
Started by Sandor, July 02, 2003, 08:38:54 PM

Sandor, I don't think people mean to gang up on you. I think what they want to get across to you is that gortoks are not sissy dogs. Perhaps the description of them in the help files gives the impression that they are. Perhaps only you got that impression. Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that they most certainly are mean, vicious things that will tear you (well they will my character anyway) to bits in a few seconds. Especially when there is more than one of them.

Quote from: "Hade"Hate to say it, Sandor, but welcome back to High Scool.

I'm really starting to like this guy.  

quote="Teleri"]I would highly reccomend some Russian mail-order bride thing.  I've looked it over, and it seems good.[/quote]

I've fought them off before with some characters. The problem is that even if you're good enough to take one down by yourself... Chances are you can't take ten.  8)

Gortoks are not.. well.. sissy. By themselves, they might not be the most vicious creatures.. but they're -pack- animals. And they do tend to travel in packs.

I have had qute a few characters injured by toks. It takes a HELL of a character to shake off a tok pack and I've seen battle-hardened warriors thrashed by them. I have only had -one- character ever able to take on more than one of them at a time, and said character had many many many days of playtime under their belt, if you want a more specific example of non-wussiness.

Gortoks are, I repeat, definately not wussy. They are nasty, smelly canines with big pointy teeth and will rend you a new asshole happily.


Hope that helps!
lt;Varak> "If my theory proves correct, weezers and dwarves, due to their similar evolutionary environment, should join in a symbiotic relationship in extended isolation."

Gortoks are described to be vicious predatory animals who are constantly struggling to survive, bonding together in wild packs so that they can overpower or surround their prey while avoiding the dangers of a brutal environment. They have sharp claws, sharp teeth, are generally scarred all over as a result of their violent and harsh lifestyle, and are often far bigger than your average "dog". They snarl, they growl, they have saliva dripping from their maw, what else do you need to make a gortok seem more intimidating than your average dog?

Gortoks could be given wings, or flame-tongues, or glowing eyes that have petrification ability, but then they would probably be classified under something else rather than the traditional "mean dog".

Why is this thread going on? Everyone knows gortoks are tough. Sandor's been deleted. Let it go people.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


Cause it's fun, besides, if your tired of this thread, stop clicking on it then.
(end edit)

Well, Though I consider them mean enough, zalanthas does have a huge number of mutations, somebody could always make packleader gortoks

l s

To the south you see:
near: nothing
far: A huge three headed gortok
A couple spotted mangy gortok's
A couple scarred wild gortok's
very far:nothing

A huge red furred drooling gortok arrives from the east
A mangy gortok arrives from the east
A large mangy gortok arrives from the east
A scarred hairless gortok arrives from the east.

Think Just Gortoks

l red

This huge heavily muscled beast has red and white dirty fur,
loops of stringy saliva drip from his large half open maw.
His eyes have a demonic gleam and look at you with near
A huge red furred drooling gortok is in excellent condition.

think Oh krath.

Ok, somebody else gets to do a fenris desc:)
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job