Role Call Tuesday! 100% more roles! We pass the savings on to you!

Started by Nyr, December 02, 2014, 02:45:33 PM

Black Friday?  Cyber Monday?  Welcome to Role Call Tuesday!  You can purchase one of these amazing cartridges and play within a week or two!  Check out our selection!

This rebooted game comes with an extensive manual.  Don't miss out!  Apply today!

This game is available in a couple of variants.  Collect the Kassigarh or Tenneshi cartridge!  Apply immediately!

This traditional game is a mainstay.  Add it to your collection.  Apply now!

We are sorry to report that we had such a rush on the Fale game that we sold out--however, we do have a single Oash cartridge available.  Apply to make your interest known!

Submit a character role application request to the appropriate team with:

  • Character name / description / House
  • Agreement/understanding of the Sponsored Roles guidelines
  • Experience with leadership, ideas and plans for your role, etc.

Apps will be closed on Wednesday, December 10, at 11:59 PM Server time (eastern time).

For both city-states, a disclaimer:

This is December.  This means that for many people, this is a slower month for gameplay--people are cramming for exams, or planning vacations, visiting families, etc.  You can more than likely expect that things will be slower than usual soon after you are into the game, with that subsiding after the New Year and trending back up.  What that means for you:  you have time to get acquainted with your role before really giving it a good public shot!  Make the best of that opportunity once you are selected for the role.

For Tuluk, to all players:

Apply for Tuluk roles, and play in Tuluk, especially if you haven't.

Tuluk needs more people to play in it.  Both city-states need players to make them really pop.  We can't have conflicts between the two city-states without players on both sides, just like you can't play cops and robbers by only playing the brave police officer or the wily villain.  Even if you like playing one side more than the other, well, the other side has changed quite a bit, and you'll be a better roleplayer and contribute more to the game by fleshing that side out.  Not gritty enough?  It has gritty elements.  Confused?  Ask for help.  Branch out.  Do something different.  This larger conflict stuff is something we'd like to facilitate, and we are asking for your help.  Help us help you murder, corrupt, and betray.  Thanks.
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.