Allanak wants a slave

Started by Welda, May 10, 2013, 04:22:17 AM

Yes. That's right:

We are opening a single slot for a mul slave owned by Allanaki templarate.

If you are interested, submit a Role Application with your character's background, reasons why you want to play this role and why we should pick you. Please, include your account name and your GDB name.

Warning: This isn't an easy role. Keep in mind this is going to be a slave. We aren't looking for another runaway or for Allanaki Spartacus. We are looking for someone who will be able to play a slave "properly". If you need constant action and if you hate occasional slow times and solo-RP, this probably isn't a good role for you.

We are looking for players who have enough karma to play this race or are able to spec-app for one.

Deadline is 17th May.
If you have questions, feel free to submit a request.

We've had some interest in this role, but there isn't nearly a big enough pool to choose from. If you've hesitated for whatever reason in applying for this once-in-a-lifetime role, I would sincerely urge you to do so, before the deadline, and this role is snatched up.

May 15, 2013, 11:59:21 AM #2 Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 12:29:06 PM by Welda
After reading all the posts and requests about this, we decided to make a small change:

If you want this role and you don't have karma for a mul or you simply don't want to play a mul for whatever reason, we are accepting humans as well.

Please, keep in mind this isn't a gladiator role.