Open Letter to New Players

Started by Is Friday, May 06, 2015, 05:48:45 PM

Hello all,

I had an epiphany this morning while thinking about Armageddon MUD. I've been playing for almost a decade and have long been chasing karma as a way to prove to myself that I am both improving and that I am deserving of recognition. It is nice to receive recognition, after all.

It has become easy to see myself over the years as someone who does things "better" than other roleplayers the higher I've risen in the tree. Or with each kudos I've received. Or with each leader I've played. I have over time become full of myself and considered my efforts the Golden Standard for RP. Sometimes I've gone so far as to talk crap about other players who "weren't doing it right" in my mind. Which is arrogant and not my place.

Within the past few months I've come across an exceptional new player that I will call Amos. Amos isn't unique or particularly amazing to the ordinary inspection or to the passerby. I have now spent a while with Amos and over time I've come to really appreciate their love for RP. I remember originally interacting with this PC and being able to tell they were new to the MUD, but not MUDs in general. Since that day I've had the pleasure of sharing intermittent scenes with Amos and it has been a blast to see them progress.

Amos represents the real heart of Armageddon MUD, to me. This is a 0 karma new player excited about playing a role according to docs and putting forth effort to evolve their character over time through IC events. They are fallible, foolish, opinionated, common, and absolutely perfect in their execution. The love that they put into the PC is something that I envy and have sometimes divorced myself from for fear of the unknown.

Will my PC be killed? Will my PC be successful? What will others think of my PC and my RP if I do X or Y?

It is easy to become consumed with the meta in this game and I admit I have been. Armageddon is about antagonists, protagonists, masters, servants, brothers-in-arms, fugitives, bounty hunters, rejects, privileged groups, liars, and victims. Everyone has to play a part and it's not about any particular one of us.

My next PC will be somebody's minion as a dedication to the new players who inspired me. I encourage others to join me if you'd like to post something encouraging. I hope that we as a community continue to foster budding roleplayers and encourage everyone to take part in our storytelling.

Thank you Amos and keep RPing.

Quote from: Fathi on March 08, 2018, 06:40:45 PMAnd then I sat there going "really? that was it? that's so stupid."

I still think the best closure you get in Armageddon is just moving on to the next character.

Some of my favorite characters over the past year or two have been new players who did such a good job bringing their character to life that it pushed me to try to add more depth to my own PCs.

As a very goal-oriented player (get in game with that new PC, and start busting ass to build that thing or steal that other thing or seal this deal) I sometimes forget to give my PCs human moments. Thanks, newbies.

All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

I finally quit trying to 'win' at Armageddon, and as a result, my last character was the best thing I've done with this game since 2002. Making a pc with goals other than 'get gud at dis thing here!' turned out to be awesome. Accepting flaws, playing on them, seeing the actual world and not just a path to victory really opened up the way to fun.

I also had the pleasure of meeting a brand new player in this time, helping them out through direct ic actions, and by the end of my last pc, being able to smile at how far they'd came along, and how awesome in game they were. And the best part was knowing they were having that same feeling I once had when I first started, and the game world was still such a mystery. It's pushed me to make my more recent characters in roles I've never really pushed at in the past, and I'm finding that new feel all over again - just with less ignorance to the way the world works. (One of my first pcs was one who went running through Allanak, screaming about the 'one god'. As I hadn't finished the docs yet. Still not sure which staff allowed me in with that background!  :D )

Welcome newbies, enjoy learning the game and kicking ass!

Quote from: Is Friday on May 06, 2015, 05:48:45 PM

My next PC will be somebody's minion as a dedication to the new players who inspired me. I encourage others to join me if you'd like to post something encouraging. I hope that we as a community continue to foster budding roleplayers

Playing a good minion is so much fun too.  I think this is especially true when a veteran player is playing the minion of a less experienced leader PC.  You actually get to be an aide that has useful advice, and provides a service, instead of just getting your noble/merchant/templar the zalanthian equivalent of coffee all the time :)

All the plot fun with significantly less pressure.

But what if you try to play a minion and no matter what always wind up accidentally running a crime syndicate? EVERY TIME.
Quote from: Agameth
Goat porn is not prohibited in the Highlord's city.

Quote from: Zoan on May 06, 2015, 07:01:22 PM
But what if you try to play a minion and no matter what always wind up accidentally running a crime syndicate? EVERY TIME.

Play a minion who has some flaws that make them bad direct leaders, and you can avoid this.

For instance, one of mine had the personality where they were excellent at carrying out orders and solving problems, but were terrible self-starters.  Another of mine was very much a "Senpai notice me" type, whose main motivation wasn't personal success, but to get their mentor/role model to be happy with them.

Heh... It dawned on me about a week ago that I play Armageddon for my enjoyment. If I don't impress the staff, I really don't care as long as I'm having fun and I don't make things not fun for those around me. If I do impress or amuse the staff, great. But at the end of the day I play this GREAT and AWESOME game called Armageddon so I can relax and destress from the everyday stress that is my life. I no longer try to impress staff. Considering I've been playing since the mid 90's and still sit at 0 karma, it's obvious that for whatever reason my RPing doesn't impress staff. However, I've gotten some good kudos and feedback from players telling me that they enjoyed my character and RPing with my characters in the past and I'm sure I'll get more in the future.

The point of playing a game is to enjoy and have fun. If you aren't having fun then either this isn't the right game for you or you aren't playing the right type of character. Explore, learn, grow, and most importantly have FUN! If you're having fun I'm sure others around you will too.
I am unable to respond to PMs sent on the GDB. If you want to send me something, please send it to my email.

There is nothing better than watching a new player fall in love with Armageddon. Thank you new players, you make us fall in love with Armageddon over and over again too.
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

I had a similar experience with a newbie recently. The way they approached the world with such a fresh, engaged attitude was really inspiring.  It made me both envious (I'll never be a newb again!) and determined to find memorable moments in the most mundane experiences.  They are out there!  Thanks, new players of Armageddon!

Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

Actually that talk about minions who become involuntary leaders goes on quite a bit..

For every ambitious guy or gal who dies in sick plots bro, there's someone who doesn't hatch plots, avoids being important enough to be the subject of plots and doesn't aspire to lead, who ends up being responsible for hiring, staffing and all the things.

On subject, I tend to encourage people OOCly to make believable roles rather than make paragons of their class, particularly when they're new.

Quote from: wizturbo on May 06, 2015, 06:41:58 PM

Playing a good minion is so much fun too.  I think this is especially true when a veteran player is playing the minion of a less experienced leader PC.  You actually get to be an aide that has useful advice, and provides a service, instead of just getting your noble/merchant/templar the zalanthian equivalent of coffee all the time :)

All the plot fun with significantly less pressure.

Yeah, I love reporting to noobs.  They make some of the funnest leaders. 

I agree with the OP that the current batch of noobs is fantastic.  I've seen so much good role-play in the past couple of months out of the noobs.  In my decade+ of playing, this is some of the best gaming experience that I've had here.

Recently, with all the changes coming into ARM and being nervous about how well I was doing in my current role, I had to stop and do some thinking.  What is it really that I want from the game, and what is it that I want to bring into the game? 

I used to be of the opinion that perfect RP and  making some kind of (what for me anyway) is some kind of art, were my goals.  I never managed to succeed.  One missed cap at the start of a sentence could ruin my day. And I miss a lot of caps. One misdirected emote could make me blush at my keyboard. I was constantly comparing myself to those who I felt and still feel are better at RP. There are some awesome folks playing this game, and I could just never measure up.

After reflection, in my disgruntled state, and with a little help from a message SDV sent, I realized that the bottom line for me is FUN.  I play to have FUN and to make FUN for others.  For me this means doing it in a believable and consistent way, but still it has to be FUN for all.

Can I still contribute to FUN for all in Arm without my beloved Tuluk?  Yup. Can I still have fun in ARM even though I can't play an old school Sorc? Yup. Even with all the changes is ARM still the funnest game out there?  A big YES.

So to all the new folks coming in wide eyed and wondering how to stay alive past 0.25 hours played,  just make -FUN for all- your goal. If you mess up so what? Others will help you improve as long as you have a good attitude about it. To all the old folks who feel a twist in their tum when things change, and who fear some sort of demise of ARM; Don't worry, be happy and have FUN.  If you have fun, they will come.

At your table, the XXXXXXXX templar says in sirihish, echoing:
     "Everyone is SAFE in His Walls."

Quote from: BleakOne
Dammit Kol you made me laugh too.
A staff member sends:
     "Hi! Please don't kill the sparring dummy."