The Oash, They are Hiring

Started by Maeve, May 02, 2011, 02:23:15 AM

May 02, 2011, 02:23:15 AM Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 02:33:38 AM by Maeve
When the Oash they are hiring, they look for a certain kind,
A tricksome clever type, with a peculiar twist of mind.

For when the Oash are hiring, they'll put you to the test,
For they are pridesome stiffnecked folk, and only want the best.

Looking for one or two Oash nobles to do the hiring.  They'll be hiring a small complement of gemmed 'gickers to do their bidding in magickal research and one or two mundane minions to carry out their schemes -- some nefarious, some prosaic.  

Have a taste for scheming?  For an unlimited supply of wine?  For silk and jewels and politics?  Have an insatiable desire for power?  Yearn to know everything that's going on in Allanak?  If you said yes at least three times, you need to be an Oash and Oash needs you.

Use the request tool to put in a role application request.  Please give us a good, solid picture of the character you envision including a full background and details like: personality quirks, ambitions, likes & dislikes, strengths & weaknesses.  We also need to know your anticipated playtimes.  Playing in peak time is not a necessity as more weight is given to consistent and substantial playtimes.  Good knowledge of the socio-political scene in Allanak is a must.

Applications will close at 23:59 Eastern time, Sunday May 8th.

This goes down today. If you are even slightly interested in trying out
a noble, now would be the time to get your app in.

This is now closed. I will be getting in touch with all the applicants
sometime within the next day or two whether or not you
were picked.

Thanks for all of you who applied.

We were pleased with the amount of apps we got it, though
it made it hard to pick. You should have gotten a response
to whether or not you picked. If not, do let us know.

Thanks again!

We are looking to take on one or two Oashi nobles. Please put in a ROLE APPLICATION to House Oash with the same requirements stated above. Deadline for this call is 11:59pm CST on July 20th.

We've filled one spot in the finest House in all of Allanak. We are still entertaining the option
of a second noble for anyone who might be interested. I'll leave this open for a few more days,
and close it down for good this coming friday.

Closed! Thanks to all who applied.