Started by kubbid, October 25, 2014, 08:23:51 AM

Anything in the game world I don't know I figure is my own problem, and finding is why I play, but
with some info screens I get a [MORE] signal at the bottom of the page and can't work out
how to access the additional info.
Can anyone help?
Soon you will have forgotten all things: soon all things will have forgotten you. Nothing matters very much and few things matter at all.

October 25, 2014, 08:31:51 AM #1 Last Edit: October 25, 2014, 08:33:28 AM by Barsook
You just press "enter" and it will show more of the text.  Anything else, for example "look" + "enter", will just make it go out of it.


(OOC Commands)

This command sets the number of lines the game records your terminal (or screen) as having. For example, many systems today allow you to have more than 24 to 25 lines in a terminal window. If you do not let the game know, however, it will default to 24 lines per screen, and thus you will receive more [MORE] prompts than you would need to. Using this command without an argument will show you the current setting of pagelength.
pagelength <number>
> pagelength 32
Page length information is saved with your account, so you should not need to reset pagelength every time you log in, unless you play the game from different terminals.
See Also:
infobar, reset

From here: http://www.armageddon.org/help/view/Pagelength
i love being a nobles health points

Make sure when you hit enter your command line is blank. If your client holds the last thing you typed, clear it before hitting enter.
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

Make sure your pagelength is not 0 (type pagelength 10 or something)

There is a bug that I'm not sure has been fixed where the MUD will set it to this value on "DUMB" terminals, rendering any information display (even the who list) a trap where you can't get out of the [MORE] cycle.
The neat, clean-shaven man sends you a telepathic message:
     "I tried hairy...Im sorry"

Many thanks everyone. It now works. I still can't believe I hadn't tried hitting enter again until now , but.........
Soon you will have forgotten all things: soon all things will have forgotten you. Nothing matters very much and few things matter at all.

New problem arose?
i love being a nobles health points