Was that a waddling fetus?

Started by zeia, May 27, 2013, 09:36:37 AM

I have been thinking about this for a while now, thought I would put it out to you guys and see what your views were on it!
Has anyone noticed that there are -so- many female characters getting pregnant?  I have seen several that have given birth to what would be fetus's and saying they are 'happy and healthy bundles of joy' after literally a week or two IRL time playing pregnant.  In the real world you wouldn't be able to go, ok, bored of getting pregnant now out you come, and your child is suddenly perfect?  No it would be -dead- giving birth at 3 or 4 months gone isn't a birth, it's a miscarriage, or on the very slim chance that you might be further along than expected and you have a veryyyyyyyyy teenie tiny baby that would need ALOT of medical attention.  Either way, in Zalanthas, the child would die anyways.  So why does everyone else surrounding these characters in question go along with it?
Alot of pregnant characters I have seen, end up getting bored of playing them or once there is a child in the game they end up getting shipped off to family so you don't have to play with them?  Why create a pregnancy in your character if this is the case?  It's suppose to be a hard life in Zalanthas and with the amount of babies people have played popping out in the last year or two we've made a new world population! 
My main reason for posting this though is to ask what others thoughts are on perhaps making it so people who play pregnancies have echos input to their characters?  Morning sickness, tiredness, to make a pregnancy more realistic?  Giving life threatening conditions to the character if they ignore the pregnancy short of being 'fat and waddling' as I've seen a heavily pregnant female character run from one side of a city to another! How would this happen?!
Also with the actual child birth, how many people would actually survive?  Given the harsh conditions that people in Zalathanas would be living in, it would be completely unsanitary to be giving birth and have opens wounds etc, so would the risk of bleeding out come in to play?  Would people that have literally just given birth be back to sparring, fighting, hunting the next day? No!
Baring in mind these are just my thoughts/ideas.  What does everyone else think?
A staff member sends:
     "You can quit ooc - or if you want I can kill <character name>, that'd definitely reset it."

You take the last bite of your scooby snack.
This tastes like ordinary meat.
There is nothing left now.

Pretty sure preggers RP is supposed to be realistic. If you see someone who you feel is not playing it realistically, Request Tool -> Player Complaint.

There is/was a pregnancy doc. Hmm.
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

Don't get me started. 
I roll for then micromanage my character's  pregnancies down to the possibility of miscarriage due to trauma, multiples, gender,   magickal affinity and everything in between. I portray  hormonal ups and downs, cravings,  tiredness,   absentmindness and  everything else. It's time consuming and draining.  When they get here, my bitch nurses, most of the day.
It's draining.
If a year is six weeks your character better be pregnant for at least 4 and a half weeks if you're human. 

We need a pregnancy document.
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

3 months on Zalanthas was a year I thought?
Useful tips: Commands |  |Storytelling:  1  2

Quote from: Harmless on May 27, 2013, 10:55:28 AM
3 months on Zalanthas was a year I thought?

Right. That equals 6 weeks RL time. If you base a PC human pregnancy term on a RL human pregnancy term it is about 4.5 RL weeks.
Choppin muthafuckaz up with mandibles since 1995.

I blame the walking penis.
"It's too hot in the hottub!"

-James Brown


I haven't seen these super quick pregnancies. But the doc's says 5 RL weeks. That being said, if womens wanna be fat and cranky, let them. Doesn't make me plot there death any less. Just means I have to pay the assassin extra...Sometimes.
I remember recruiting this Half elf girl. And IMMEDIATELY taking her out on a contract. Right as we go into this gith hole I tell her "Remember your training, and you'll be fine." and she goes "I have no training." Then she died

I once "spied" on a couple who were talking about just "getting rid" of the child within the woman's womb (from another man) with some herbs so that they could then try to have a child of their own right after. I sent that log to the Staff and I'm pretty sure it ended terribly for that woman. When you see something ridiculous being done with pregnancy, just send it to the Staff and they'll deal with it, if the player won't.
"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat;
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back."

Quote from: Malken on May 27, 2013, 02:11:32 PM
I once "spied" on a couple who were talking about just "getting rid" of the child within the woman's womb (from another man) with some herbs so that they could then try to have a child of their own right after. I sent that log to the Staff and I'm pretty sure it ended terribly for that woman. When you see something ridiculous being done with pregnancy, just send it to the Staff and they'll deal with it, if the player won't.

I've forced a woman to eat mix when she told me she was pregnant with my child :) Of course she would have just been starting the pregnancy. I told her it was that, or I'm throwing her down stairs repeatedly, and the mix was probably safer.

I remember recruiting this Half elf girl. And IMMEDIATELY taking her out on a contract. Right as we go into this gith hole I tell her "Remember your training, and you'll be fine." and she goes "I have no training." Then she died

Quote from: Fredd on May 27, 2013, 02:35:10 PM
Quote from: Malken on May 27, 2013, 02:11:32 PM
I once "spied" on a couple who were talking about just "getting rid" of the child within the woman's womb (from another man) with some herbs so that they could then try to have a child of their own right after. I sent that log to the Staff and I'm pretty sure it ended terribly for that woman. When you see something ridiculous being done with pregnancy, just send it to the Staff and they'll deal with it, if the player won't.

I've forced a woman to eat mix when she told me she was pregnant with my child :) Of course she would have just been starting the pregnancy. I told her it was that, or I'm throwing her down stairs repeatedly, and the mix was probably safer.


come back from 7yr hiatus got knocked up by someone who she shouldn't have.  She was older too.  He wanted her to keep it and she couldn't say no to him. His family kicked her out on her ass and she ended up eating a massive amount of mulmix and aborting.

She then ended up in her dream job for the guild face.  Couldn't have done that shit with a whelp.
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

Quote from: Fredd on May 27, 2013, 02:35:10 PM
Quote from: Malken on May 27, 2013, 02:11:32 PM
I once "spied" on a couple who were talking about just "getting rid" of the child within the woman's womb (from another man) with some herbs so that they could then try to have a child of their own right after. I sent that log to the Staff and I'm pretty sure it ended terribly for that woman. When you see something ridiculous being done with pregnancy, just send it to the Staff and they'll deal with it, if the player won't.

I've forced a woman to eat mix when she told me she was pregnant with my child :) Of course she would have just been starting the pregnancy. I told her it was that, or I'm throwing her down stairs repeatedly, and the mix was probably safer.


Actually not funny.

Back on topic-ish, we totally shoiuld have a preggers code.

Gain +1 tenstone per trimester.
Random sickness
Injuries can cause loss of the child.
Childbirth can kill. Some herbs can help. Water witches might be able to help. Etc. Etc.
"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."

May 27, 2013, 03:02:45 PM #14 Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 03:06:29 PM by Fredd
Removed because on second thought. I don't care.
I remember recruiting this Half elf girl. And IMMEDIATELY taking her out on a contract. Right as we go into this gith hole I tell her "Remember your training, and you'll be fine." and she goes "I have no training." Then she died

Funny thing is you all should read about mul mix before thinking it could do something it doesn't.

Pretty sure it says that you have to take it before sex.
The funny little foreign man

I often hear the jingle to -Riunite on ice- when I read the estate name Reynolte, eve though there ain't no ice in Zalanthas.

Quote from: Potaje on May 27, 2013, 03:16:47 PM
Funny thing is you all should read about mul mix before thinking it could do something it doesn't.

Pretty sure it says that you have to take it before sex.

+1 for reading item descriptions!
Life sucks, then you die.

They can't be bothered with something so obvious, of course.
Like a lithium flower, about to bloom.

Yeah, the real day-after pill is blood-burn.

Quote from: RogueGunslinger on May 27, 2013, 03:45:26 PM
Yeah, the real day-after pill is blood-burn.
Or Terradin. Or a combination. Just... yeah.. find out IC.
Sometimes, severity is the price we pay for greatness

I really expected this to be about something else.
Someone says, out of character:
     "Sorry, was a wolf outside, had to warn someone."

Quote from: Wastrel on July 05, 2013, 04:51:17 AMBUT NEERRRR IM A STEALTHY ASSASSIN HEMOTING. BUTBUTBUTBUTBUT. Shut. Up.

Quote from: Potaje on May 27, 2013, 03:16:47 PM
Funny thing is you all should read about mul mix before thinking it could do something it doesn't.

Pretty sure it says that you have to take it before sex.
Quote from: Riya OniSenshi on May 27, 2013, 03:32:09 PM
They can't be bothered with something so obvious, of course.

To prevent pregnancies, yes. Old wives tales claim overdosing on it aborts. I rolled with it. Better than going to some filthy witch!
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

Quote from: RogueGunslinger on May 27, 2013, 03:45:26 PM
Yeah, the real day-after pill is blood-burn.

using it next time. LOL.
I remember recruiting this Half elf girl. And IMMEDIATELY taking her out on a contract. Right as we go into this gith hole I tell her "Remember your training, and you'll be fine." and she goes "I have no training." Then she died

hahaha, abortions, miscarriages, infancide, lol

Quote from: MeTekillot on May 27, 2013, 05:12:42 PM
hahaha, abortions, miscarriages, infancide, lol

First-world people laughing about Third-world problems.
"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."