
Started by Recharge, August 09, 2011, 06:29:52 PM

How does the average zalanthan figure out directions? We use stars but Zalanthas' sky be lackin' in 'em pretty dots.  Say if a hunter is in the Grey, does moss only grow on the north side of those trees?
Though there be no squids to slay,
My spear will taste blood today!

I like to think it's all those and more. The cool wind from behind means you're heading south. Things like familiar landmarks would orient you too. I've got a headache so I can't really think of much.
Rickey's Law: People don't want "A story". They want their story.

Position of the sun?
All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

August 09, 2011, 09:59:28 PM #3 Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 01:39:31 AM by Talia
Quote from MeTekillot
Samos the salter never goes to jail! Hahaha!

Hey now, leave IC sekrits outta this.
QuoteSunshine all the time makes a desert.
Vote at TMS
Vote at TMC

Yeah I would edit that out.
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.

Oh, well, I guess someone edited it.  I didn't think it was a secret honestly. ???
Quote from MeTekillot
Samos the salter never goes to jail! Hahaha!

Thing is, some people have never played certain guilds or what not before, and so letting on as to what abilities they may or may not have which are not also clearly stated in the help files for all to see, is a bit of a no no.
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.

Quote from: chrisdcoulombe on August 10, 2011, 02:45:20 AM
Oh, well, I guess someone edited it.  I didn't think it was a secret honestly. ???

It's better to take the stance that everything is a secret, unless you can specifically find it somewhere in the public website documentation or help files. Everything. And even then, there are things in the documentation that maybe your particular character shouldn't know.

So ask yourself before posting: Is this in the public docs? If it's not, don't post. Easy.
Quote from: Decameron on September 16, 2010, 04:47:50 PM
Character: "I've been working on building a new barracks for some tim-"
NPC: "Yeah, that fell through, sucks but YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIREEE!! FIRE-KANKS!!"

Quote from: Recharge on August 09, 2011, 06:29:52 PM
How does the average zalanthan figure out directions? We use stars but Zalanthas' sky be lackin' in 'em pretty dots.  Say if a hunter is in the Grey, does moss only grow on the north side of those trees?

South.  Krath's in the north.  But yes, I wonder this all the time when it's storming and must be hard to even feel where it is.  In the sands, the shape and alignment of the dunes.  In the scrub, I don't know. Keep the wind on your face/right shoulder and know when and where it changes to. I don't know that the southerlies off the sands are always the hottest either.

Stick an elf in the sand and measure his shadow.
All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

I tried but the damn thing kept no-emote hiding.  >:(
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.

I would say some characters have the knowledge of positions of the moon, weather trends, and measuring the shadows cast by Suk-Krath.

Quote from: Talia on August 10, 2011, 11:10:35 AM
Quote from: chrisdcoulombe on August 10, 2011, 02:45:20 AM
Oh, well, I guess someone edited it.  I didn't think it was a secret honestly. ???

It's better to take the stance that everything is a secret, unless you can specifically find it somewhere in the public website documentation or help files. Everything. And even then, there are things in the documentation that maybe your particular character shouldn't know.

So ask yourself before posting: Is this in the public docs? If it's not, don't post. Easy.
Won't happen again ;)
Quote from MeTekillot
Samos the salter never goes to jail! Hahaha!

Quote from: solera on August 10, 2011, 02:38:37 PM
Quote from: Recharge on August 09, 2011, 06:29:52 PM
How does the average zalanthan figure out directions? We use stars but Zalanthas' sky be lackin' in 'em pretty dots.  Say if a hunter is in the Grey, does moss only grow on the north side of those trees?

South.  Krath's in the north.  But yes, I wonder this all the time when it's storming and must be hard to even feel where it is.  In the sands, the shape and alignment of the dunes.  In the scrub, I don't know. Keep the wind on your face/right shoulder and know when and where it changes to. I don't know that the southerlies off the sands are always the hottest either.

The sun rises in the north? Is that the case? Some of the dawn echoes give the implication that it rises in the east, especially because it refers to rising over north-south landmarks when you're west of them.

The game clearly states in many locations that the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west.

Passes in the north, casting shadows to the south, when there are shadows. So it seems from the echos from Tuluk.

Seen echos stating the sun rises in the north + the east so..guess Im gonna be bugging a few things if I ever see those echos again.
Unless Im not paying attention...
Though there be no squids to slay,
My spear will taste blood today!

Not serious:

In the case of rangers, certain Zalanthans are actually born with an innate magnetic sense that allows them to sense position with regard to Zalanthas' magnetic currents, much like how sea turtles navigate.

Coincidentally, this also explains why many long-time rangers became suddenly very confused for a while when the Black Moon first rose in the sky, as it's a very electromagnetically active protostar that just happens to be radiating primarily in the ultraviolet and so appears black.

(And you thought the code change to make desert navigation into a skill had no IC justification - hah!)

Other folks just get lost.

Quote from: Recharge on August 13, 2011, 09:03:45 PM
Seen echos stating the sun rises in the north + the east so..guess Im gonna be bugging a few things if I ever see those echos again.
Unless Im not paying attention... sun does  rise north eastish.  :/