Do crafting tools help the coded crafting skills?

Started by IssacF, May 26, 2013, 05:11:11 AM

Normally it doesn't seem to be necessarry to have crafting tools for the code to craft. But doesnhaving said tools help the code by geanting bonuses or such or is it just a roleplaying prop?

From the tools helpfile:

Quote from: help tools
Tools                                                              (Gameplay)

   A tool is an item which facilitates or aides in one's trade, be it
manual labor, the gathering of raw materials, or the manufacture of
finished goods. While some tools simply aide in a craft or help with more
difficult projects taken on by less experienced craftsmen
; others, such as
a spindle, loom, spice sifter, lock pick, or lumber axe are absolutely
crucial to a task. Some tools are better than others at performing the
same job, although they might still perform adequately in skilled hands.

   Most tools can be examined using the assess command to see what
materials they were designed to be used with or on or in which tasks they
will lend aid.

   > assess chisel
A broad stone chisel looks useful for chiseling stone.

>es chisel
You to take hold of your broad stone chisel.

>ep hammer
You brandish your stone-headed hammer.

> craft spindle mount into a ball of cotton yarn
You begin working the cloth.

>use axe
You move aside as the tree topples.

Quote from: hyzhenhok on May 26, 2013, 05:14:51 AM
From the tools helpfile:

Quote from: help tools
Tools                                                              (Gameplay)

   A tool is an item which facilitates or aides in one's trade, be it
manual labor, the gathering of raw materials, or the manufacture of
finished goods. While some tools simply aide in a craft or help with more
difficult projects taken on by less experienced craftsmen
; others, such as
a spindle, loom, spice sifter, lock pick, or lumber axe are absolutely
crucial to a task. Some tools are better than others at performing the
same job, although they might still perform adequately in skilled hands.

   Most tools can be examined using the assess command to see what
materials they were designed to be used with or on or in which tasks they
will lend aid.

   > assess chisel
A broad stone chisel looks useful for chiseling stone.

>es chisel
You to take hold of your broad stone chisel.

>ep hammer
You brandish your stone-headed hammer.

> craft spindle mount into a ball of cotton yarn
You begin working the cloth.

>use axe
You move aside as the tree topples.

Ah okay thanks. I checked my scissors and it says they are good for fabricworking. Does this affect bandagemaking as well? And all I have to do it is hold it and emote using it or is there a code to use it.

May 26, 2013, 05:34:55 AM #3 Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 05:36:41 AM by Bushranger
Maybe, maybe not. Honestly I haven't really checked that but ask yourself if you were making bandages would you use scissors?

As for use there is no special code syntax. Just hold them to get any bonus they may or may not apply and emote using them. (unless using them would require something other than holding them i.e. you would hold a screw-driver to help screw in a mother board but you would wear an antistatic wrist strap on your wrist. One or the other, or both, may or may not provide a bonus to the PC crafting skill)
Quote from: MorgenesYa..what Bushranger said...that's the ticket.

I have found yes they do, from what I can tell. Also they make crafting items make more sense, which is important to me, but at least emote carving your stick into an arrow using your knife etc if you have no tools, seems weird shaping shiz with your hands.

I lol'd when a friend brought it to my attention that people cooking with their bare hands, without emotes or any signs of an actual cooking place, is similar to magically cooking the food with sheer will power.
Quote from: LauraMars
Quote from: brytta.leofaLaura, did weird tribal men follow you around at age 15?
If by weird tribal men you mean Christians then yes.

Quote from: Malifaxis
She was teabagging me.

My own mother.

May 26, 2013, 01:19:51 PM #6 Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 01:26:03 PM by Harmless
Indeed, sometimes you have to enforce reality on yourself when crafting; "could I really craft this steak in the middle of a desert without any fire or tools?" Well, code-wise, you can sometimes, but code-wise, your success rates are also going to be much reduced.

Basically, if it makes sense, it'll likely have some kind of coded advantage -- there isn't anything written out and this definitely fits into the "find out in-game" category of things. But this game world has kitchens and hearths and cooking pans and rolling pins and ovens and you name it, there's all kinds of crap out there for you crafty types to tinker with. ;)
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Quote from: Gunnerblaster on May 26, 2013, 06:29:23 AM
I lol'd when a friend brought it to my attention that people cooking with their bare hands, without emotes or any signs of an actual cooking place, is similar to magically cooking the food with sheer will power.

I've rped lighting shit on fire in the stables and cooking on it before. The reactions I got were funny :)
I remember recruiting this Half elf girl. And IMMEDIATELY taking her out on a contract. Right as we go into this gith hole I tell her "Remember your training, and you'll be fine." and she goes "I have no training." Then she died

May 27, 2013, 03:55:43 PM #8 Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 03:57:28 PM by greasygemo
I tend to emote about the "hidden" tools and objects in the room. Like, that "waste bin" where I'm junking that broken kindling, or that "little bag filled with small leather ties" for attaching to the thingys I'm making, that only require a piece of normal bone codedly, even though the mdesc is like, This is a bone thingy, it's all trussed up with leather ties and beads and feathers and such..

Same with cooking, Okay, I'm making a stew. Do I have a coded ladle, stew pot, kitchen knife, cutting board, etc etc? Or bread, do I have prepared yeast, a rolling pin, a mixing bowl, sifters, etc etc? If not, then they -can- be there virtually, I just need to let everyone watching know about it by emoting it.

And tanning, wow, tanning is a bad one. Where is the brine soak barrel for processing, the stretching rack, the salt bin for curing, etc etc? There is none, or if there is ICly, then not many people would have access to it and have no business tanning.. BUT WAIT! FORTUNATELY, even though the process of tanning is long and complex with many steps and tools that you don't have... that's okay! I just emote taking the hide out off of the stretching rack, brushing off the remaining salts from curing and now I am shaving it down so it's even or something.

Just because someone isn't holding a tool, so long as they throw out an emote to say, I am using virtual tools and techniques, then it's not a big deal, IMHO.

Again, so long as it makes sense. I doubt you have a handy-dandy stretching rack out in the grasslands, but in your apartment where all your tools and stuff are? Sure, why not.
I have learned that one can, in fact, typo to death.

Quote from: KismeticTuluk is not Inception, the text experience.

Running with scissors should hurt, a lot.
Quote from: Nyr
Dead elves can ride wheeled ladders just fine.
Quote from: bcw81
"You can never have your mountainhome because you can't grow a beard."
~Tektolnes to Thrain Ironsword

I can see making travel cakes on a flat rock out in the wastes.  Same with cooking up strips of meat. Don't need much for that.

the whole world is a damn oven, and you can cook eggs (slowly) on a good dark-colored rock in death valley, so I bet you could at least dry food to the point that it's edible. Cutting it into strip to enhance surface area and drying.. and there are multiple fruits and such that "cook" by simple drying, so I'd like to pretend I was tying those kalans (or whatever) onto the side of the mount for a long time and just decide at some point they're "done" and do the craft.

Really, as long as you throw some kind of emote, it's all good. But I'm not making meat pies in the wastes (unless I want to make tongue-in-cheek jokes with friends or if I think an imm is watching and I'm feeling trollish) ;)
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