Want To Get Punched In The Face By The Kuraci Fist?

Started by Nechomacus, July 31, 2011, 12:11:33 AM

Oh werd? (Yep, I spelled that right.) House Kuraci Military Operations has a slot to fill for Sergeant.  Yup, someone to sit in a hazed cloud of spiced smoke and give orders and live between the city states.   

--Be a leader.  Take Charge.  Work with Management.  Creativity.  Be full of the Awesome.   Crafty.  Shifty.  Tactician. 
--Race:  Human, dwarf, elf or half-elf.

Playtimes:  This role needs someone that will be able to play during peak playtimes (At least some of the time). If you can touch other playtimes that would be full of more awesome.

Personality and traits of your character:  Who are you?  Why do you do what you do?  What happens when you smoke spice? Get drunk?   Hate that templar?  Love that cheese?  Fart so much?  Scratch your ass on Barani, but only after drinking Firebreather? 

-You must send in regular reports via the request tool.
-You must realize you are a military leader,can keep others busy, make up drills and get involved.
- It isn't all business.  When you aren't on duty, relax, smoke spice, drink and role play that concept that you sent in.
-Stay true to being that leader and your concept
-If you need help.  ASK.  We're happy to help you and always will.

So, you're interested.  We like that.  What now?

Get all the above information together and send it into us via the request tool because:    THE KURACI FIST JUST PUNCHED YOU IN THE FACE!

Make sure to include your description and background.

Applications for this has now been closed.  The Kuraci Fist will be punching someone back in the face very soon!  Stay tuned.