Where Survey Results: February 2014

Started by Nyr, March 07, 2014, 02:57:54 PM

QuoteI really like this game. but i have 4 kids here.
I didnt play for a week now, because everytime i get involved in events with other PC's i have to go AFK.
Like when my son wakes up or my girls fight again.
And when they finally sleep i can focus on the game. (after OOC'ing 3 times "gone brb son")
Then my wife is pissed because im so focused on the game, trying to catch up with the spam.

I cant just finish killing a monster and be afk like in other games and listen to my family.
I fell in love with arm.
But it takes too much attention.I can only play it when im alone.
No reason for me to quit.
But I will be more of a casual player.

This may be fairly common with new players that seem to drop off. It was certainly my experience. I loved the game from the start but my family soon hated it. Even when I cut down my (moderate) hours, they could see it in my eyes. I dropped  my young PC after a few months in the game, picked her up two years later and  played for quite a few years for 1/2 to 1 hr before work, and a few hours at the weekend.
The best things about graphic games is the pause button!
My point is, short term I didn't stick, but long term, I'm still here.