Opening for a Borsail Noble

Started by Maeve, February 08, 2011, 05:54:31 PM

Though your family fell somewhat from grace a generation ago when the estate you'd held for many a King's Age was destroyed,  the Noble House has never ceased to be the Premier house of Allanak.  This is a fact you never stop holding in your mind nor ever let others forget.  You've had the very best schooling, you wear the richest clothing, you drink the finest wine.  You deserve no less for you are a Borsail.

Your expectations of what you deserve, both personally and for your House, rise ever higher and higher.  You will not rest until your goals are met and you will do anything which befits your station to obtain them.

Calling all players who are interested in playing a conniving, politicking, backstabbing aristocrat and who meet the following requirements:

- good knowledge of the Allanaki socio-political scene
- demonstrated ability to play out roles without a history of quick storage or death
- history of good communication with staff including providing weekly reports
- consistent play times (preferably in prime time though that is not a hard and fast requirement)

Please include in your application the background for the role you intend to play, short term and long term goals, character traits as well as your expectations for the role.  Also touch on the requirements stated above and, in particular, provide your play times.

Send your applications in via the request tool under Clan Related ---> Role Application ---> House Borsail.  Applications will close on Tuesday, February 15th, 2011 at 23:59 EST.

Just a reminder that applications close tonight and the server migration is slated for tonight as well.  So you have from now until the server goes down.


The role has been filled.  Thanks to everyone who applied.