First Aid Suggestion Box

Started by redkank, August 10, 2012, 10:53:27 PM

I was bored and skimmed through bandage in the forums search engine briefly without finding any suggestion like this:

1.  Health at low percentages no longer regenerates by natural means but requires medical assistance.
2.  Bandages are now sources of very minor heal over times affect that breaks on damage taken.
3.  The amount of the heal over time would scale with the victim's current HP type of bandage and the skill level.
4.  A bandage attempt will create debuff on the victim and a lockout timer to be rebandaged, which will be removed on taking damage.

These have been suggested before, however, it is good that you've put them into their own thread. :)

I think that bandage could be made into a status effect instead of an instant-heal, that promoted rapid health regeneration.

yeah ... the way it's setup now.. I never get to practice bandage on anyone.. everyone is all, no no, its a scratch, im gonna sleep it off.. meanwhile the rooms view says so and so is in terrible condition and they are bleeding everywhere after taking several very hard bites to the head and neck...

... and it's rare to see someone RP the aftermath.. it's like, oh I napped, the deep, ragged, bleeding holes in my body don't even sting now...

... and if you try to RP it, it's like, pfft, what a baby...

.. Seems a bit strange

.... also, I feel like training weapons need to be more nerf-bat like, sparring with a blunt wooden stick should probably not cause you to gush blood all that frequently...
I have learned that one can, in fact, typo to death.

Quote from: KismeticTuluk is not Inception, the text experience.

Sparring should not cause more than stun and stamina damage.

*grievously wounds RogueGunslinger with a wooden training sword*

More people should play sguild:physician.

August 12, 2012, 02:39:53 AM #5 Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 02:46:08 AM by Jingo
Status type: Injury

Reduces all stats, maximum health and stamina. Reduces skill chance success. Might not affect flee.

Reduces unaided movement speed. Can be aided by mounts or other players to move faster. Crutches anyone?

Health -only- regenerates while sleeping.

Activated when falling between 40-20% health based on endurance.

It either requires a physician to heal or several hours of playtime to heal. (Like wanted timer length.)
Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.

Quote from: RogueGunslinger on August 11, 2012, 03:14:14 AM
Sparring should not cause more than stun and stamina damage.
Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.

There should be an adrenaline rush buff that preludes that injury status effect. Idk what it would do but it may just lead into injury when it wears off.

The current way it all currently is is all fine and good, really. If you go under half health, you stop regenerating like you normally would.
What I think should be implemented is limb damage instead. If you take lots of head damage, you get a concussion, which lowers your max stun by a lot, and makes it impossible to look in more then one room direction.

Broken arms and legs would be simple- You break an arm, you can't 'hold' an object in it unless it's something mundane or -meant- for use when your arm is broken- Shields are mostly designed to be able to be used even if an arm is broken, but it'll certainly hurt like hell when you keep blocking with it. Possibly do stun damage on a successful block with a broken arm instead of health, due to the pain.

Leg injuries can be translated in an inability to flee, or a delay. Walk far, far slower, make it take more stamina, do stun damage when you try to hobble on it, because of the pain. This would also be useful player-wise when they're sick of those fucking gith popping up and attacking a crowd. Aim for the legs. Break both legs, and they can't stand and have to crawl. Fun times.

Body injuries are fairly simple-  If you hit someone in the chest, you're likely to probably break a rib. If not properly treated by a doctor and with continued rigorous activity (running, fighting) the rib could pierce a lung or your heart and cause massive internal bleeding (constant health drain) and death. Fun!

Onto more specific injury zones- Like the neck, waist, wrist and hands, it's a bit more complex.

If you hit someone's throat, it can cause either you to crush their windpipe, which would probably lead to much, much harder breathing, resulting in a much slower stamina regen. It's not immediately fatal, but if you try to fall asleep when your throat is crushed, chances are, you're probably going to die. Also, they would have a -much- harder time talking and eating and drinking, making this one of the most deadliest afflictions.

If you hit someone's waist, which is a tricky place to hit considering it's where belts are usually, you could probably have a chance to injure someone's hip. This could prevent them from riding any kind of beast, or allow them to but with a drain on stun as they do so, considering the bucking motions would fucking -hurt-.

Wrist injuries of the serious sort should make parrying harder, and if it's an especially hard hit, disarm your foe immediately without using the 'disarm' command. It's a bit less of a worse break then the arm, but I always notice a lot more wrist hits then arm hits, because people don't have as good wrist armor most of the time.

Hand injuries can be the most crippling out of any injuries.  If your hand is injured, you can probably work through the pain. Say goodbye to doing any kind of crafting 'til you get that looked at, though. And don't even think of trying to do any unarmed fighting!

Now, some players are probably thinking, "Hey, why do we wanna change the code? I like it how it is, this just means that everyone else will have an advantage waaaaaaaaaaah"


It means that if you have higher endurance, then you're less likely to break something, and if you have higher strength, you're more likely to break someone else.
Everyone has a chance to hurt someone else, just like the worst warrior can somehow pull a horrifying out of his ass if he's lucky enough and stupidly strong enough.
And it also means you'll probably be able to fucking -destroy- annoying types of NPCS. You know those annoying Gith that attack your group and walk away? Smash their fucking kneecaps, piss on their face, then crush their windpipe and leave them to die in the desert. Like a true Zalanthian.

P.S The percentages for these should be minor, starting at the "Very Hard" catagory and moving up in percentage with how hard you're hitting someone, with a boost from strength.
Who is more likely to break your ribcage? The halfling with poor strength, or the half-giant with Godly strength?

August 12, 2012, 12:28:50 PM #9 Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 12:31:54 PM by greasygemo
Oh I like that idea. Body part specific damage with related coded effects would be wicked.

What about adding a chance with edged weapons to slowly bleed out a character? Bleeding heavily from the wrist or neck is, well, pretty much a fatal wound unless you tie that shit off IRL

Different body parts affected would influence the speed of the bleeding... like, neck, head and wrist = fast, Torso, legs and feet = slow

..Suddenly that white cloth bandage you only used as a wearable object to RP a cut once a few months back becomes VERY important...

Bandaging it successfully once stops the bleeding, so it's not like, crazy hard, just more panic inducing.
I have learned that one can, in fact, typo to death.

Quote from: KismeticTuluk is not Inception, the text experience.

Give everyone 10-15% bandage skill.
Anyone can wrap a wound up in a piece of cloth.
Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PMGreb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.

I don't like the... 'you do not have enough skill to bandage these wounds' thing...makes it super difficult to figure out where the line is. You should always have enough skill to try. Even if you fail miserably. Like even people without the skill should be able to try...they would just...never succeed.
Quoteemote pees into your eyes deeply

Quote from: Delirium on November 28, 2012, 02:26:33 AM
I don't always act superior... but when I do it's on the forums of a text-based game

Most of the time I have ever been bandaged before I ended up with worse wounds.  It is almost like you don't want someone to bandage you.  Oh, you're wrapping a bandage around my head?  Great.... oh I'm bleeding MORE now... ahhh!  I realize that people new to being a physician would not be able to possibly set a bone properly, but wrapping a wound in cloth shouldn't make you get hurt more.

I have roleplayed out many injuries in my time as my characters seem prone to being bashed up in any type of training scenario with incredibly hard hits to <insert body part here>.  I have played out severe head trauma, arm, legs, hands, feet.  You name it.  I find this type of roleplay incredibly enjoyable and I think this is one of those situations where the code doesn't need to exist for people to play their injuries properly.  I do think we have all been too quick to heal our characters and move forward.  If you take ten lashes to your back you shouldn't be in the tavern the next day with a wrapped back in bandages tdesc and be all fine with it.  It should take you out of commission for a long time.  The same with grievous wounds to the head, neck, legs, arms, ect.  I am only using this as examples and not commenting on anyone's specific play, so don't think that.

I remember back to Action Quake 2.  I don't know if anyone played that game but it was a MOD for Quake 2 that allowed for more realistic play.  They enabled hit-boxes for headshots, legs, chest ect.  If you shot someone in the leg they would have to hobble around and they would bleed until they "bandaged" themselves.  This allowed for some pretty interesting gameplay as it was the first time I remember this sort of thing happening in an FPS.

The same could be said with Armageddon.  You would walk with a limp perhaps, or not be able to use your arm functionally.  This would force people to roleplay accordingly to their injuries but it would also cause problems with 'playability' because some people have very limited time to play this game and any time that they are functionally unable to do things due to code it can be frustrating.

Overall I would not be opposed to changes to allow for injury flags to be placed on characters but I also don't think its needed.  It just has to be encouraged to actually play out your injuries more often!  If Amos takes a headshot from a giant and gets knocked out in one hit he shouldn't just shake his head in a bit, look at his "broken" helmet and skull and go, "Sawbones will fix me up nice and new by tomorrow's sparring session!"  He should forget his name.  Forget how to pee straight.  Not know up from down.  Perhaps even suffer permanent brain damage.

This all adds flavor and possibility for CHANGE of your character's daily routine.  I think these are all good things!  Change is always the element that keeps a character on Armageddon developing properly, without change you become stagnant.

I am going to start giving Kudos for well-played injuries.  You heard it here first!

This kind of stuff requires a fine balance between realism and playability. I'm all for roleplaying injuries, but in a game where your character is getting badly injured pretty much every day, and being 'out of commission' for too long can have you tearing your hair out.

So, I choose...Sometimes I play stuff off as surface wounds, bruises or a light concussion. And then every so often I'll throw in a serious injury, because it can be really interesting. However, if I played every grievous wound as a serious, debilitating injury my characters would never do anything...ever...and that would be incredibly boring.
Quoteemote pees into your eyes deeply

Quote from: Delirium on November 28, 2012, 02:26:33 AM
I don't always act superior... but when I do it's on the forums of a text-based game

Maybe we can balance this out.
If you take a hard hit, unless you see a good doctor, you're gonna have a big nasty scar.

Everyone should have scars. If you're a crafter, your hands should be proper fucked up. If you're a ranger, you're gonna be worn out from all the travelling and the sun. Even if you are a pampered noble who doesn't ever leave the house and just gets fat and happy, -YOU WILL HAVE STRETCH MARKS AROUND YOUR FAT TUMMY-.  Warriors? Don't even get me started. Cooks would burn themselves occasionally. Slaves- Don't even get me started. Thieves, even the most careful, will have fucked up at one point. They can range from nicked fingers from sharp goods, to a missing finger from an angry victim.

You get a 'vicious slash wound across the chest' and you don't got a good doctor to wrap that shit up? Then guess what? 'A vicious slash scar' is now on your body, congrats.

This would also sort out the hardasses from the softies- Real men wear scars as badges of honor- Although they're hideous and look painful and you -don't want a scar-, like a normal person, get a doctor. Damn.

Quote from: Maso on August 13, 2012, 09:14:59 AM
This kind of stuff requires a fine balance between realism and playability. I'm all for roleplaying injuries, but in a game where your character is getting badly injured pretty much every day, and being 'out of commission' for too long can have you tearing your hair out.

So, I choose...Sometimes I play stuff off as surface wounds, bruises or a light concussion. And then every so often I'll throw in a serious injury, because it can be really interesting. However, if I played every grievous wound as a serious, debilitating injury my characters would never do anything...ever...and that would be incredibly boring.

This. Once upon a time I used to roleplay every potentially serious wound as a serious one. After a while, my character constantly being unable to perform their duties and me logging in to roleplay out them being injured and unable to do much of anything became boring. Then it turned into: my character gets seriously injured and I stop logging in to them until they're good and healed up again. Now, I pick and choose how serious they are depending on if I feel like having to spend my time roleplaying serious injuries or not. Because the alternative is, if I don't feel like it and it was forced on me, I just wouldn't log in until it was over with.
"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon."
~ Doug Larson

"I tried regular hot sauce, but it just wasn't doing the trick, so I started blasting my huevos with BEAR MACE."

Pretty much nobody wants to roleplay being a cripple unless they write up being a cripple in their character's background.  Currently, if you -do- want to roleplay being a cripple when such was not in your character's background, you are free to do so.  If you don't want to, you don't have to.  It's simply a realism vs. playability thing.

That being said, I wouldn't necessarily be averse to -temporary- crippling effects, but Armageddon's combat code is, generally speaking, too retarded to handle that sort of thing in a reasonable manner.  For example, it's already fairly annoying that a knee-high creature can leap up to brutally strike at your head while you're mounted on a giant beetle...but add to that nuisance a concussion or a permanent scar, and you start to toe the line of rage-inducing frustration.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Quote from: Synthesis on August 17, 2012, 06:35:57 PM
Pretty much nobody wants to roleplay being a cripple unless they write up being a cripple in their character's background.  Currently, if you -do- want to roleplay being a cripple when such was not in your character's background, you are free to do so.  If you don't want to, you don't have to.  It's simply a realism vs. playability thing.

That being said, I wouldn't necessarily be averse to -temporary- crippling effects, but Armageddon's combat code is, generally speaking, too retarded to handle that sort of thing in a reasonable manner.  For example, it's already fairly annoying that a knee-high creature can leap up to brutally strike at your head while you're mounted on a giant beetle...but add to that nuisance a concussion or a permanent scar, and you start to toe the line of rage-inducing frustration.

Yeah, I usually ignore ridiculous injuries like a tiny rat gnawing a hole in my characters head (whilst they were stood up on the back of their tame Mek). If I am going to role-play it as a serious injury then I will pick out one that made sense to me. Otherwise, if my character was completely brutalized, and I don't fancy roleplaying being crippled, I will just play it like a shitload of surface wounds. I'm happy to role-play my character as in pain and covered in scabby, surface wounds and have them still be mostly functional.

I do really find it the hardest part of Arm to RP convincingly. Especially when you hobble back into X-town at 4hp...and someone is like, "Woah there buddy, where's the 'Met?" and you're all like, "Nah, I just bumped into a tregil....."
Quoteemote pees into your eyes deeply

Quote from: Delirium on November 28, 2012, 02:26:33 AM
I don't always act superior... but when I do it's on the forums of a text-based game

That being said, I could probably submit a system of realistic injuries and healing, because it would be really easy: you'd all just die of tetanus, or hemorrhagic or septic shock.

Although...I suppose it would be amusing to have everyone wandering around with colostomies.  Sounds like a job for Olgaris.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Finally have a use for them raptor bladders and organ sacs?
Like a lithium flower, about to bloom.

Quote from: Riya OniSenshi on August 17, 2012, 07:42:40 PM
Finally have a use for them raptor bladders and organ sacs?

Those are water skins for the poor...
Quoteemote pees into your eyes deeply

Quote from: Delirium on November 28, 2012, 02:26:33 AM
I don't always act superior... but when I do it's on the forums of a text-based game

Quote from: Maso on August 17, 2012, 07:50:49 PM
Quote from: Riya OniSenshi on August 17, 2012, 07:42:40 PM
Finally have a use for them raptor bladders and organ sacs?

Those are water skins for the poor...

The poor yet heavily armed.
Quote from: Wug on August 28, 2013, 05:59:06 AM
Vennant doesn't appear to age because he serves drinks at the speed of light. Now you know why there's no delay on the buy code in the Gaj.

Only time I've ever played out a serious injury was when "mortally wounded" ..Which I mean, yeah, can't really pretend its a flesh wound when I'm prone on the ground, bleeding and unable to speak anymore...

That was a nail bitingly good time though! Stitches and everything! :)
I have learned that one can, in fact, typo to death.

Quote from: KismeticTuluk is not Inception, the text experience.

Quote from: BleakOne on August 17, 2012, 08:02:57 PM
Quote from: Maso on August 17, 2012, 07:50:49 PM
Quote from: Riya OniSenshi on August 17, 2012, 07:42:40 PM
Finally have a use for them raptor bladders and organ sacs?

Those are water skins for the poor...

The poor yet heavily armed.

The poor who follow the heavily armed around.
Quoteemote pees into your eyes deeply

Quote from: Delirium on November 28, 2012, 02:26:33 AM
I don't always act superior... but when I do it's on the forums of a text-based game