Amber Shades of Borsail

Started by Natious, March 02, 2013, 03:33:59 PM

March 02, 2013, 03:33:59 PM Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 04:07:54 PM by Natious
Man, am I proud of myself on this one!

You may be looking across the wild-life and thinking to yourself, "Wouldn't it be awesome to have an elite group of gritty soldiers tasked to capturing exotic creatures, bringing them to the Arena, and fighting them for the amusement of the masses?"





That's right, ladies and gentlemen, we are opening up the Amber Division of House Borsail. These aren't your aides or servants, nor are they those shiny ol' wyverns. These are AMBER WYVERNS, whose main objective is the capture of exotic wild-life offered to them by Zalanthas to put on display within the Allanaki Arena. They are also charged with the task of capturing escaped slaves, and generally being the baddest bad-asses this side of the Known.

We will be taking up applications for Crew-Master, who will be responsible for leading this unit into the field, and braving a brand-spanking new opportunity!

-Grittier than grit. (Knights in shining armor need not apply)
- Experienced fighters, this is a new position in a newly formed PC clan, proven leadership and experience is a must.
-Weekly reports are a MUST
-Ability to adapt quickly to the role and keep things interesting and moving with the PCs beneath your care.
- A good working knowledge of Allanak and southern culture is absolutely essential.
- A commitment to sponsored roles

What we need from you:
- Your character's name, and description.
- An outline of your character's personality
- A brief description of what you hope to accomplish with this character, and what you anticipate from the role.

Applicants should send their role requests to House Borsail for consideration. In my immense generosity to you, I shall give you until Saturday, March 9th at Midnight to apply.

Mid-week reminder, people! Get those apps in!

Reminder: This closes tonight at midnight!

This is now closed. Thanks to all those who applied, you should be receiving an e-mail within the next few days.