
Metal being not-so-rare, I had an assassin with a bronze halfsword once.  :-\
I remember One shot backstab being a scary thing, even in a tavern. Sorry noble-dude.  ;)

Roleplay shit:
Magicker covens being far too common.
I remember the Elan Pah powerhouse of the x-men days blowing shit up like superheroes.
Salarr Expansion Division and their nasty underhanded politics making gmh's seem tough.
Red Fangs making the outside world a dangerous place.
Soh Lanah Kah being active and scary.
Quick. Enough said.
Gin. See Quick.
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."