Let's arrange ALL THE THINGS.

Started by i can haz mantis, July 21, 2013, 11:11:14 PM

If I pick up a bunch of items and leave one....and then the dropdesc is all grammatically incorrect...I fix it. Tada!
Quoteemote pees into your eyes deeply

Quote from: Delirium on November 28, 2012, 02:26:33 AM
I don't always act superior... but when I do it's on the forums of a text-based game

July 24, 2013, 11:42:11 AM #26 Last Edit: July 24, 2013, 12:18:47 PM by catchall
QuoteI was being facetious about it being a minor little nitpick. Any time the code forces me to use an incorrect word, it bugs the shit out of me.

So you were "facetiously" declaring your personal pet peeve to be a minor nitpick (and believe me, it is), and expect others in the discussion to automatically crown it "the whole point of the thread."  You have to understand how that doesn't facilitate productive discussion, right?

I appreciate that you have a personal derail that you consider to be very important and I apologize that my direct response to the issue brought up in the OP did not address your particular pet derail.  I suggest that you start a thread where you propose a more sophisticated operator that will tag a verb for potential context-based third-person singular inflection.  It will also apply to the use of "#" in emotes.  This is one clue that we're talking about a completely different idea with a completely different technical scope.

Arrange is a command that sets a string value of an object. This thread suggested allowing that command to set a string value to a whole stack of identical objects simultaneously.  Very simple: Set string value of one object => Set string value of stack of objects.

I offered a much faster way to set the string value of a stack of objects than the tedious way that another player mentioned using.  That method works perfectly!  It sets the string values to exactly the value you provide.  No, it doesn't turn "arrange" into a grammar-checker (or for that matter, solve world hunger).  I promise that when you start your thread about adding grammatical functionality to 'arrange,' I won't clutter it up with posts that don't address that issue.

(You might be interested to look up the CS terms "separation of concerns" and "garbage in, garbage out," which are both relevant here. Your insistence on lumping everything together makes it obvious you don't have much experience solving computational problems. You don't need that kind of knowledge, but it may you understand why when someone brings up Problem X, and someone else offers a partial solution to Problem X, it's really not relevant to offer a belabored explanation of why the solution doesn't fix Problem Y, which everyone already understands.)

Added: BTW, I enjoy derails, but if you're going to subtly derail a thread in your own mind, you can at least let people continue to discuss the OP.