Who was your favorite ever character, did you play them, and why?

Started by Thunderboots, December 30, 2009, 04:19:03 PM

I'm almost sure this'll already be on the board somewhere, but I'm curious to hear about all the awesomely cool characters I never met in game, and it would be a struggle to find and bump it. If it's already up somewhere can someone send me a link.

These types of threads tend to get locked because it turns into something of a popularity contest. However, I'll respond a little anyway because I love hearing about old characters too.

Actually... now that I think of it, many of the PCs I'd want to mention are either too recent or too alive.  :-\ I can say that I feel my personal best character so far (best meaning most well-rounded, deepest and fully-realized) was a Whiran named Iral I played a while back. He had the deepest back story of any of my characters, and his thought process was so heinous and fucked up sometimes. My most intense solo RP was with him, without a doubt. His relationship with his element was a little, let's say, unconventional at times, too. Aaaaand... that's about all I can say on him for now, although I've been writing a short story about his youth when I need breaks from writing other things, and I'll submit that soon.  :D

Oh, now that I think of it, a character from over a year ago that I liked a lot was a Whiran named Keth. Playing around with him really made magick kind of "click" for me, role-play-wise, and Iral shamelessly ripped him off over the course of his life.

Ooh, and there was Traum the half-giant. One of the best-played giants that I've ever seen. Truly terrifying and I liked his take on the HG mindset. That was an interesting little bit of time in the 'Rinth.

There was Edeli "Fatty" the Byn Trooper, too, two or three years ago or so. That character probably shaped the image of the Byn for me more than any other, and the way his emotes incorporated the game world really got me into it all. He certainly wasn't the only awesome one, though; everyone in the Byn back then was great.

And Louas and Cyli and all the others that did that Hunters Guild thing for a while. It was cool having an independent sort of clan that was really kicking, and I got to see a lot of the game world with them.

Laurentide, for showing me how fucking funny this game can be. I still can't tell if his borderline way-too-subjective emotes traumatized me or inspired me.

Quote from: nessalin on July 11, 2016, 02:48:32 PM
hidden by 'body/torso'
hides nipples

My top faves:

Jochebed, Cammul, Ardan, Elithan, Door, Yellow Belly, etc.–the cast of characters from Golden Age 2006 Tuluk, basically.

Samos Rennik, the Plainsman: my favourite unorthodox super-dudes.

Bryn Deveryn, Zeiri, & Slip Fei: my favourite jstorrie-piloted PCs.

Gage Gritshaw, Bela: putting the 'motherfucker' in 'T'zai Byn'

+ the entirety of the Salarri Expansion Division.

Quote from: Zoltan on December 30, 2009, 05:29:05 PM
Actually... now that I think of it, many of the PCs I'd want to mention are either too recent or too alive. 

This is awwwwwwsome!!! Hurray for our badass playerbase!

These threads I love, because I think back on all those really good characters who stood out for one reason or another. Really good roleplayers. Or real villains who I loved to hate. Or other reasons. Strangely I'm having a problem coming up with names right now. And I don't have all the logs I wish I did.

I'll just name a very few, though there were many. Bushman, Masha, a certain calico mul, Ihsan. And Boots.
Quote from: brytta.leofa on August 17, 2010, 07:55:28 PM
A glossy, black-shelled mantis says, in insectoid-accented sirihish,
  "You haven't picked enough cotton, friend."
Choose thy fate:

In no particular order, the greatest characters I've ever had the pleasure of playing with.

Samos, Khortoc, Mopatis, Midge, Vash, Kon, Flint Sky, Logyn, Anthinius, Horus, Elithan,

I'm sure I've missed plenty, but those are all that come to mind immediately

To those players, cheers. You make Armageddon.
There's a lot of shit you don't know about me, Mom.

A certain pair of ridiculously long-lived gypsy women, Ehrick Lyksae, Zalranris Tenneshi, and Lasher Al'Seik, to mention Zaugg, who's song about having poison ivy on his nuts was brilliant, and Zira, who appeared out of nowhere, with silver hair like the pc I had at the time, Sira, which was then (falsely) claimed as her aunt. And Rache, I used to love the way you animated your bodyguard, krath, truth told, I liked the bodyguard more than Rache, but still. And Rakius, oddly my first introduction to mudsexxoring. Not to mention Chaska and Caprice, or Dream (aka Wet) and Hawk. Seriously, there's been too, too many amazing characters that I haven't seen enough of. Including a very pretty young gemmed that's still around, I hope. Seriously, kudos EVERYONE. You guys kick way too much ass to quantify in a single thread.  OOH, just saw a few more, so I'll add more myself. Midge, the one time I rped with you was awesome. Anthinius and Darkarus.... *shiver* You guys still scare the shit out of me, ooc, in a good way.
Quote from: Wug
No one on staff is just waiting for the opportunity to get revenge on someone who killed one of their characters years ago.

Except me. I remember every death. And I am coming for you bastards.


I would have to say Felysia and Eunoli, in the Templar Realm. Probably the best Lirathans I have seen in my tenure with Armageddon.

Cammul, duh.

I enjoyed playing Jochebed. Somehow people feared that dude but he didn't really do anything. Sure he had people killed, but he didn't do anything himself. More of the weird jester guy with an ear-to-ear joker grin (Before Batman, i'll have you know!). I think I had the record for "most annoying limericks thought up on the spot".

I have to give a shout out to the player of Nubs, a Nilazi playing out of the 'rinth. I had been playing the game for around...Four or so years, and thought I was over my 'newbdom'. He was one of the first PC's I encountered that really -breathed- life into the game. He had small ticks, like coughing into a rag. He had a half-decaying face, due to his 'affliction' as a Nilazi. I was turned on to plots through him that shaped my playing from then on out -- The horror, the frightening underbelly of Armageddon was made clear to me, and it was absolutely terrifying and awesome to play through. Kudos to you, sir.

Oh, and of course, as a member of Team Evil circa 2007 in the 'rinth, I must applaud everyone's efforts involved on either side. There were times where it was high fantasy, there were times where both sides pointed fingers and said "Twink", but overall...It was absolutely frightening fun for everyone involved. Gin, Quick, Spider, Inrof, and all the mundanes inbetween. Boy howdy am I glad it is back to normal for the most part. Geez.
"You will have useful work: the destruction of evil men. What work could be more useful? This is Beyond; you will find that your work is never done -- So therefore you may never know a life of peace."

~Jack Vance~

Characters not played by me, and are dead or stored, from a year ago or more:

Paryl, who kicked ass, and used my nobody character sitting in the Gaj to demonstrate how to arrest people. I decided from then that I would play a PC in AoD one day, and I did, and I liked it.

Laila, the vibrant, jade-adorned brunette. Because she generally kicked ass and was a shining example of a good leader and character. From '07-'08.

Cross, the dirty, scar-tattooed youth. A 'rinthi girl turned Allanaki loyalist, and an overall good character, with lots of stories. She appeared in the log with the Bynner whore guy. From around the summer of '08.

What little I got to see of Gin and other bigshots in the 'rinth impressed me.

Characters that were played by me:

Halus of the Kuraci Fist, forgot his sdesc,
and Corporal Lucien of the Arm of the Dragon, the athletic, dusky man,
and Attur, the lean, grey-skinned half-elf, of the Hunter's Guild,
and Jerak, Rukkian of the Council of Allanaki Mages in its last days,

all for seeing things in the game-world that were just very awesome to see.

Favorite Characters not played by me:

Kon, Axel, The Reborn Lord, Midge, Thanos, Quick, Gin, Brethel-Da, Eunoli, Samos, Sujaal, and The Winrothol Crew that was run by Chosen Lord Mahesh(greatest chosen lord ever)

Favorites Played by me(Oldest to Newest):
Sergeant Sabin Of House Winrothol
Faithful Lord Rykon (And all those involved in the RPT At the place where we all died except Mansa!)
Sergeant Dar of the Byn (and all the other pcs that were around during that time GREAT RP)

Edited to remove a PC That died less than a year ago.
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

Ha, all these that others are listing are bringing back a lot of fond memories.
Quote from: nessalin on July 11, 2016, 02:48:32 PM
hidden by 'body/torso'
hides nipples

Quote from: Zoltan on December 30, 2009, 07:47:18 PM
Ha, all these that others are listing are bringing back a lot of fond memories.
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

A flame-drawn prostitude named Sere who appeared in Allanak over a year ago. She was just awesome. Best whore ever.

And I didn't even mudsex her. I swear.

Probably one of my favourite characters that I wonder about what would have happened if she stuck around.
Modern concepts of fair trials and justice are simply nonexistent in Zalanthas. If you are accused, you are guilty until someone important decides you might be useful. It doesn't really matter if you did it or not.

I think my all time favorite PC had to be Jihae's Shade, a desert elf who was really the first person to pull my PC into a story-line. So much fun RP'ing with that necker out on the sands!
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.

December 30, 2009, 09:39:29 PM #15 Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 05:17:08 AM by Gunnerblaster
I don't remember the characters too well. Just names. None've these characters were played by me.

The Plainsman, Kommandant Murk, Natar, Mopatis, Brethel-Da, Gom Krathhammer, Zil Swiftbow, Nadhir Dune, Flora, Dream, Flint Sky, Jara, Kaevya and many, many more unnamed characters.

These guys rocked my world.

Edited to add:
Character(s) that I've had the most fun with:
My Current,
Mikal, the bronze, crimson-eyed male
Raziel, the braided, onyx-eyed male
Aymil, the sapphire-eyed elf
Quote from: LauraMars
Quote from: brytta.leofaLaura, did weird tribal men follow you around at age 15?
If by weird tribal men you mean Christians then yes.

Quote from: Malifaxis
She was teabagging me.

My own mother.

I challenge you guys to list more mundane commoner PC's, rather than leader types. Because it's hard not to list a leader type. Everybody sees them, everybody likes them.  ;D
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

Let's see...keep in mind, these are just the names I remember.  If you're not on the list, assume I enjoyed playing with you but can't remember your name.

Caladun Kurac - for giving me a second chance I desperately needed back in the day.

Karaluvian Fale and her Whatsit - for shaping my first long-lived pc in game.

The first gang of ATV pcs.  Yes.  All of them.  They were that well-played and will always define desert elves for me.

The Arm of the Dragon infantry unit back when Lomak was around, for giving me a great opportunity to interact with the gameworld at large for a change.

A certain group of mages back when Xirilos was around.  You know who you are, and we changed the face of the gameworld.

The Terror Twin Templars of Allanak and Boopsiefiel Borsail of the Red, for revitalizing my interest in Arm at just the right time.

And now, for my own pcs:

Sphomme the "Sane"- She flew to new heights and had that much farther to crash and burn when it was time.

Xeth of Kurac - Probably the most extreme character development and change I've ever had with an Arm pc.

Xirilos the Arabet - For being the scariest, most powerful pc I ever played.

Corporal Lomak of the Arm - Without a doubt, my successful attempt at a humorous, fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants pc.  He wasn't the perfect depiction of a half-giant, but I tried my best and had a blast playing with everyone I did.

Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

Warlord Kharad Paravin Tor.
Lady Senator Ceylara Ellandris Borsail.
Veddi (Tan Muark) and his wife.
Zarri and the Kuraci crew.
Sharlo Kadius.

All pretty cool introductions to Armageddon and/or constant sources of Cool Plotz(tm).

I'd say Arm can always do with more leader types like these, but they probably already exist and I haven't met them yet.

So, I'll say good job, instead.  ;D

Quote from: musashi on December 30, 2009, 08:36:25 PM
I think my all time favorite PC had to be Jihae's Shade, a desert elf who was really the first person to pull my PC into a story-line. So much fun RP'ing with that necker out on the sands!

Only intracted once with this character, also left me wondering and hoping for more. Should have sent you kudos. Peace.
Modern concepts of fair trials and justice are simply nonexistent in Zalanthas. If you are accused, you are guilty until someone important decides you might be useful. It doesn't really matter if you did it or not.

Quote from: Voular on December 30, 2009, 08:18:25 PM
A flame-drawn prostitude named Sere who appeared in Allanak over a year ago. She was just awesome. Best whore ever.

And I didn't even mudsex her. I swear.

Probably one of my favourite characters that I wonder about what would have happened if she stuck around.

The Byn had a prostidude for a while.

Lomak was one of my favorite half-giants.

The whole AoD crew under Samos/Paryl/Laila.  What amazing players and amazing times.

Paryl, not for how fearsome he became, but because he half-lied about my 'rinthi to a templar when he was a private to get her in (bigger) trouble and I suddenly began to get Armageddon.


Several too recent to mention, including my favorite played.

Innumerable characters who've brilliantly illuminated the world for a scene or two and not crossed paths with me again.
The sword is sharp, the spear is long,
The arrow swift, the Gate is strong.
The heart is bold that looks on gold;
The dwarves no more shall suffer wrong.

Shatuka.  Oh, Shatuka.  I logged in to find her dead at my feet.

Some too recent to mention.

The whole crew of gemmers back in that time Zoltan was talking about, too.

Faves I played?  Well, that'd be telling...
"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."

I had to think about this long and hard. I don't really have a favorite character other than a few of my dead ones. Does that make me self absorbed or something? Oh well.

There was this one delf a few years back who stood out. She was feral and didn't speak any language other than gibberish. She pretty much acted like an animal who my dune stalker gradually befriended. If I had to pick a favorite, she'd be it. Fav leaders? Booooring. :P

Ohhh, I remember interacting with that character. That one definitely stood out.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I agree with most of these picks (Samos, Gage, Laila, Midge in particular), and have a few more to add. However, one of my top picks died too recently, and the other might still be alive, for all I know.

A thread like this shouldn't go on for two pages without someone mentioning Kisme Fale, the very archetype of a Lord Templar in my mind.

I'm going throw out an odd pick -- Kite and Jiri, both in their Rinthi and Scorpion incarnations.   While Jiri was probably the more well-rounded character, I think they worked remarkably well as a pair (whether at each other's throats or otherwise), so much so that it's hard to imagine one without the other.

Trying my best to pick non leaders. Or the characters who were leaders, but that trait was not important for me.

Teleri, daughter of a Kuraci Sargeant. The mischief embodiment.

Fang, my then Kuraci chara's main rival.

Thrend Lyksae. Due to many points, he never knew of my character's existence, butI knew of his.

Nahkt, the Sargeant of Kurac. Someone who've taken an extra step in keeping his underlings interested in the game.

A woman, whose name I've forgotten. She was in Byn at one point, and then Oash. Some quirri-like lady (Not in sdesc, but in behavior). I got to hear the sad tale of her beloved Fang dying by three of my different characters, while being the one who killed him. It was heart breaking and amusing at the same time.

Rem. For her ability of being a bitch. So often I meet people who only show "positive/pretty/self beneficial" emotions. It was a breath of fresh air, enduring her bitchy self.

Flora. I've tried to assassinate her by wielding an "arrow" once!!! ~facepalm~

Some members of the Hunter's Guild. Probably the best front I ever have had for my sneakies.

Characters I've played that I can remember.

Mash, Nez, Petro/Stick, Gortok's Cowl. And a whole slew of others that are too early to mention.

Favorite pc's I've played with:
Midge, Khortoc/the whole Salarri crew at that time. Gin, Samos, Farar, Sharlo, Louas, Milan MURK. (yes MURK must be spelled with capitals) Bones and soo many others.

Favorite PC's of mine

Qeyne: A pinnochio-like half-elf that wanted to be a real elf.
Kamei/Temper: Introduced me into the desert elf life for realz, had a blast.
Markua Kadius: Most fun I've had on armageddon ever. Pretty much entirely due to the awesome characters everyone else was playing at the time.
<Morgenes> Dunno if it's ever been advertised, but we use Runequest as a lot of our inspiration, and that will be continued in Arm 2
<H&H> I can't take that seriously.
<Morgenes> sorry HnH, can't take what seriously?
<H&H>Oh, I read Runescape. Nevermin

Alright, money where my mouth is.

Sorn Tallid -  the blond, purple-eyed male. This was back in '07. Helped so many of us get jobs in Allanak.
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

The cool eastenders from long ago: Rash, Dolly and Deadeye. Especially Dolly. Some of my chars wanted to strangle her, some adored her. And there was this Nilazi woman, I forgot her name... Mounds? No.

The PCs in and around the Elan Pah of '07/'08, no one mentioned no one forgotten. I lived through it with my first d-elf and there were tons of well-played and inspiring PCs in the Tablelands during that period. A bit on the magick-heavy side but that's how it was back then.

QuoteA woman, whose name I've forgotten. She was in Byn at one point, and then Oash. Some quirri-like lady (Not in sdesc, but in behavior). I got to hear the sad tale of her beloved Fang dying by three of my different characters, while being the one who killed him. It was heart breaking and amusing at the same time.

Ah, yes, Yulia. She was an interesting one indeed.

All mine are too recent!  I sent kudos, though, so hopefully that counts for something.
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.

Quote from: Manhattan on December 31, 2009, 04:05:18 AM
Alright, money where my mouth is.

Sorn Tallid -  the blond, purple-eyed male. This was back in '07. Helped so many of us get jobs in Allanak.

My first IC helper in arm... I swear I would buy that player a bottle of their favorite booze for making Arm come alive to me.
Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PMGreb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.

Most of mine are within the last year as well, and I missed the Golden Summer, SO.....

These are from back in like 2001-2003.

Zak - my first Byn Sarge. I was such a n00b, and I know I shouldn't've done what I did, but... I learned my lesson. :-D

Ned - Another Byn Sarge that was around during the time of Sujaal. Clegane always has awesome chars.

Sujaal - Well, just DUH.

Fatty Tor - He let my little Bynner try and hold his sword.

Kojiro Fale - He married the same above Bynner in the Fale estate to a AoD Sergent. Had a wedding gown(with wedding in the sdesc!) and everything.

Amos - Kadian merchent eitra 2001-2002ish(the blue and purple-haired man). Him and Kojiro will remain the people I've consistantly had the most fun with.

More recent, but others have mentioned so apparently not TOO recent

Rache - Lurved you and I will continue to miss you terribly.

Elithan - Just 'cause he was badass.

Chaska - SOOOO much fn the little time I got with him.

Liz - We spent many fun hours together in the Sanct. <3

And since they were mentioned... Three certain long lived gypsies. You guys have no idea how much I loved RPing with you. You uphelp the gypsy mystery while still being social and chatting and just... Wow. I only really got to RP much with one, and that one made me work SOOOO hard to keep up with her level of RP. I'd like to think she made me a better player. :-) I need to send her kudos again.
The man asks you:
     "'Bout damn time, lol.  She didn't bang you up too bad, did she?"
The man says, ooc:
     "OG did i jsut do that?"

Quote from: Shalooonsh
I love the players of this game.
That's not a random thought either.

People I really should have sent kudos to:

Flower:  a mul in old Tuluk I credit with giving me a clue about emotes, and what they can do to give an image of your character
Marius Tor:  because of the times that were had
Gage Gritshaw:  Putting the Grit in Arm, what wasn't to like?
Bones:  Cool character, cool accent, good times.
Ihsahn:  For being scary.  And having a name I still can't ever type right.
Plainsman and crew:  I can't remember all the names, from when I was interacting with the group, but it was a special time
Certain Gypsies:  Them being Gypsies, I'm not going to mention any names, because I don't know for -sure- if they are dead.

My Favorite Characters to Play:

Elest:  The character to really open my eyes to more of what goes on in Arm
Vaprak:  A gith.  How I wish I had the opportunity to do bits of it over a bit different, but a great experience.
Thax:  A Tor warmage.  Who did pretty much nothing, hardly ever left the city, and still was fun to play.
Zinoro:  A fun little merchant scamp.
Enki:  Great times, great people, and a tiny little space to play in.
Ghane:  For his interaction with the ladies, fun.
Vlar:  Perhaps my favorite a halfgiant with an incredible number of secrets about all sorts of things magickal and not and stuff about what was going on and he went everywhere, saw lots of things and randomly let those secrets spill to people in the train of thought sort of way of speaking with random connections.
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."

As someone right at the start mentioned we do ask that you not post these kind of popularity type threads. We have other avenues to express appreciation. These threads lead to too much IC discussion, and go places we prefer them not to. It was good while it lasted.
"It doesn't matter what country someone's from, or what they look like, or the color of their skin. It doesn't matter what they smell like, or that they spell words slightly differently, some would say more correctly." - Jemaine Clement. FOTC.