Consent flag / command.

Started by Harmless, December 29, 2013, 10:15:23 AM

Visible flags are no fun, but something that echos on command could be nice.  Something like "consent test" as described below might do.

consent test

The tall, muscular man consents to <X, Y>.
The short, curvy woman consents to <Z>.
The lanky, Sephiroto consents to <none>.
The cool, Kronibas consents to <all>.

If you were to set these consents on chargen, everyone gets a chance to consciously make a decision about what degree of nasty they are willing to be exposed to.  In a hypothetical situation where I may want to do an act that exceeds someone's consent threshold, I could then ask them to double-check their settings.   Then continue as planned, or tone down the sex/violence based on the next consent test.

The strengths of this implementation are that it allows users to set their thresholds early and get a list of all local players' thresholds without any oocs.  Additionally, built in immortal logging could toss a message to the staff to help them monitor abuse and adherence to the terms of play.

Hey if y'all want to do that, fine by me. As long as there's another flag:

The Lizzified PC has not set her consent flag at all one way or another, and requires that you ask every single time.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

In theory I like the idea of the consent flag being suggested...but I'm with Lizzie on this one.
Though I may consent to X and Y most times and consent (but FTB) Z most times, maybe -this time- I'm logging out soon.  Or maybe my PC has a secret reason for behaving differently around a certain PC in the room or maybe today I just don't feel like committing to everything that consenting to X will entail.  Or maybe at chargen I set my consent to one thing, but due to events with my PC those have changed and I haven't updated the info.
I'd rather be asked every time and I really don't find it jarring or immersion breaking to have another PC give a quick OOC to make sure everyone's on the same page.