Great Merchants in the Hizouse

Started by Italis, November 09, 2014, 04:23:16 AM

November 09, 2014, 04:23:16 AM Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 04:25:58 AM by Italis
We are currently entertaining applications for clan leader and family roles in the Great Merchant houses. This is an open role call for either House Salarr or House Kurac. (We do not currently require roles in House Kadius, although if you have a really fantastic concept in mind we'll probably at least look it over).

House Salarr

The foremost family of armorers and arms dealers, House Salarr supplies pretty much every military outfit in the Known World, and cheerfully encourage those outfits to use them against each other - not that anyone ever needs much encouragement.  As a full blooded family member, you'll use and abuse the best equipment money can buy in the violent pursuit of profit. Unfettered by limited provincial notions, overlook petty regional differences and trade weapons of mass destruction from top to bottom of the known world.  In House Salarr, all money is blood money.  

House Kurac

Operating from their fortified home of Luir's Outpost and the isolated Red Storm Village, House Kurac's primary aim is to profit immensely from being the sole suppliers of a terrifyingly addictive substance of dubious legality. Stopping at nothing to enforce their monopoly and maintain their precarious independence from the City States, the agents of House Kurac are known for their close-lipped pragmatism, and for their willingness to cheerfully slit the throat of anyone that threatens the family interests.

As these are leadership roles, you will need:

- to submit character reports reliably and regularly
- consistent playtimes, and the ability to let us know in advance when you're away
- a willingness to self-start plots and schemes
- the ability to convincingly portray a cutthroat mercantile mindset
- to have preferably played in this clan at least once

To apply, send in the outline of your proposed character concpet as a role application request, to the clan of your choice. Applications close on BLACK THURSDAY THE 13th.

Thanks to everyone who applied - we'll be reviewing the applications and getting back to everyone shortly.