Seeking Two Allanaki Commoner Sisters

Started by sleepyhead, December 14, 2010, 12:33:24 PM

Looking for two older siblings for my PC. Race must be human, gender must be female, and the starting location must be Allanak. The background is mapped out in a very general sense, but guild/subguild and personality are pretty much entirely up to you. Spirit and spunk are always appreciated. PM me for details, etc.

You will like playing with me. Free pizza every Dzeda.

This would fit perfectly if I wasn't already IG.
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

One of these roles has been filled. The other is still open if anyone is interested.

I hope you get the other role filled soon!

Everyone: Don't let the mask deceive you, sleepyhead is not a new player and will rock your socks off with awesomeness. Besides, who wouldn't want free pizza?

Just confirmed today that they are both filled! Thanks to both of you, and Seraphim!