Release Notes

Started by nessalin, August 10, 2015, 07:43:46 AM

January 13, 2024 (Saturday)

- Bugfixes to aging
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

January 27, 2024 (Saturday)

- Staff building commands are now sent to a (staff) Discord channel for better oversight, auditing, and tracking.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

February 3, 2024 (Saturday)

- tweaks to staff building commands send to Discord
- added the Save flag for rooms, which will allow staff to designate -any- room as one that saves its contents regularly.  This will allow us to no longer be required to only use specific zones for this.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

February 17, 2024 (Saturday)

We'll still be doing release notes, so people can see code progress that's being made.  The newsletter will give more details, as needed, and will focus on all aspects of the changes, not just code.

- new skill 'camping'.  Will enable wilderness folks to create a campsite to create temporary quit-safe rooms, and a spot that gives increased regen rates.  More work to be done, but the basics are in.

- updates, tweaks, and bugfixes to the Save flag

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- new feature, clan relationships. More info to come later
- can no longer pick a lock that is broken
- purged code of clan specific values that are gone forever (special ball of light for Conclave, etc)
- updates to lock/unlock
      - now respect all the Wall spells
      - require dropping lifted items to lock/unlock
- doors are now given default keyword of 'door' if staff forgot to add a keyword, and fixes all bad ones
- closing doors now triggers guard code, the same way as opening doors
- removed all zone privs for staff - meaning all staff now have access to all zones
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

February 24, 2024 (Saturday)

- city elves now treat road the same as they do city for movement purposes, which means 0 base move (instead of base 2 for road) and -1 bonus when running (minimum of 1).  So a city elf running on a road with medium encumbrance would lose 3 per room (was 6).  A city elf walking on a road with light encumbrance would lose 1 per room (was 2).
- framework for 'new magick project'

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- work on 'new magick project'
- added the ability to draw mana from other sources when casting, in certain situations
- purged some old, unused code
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

February 25, 2024 (Sunday)

- improved ability for staff to understand what npc's spawn where

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- player corposes and 'unique' npc corpses will now take 3 RL days to decay
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

March 11, 2024, 10:29:48 AM #381 Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 06:15:49 PM by Halaster
March 11, 2024 (Monday)

- tweaks to camping, but mostly on hold while waiting on player feedback
- subguild elementalists now have the same max skill penalty as sorcerers.  Which is a 30% reduction in max combat/weapon skills, and a %15 reduction in max stealth skills.  This does not affect starting skills or gain rates, just max. It affects all skills regardless of whether they're guild, subguild, or racial.  It also affects the 'touched' magickal subguilds.  None of this applies to full guild elems.

- updates to javascript engine to work better with the pilot skill

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- changed message for Immortal rooms when trying to cast, to make it clear that it's an OOC reason, to "This room is flagged for Game Staff use which blocks magick use."
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

March 13, 2024, 06:49:59 PM #382 Last Edit: March 13, 2024, 07:29:42 PM by Halaster
March 13, 2024 (Wednesday)

- based on feedback, removed Touched subguilds from the elementalist subguild changes above, so their skills will not be affected
- updated database and code with karma values for guilds, subguilds, and races to provide a single source for in-game and web-based character applications (first step in moving to 10 point system)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- characters can now create a shared banked account with others, without the need for a clan.  It's not using your personal account, it's creating a new account that's shared with others
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

March 23, 2024 (Saturday)

- added basic functionality for a new style of magick  (work on new magick project for Seasons)

- Code for a mundane plotline.  (work on a new mundane system for Seasons)
- Small command-priority fixes.
- Tweaks to Discord logging.
- Additional debug logging.
- Other bug fixes
- Bugfix for object creation.

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- added 2 new spells for a new style of magick  (work on new magick project for Seasons)
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

April 3, 2004 (Wednesday)

- fixed a crashbug on a staff command
- more work on secret magick project
- changed "Poison Recovery" to be "Poison Symptoms" as that is a more accurate description.  It shows up in stat when someone is suffering a side affect / symptom of being poisoned.
- removed "Poison" from the stat command if someone has an Onset.  It will only show up when the poison becomes active.  However, Detect Poison will still show if someone has an Onset waiting.
- onset times of ALL poisons cut in half (they take affect more quickly)
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

April 12, 2024 (Friday)

- fixed a staff command crashbug.  Nothing like a new batch of ST's to find crashbugs for us
- implemented the new 10-point karma system, converted accounts.  See,52604.msg1099451.html#msg1099451

- fixed an issue with npc duplication
- misc bugfixes
- more code updates for a mundane plotline

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- tweaks and fixes to the banking system
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

April 20, 2024 (Saturday)

- Carved out exception for climb in the sorc/subguild elem skill nerf (climb isn't nerfed like sneak/hide)
- Created alerts for staff when someone with 0 karma logs in to help identify new players

- misc bugfixes

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- bugfixes and improvements to behind-the-scenes clan system
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

April 27, 2024, 08:31:27 AM #387 Last Edit: April 27, 2024, 08:33:09 AM by Halaster
April 27, 2024 (Saturday)

- Skill gain timers now have a secondary stat (for many skills) that influences how often you can gain a skill.  See this thread for details:,60327.0.html
- Removed Tuluk and Luir's from starting options
- Continued work on sekrit magick project
- Tweaked stats so that they don't just truncate when converting from a float to an int, they use ceil().  This will mean that new characters will see a couple of stats at 1 point higher than they used to, most of the time.  It also means penalties from aging won't be quite as bad as before.  Technically, you could argue they were being robbed before, and this is fixing it.  For example, before due to the math the final number might be 13.87, but because it is a float being used by an int, it would just truncate the decimals, so 13.87 would be 13.  It now uses a ceiling, so that 13.87 will be 14 (also, a 13.05 would become a 14, it's ceiling, not round).

- New craft features for [REDACTED]
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

May 5, 2024 (Sunday)

- more work on sekrit magick project

- Fixes and Changes to room and NPC saving
- Added new materials for plotlines
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

May 26, 2024 (Sunday)

- Updated web character app for 10 karma points

- Fixed a crashbug in flee

- additional debug info added to help with crashes
- tweaks to new [redacted] system
- various memory corruption fixes attempting to solve frequent crashes
- changes to NPC saving and builder commands.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

May 29, 2024, 07:15:11 PM #390 Last Edit: May 29, 2024, 07:26:14 PM by Halaster
May 29, 2024 (Wednesday)

- fixed a couple of issues with various files and Makefiles so that the game will compile on a newer OS
- removed an old, outdated automatic process
- fixes to for compatibility with apartments and simraider for the new Save room flag

- fixed a rare crash bug
- added a "where" command that shows how many visible PCs (one, a couple, a few, etc) are in each local tavern
- create internal tool for helping to find duplicate npcs
- misc bug fixes with zone saves
- another fix towards eliminating npc duplicating

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- made it so staff cannot accidentally attach the same script on the same command multiple times
- misc. staff command fixes
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

June 2, 2024 (Sunday)

- Bug fixes for code supporting a mundane plotline
- Add a new city code

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- under-the-hood updates to banking
- updates to some staffing commands
- improvements to setting up shopkeepers for staff
- request tool changes from,60422.0.html
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev