Not Giving a Chance to Respond?

Started by Jo, November 25, 2009, 03:41:59 PM

You may take this as bitching/complaining/etc., but I don't intend it to come across as such.  I only hope to inform and get some other players' opinions on the matter.

When walking about in a particular lawless area, I occasionally cross paths with another PC.  It seems to be a common trend that a PC will ask something along the lines of, "What are you doing here?" and then disappear/run away as quickly as they appeared.  They leave without giving me time to interact or respond with more than a single line of dialogue or emotes and I am left saying, "Well, that was fun..."

That being said, I like giving others the benefit of the doubt. So, I am sure that in many cases a PC may have a prior engagement, the IRL world may be beckoning, or they may have a perfectly IC reason to ditch.  I know many will probably make the argument that because it is a lawless zone, standing around can result in a PC's death, but aren't we a little beyond that?  I've been playing in such lawless zones for 4+ years, and I sincerely have never been victimized/stabbed/killed without some form of role-play prior - honestly.

I guess I am asking if anyone else has similar problems?  Because if not, then perhaps I need to re-evaluate my own RP and expectations.

I have to point out too that some people are great at stopping and throwing about a few emotes and words.  Keep it up, you guys!

Yep, I think it is most likely they are  on their way to quit, or on an IC errand. I think your experience is just the downside of living off the beaten track.  Of course, you only see half of them. ;)
My commiserations.

I admit to sometimes going a little "too" quick when walking. But I've been trying to slow myself down so I give people a chance to react.

Yay - At least I'm on the path to getting better!
Quote from: LauraMars
Quote from: brytta.leofaLaura, did weird tribal men follow you around at age 15?
If by weird tribal men you mean Christians then yes.

Quote from: Malifaxis
She was teabagging me.

My own mother.

Yeah, I'm guilty of just walking past some pcs if I'm going somewhere, though if I'm staying in that area for more than five seconds, I try to interact with them. Sometimes, if the place is super-crowded, I just glance at them, or ignore them and emote a bit, given that singling out one person in a large crowd when I'm a solitary character who especially tends to avoid most humans is a little OOC to me. I also refrain from trying emotes I don't know how to do since I'm a newbie. Its like my fourth character, but the other three lasted about a week each because I kept dying.
1. killed by wild halflings in the Grey Forest. the descriptions of how they spilled my guts out first was intense. if i wasn't dying, i would have admired it.
2. got robbed blind in a sandstorm (whoever did that was good, they took my earrings too,) lost the will to live, and went to the grey forest to die. changed my mind halfway, ran away from a small pack of those wolf-like animals with elfy speed (can't remember the name of the animal) and died of thirst anyway.
3. chose a history of having grown up in the rinth. is it even possible to survive in that place for a single day?

sorry I wrote so much and got off track, but I just love this game. I feel bad for doing stupid things and getting killed so much but I really didn't want to make the mods angry, I like this game alot.
gorgio: someone who is not romani, not a gypsy.
kumpania: a family of story tellers.
vardo: a horse-drawn wagon used by British Romani as their home. always well-crafted, often painted and gilded

November 29, 2009, 06:54:35 PM #4 Last Edit: November 29, 2009, 07:06:38 PM by Akoto

Welcome to the game, and don't worry about getting into trouble. Death is very commonplace here on Armageddon, particularly for characters who venture beyond the city walls. So long as you don't violate theme and refrain from doing obviously suicidal things, the rest is out of your hands. If you find that a character has reached a point where you no longer find it enjoyable/playable, it's best to ask for storage through the request tool.

It is, by the way, considered a "Bad Thing" to describe how your recent characters died. You're new, so it's no big deal, but remember that for the future.

To address the original topic, I play a character who is often called to meetings at various locations. When I'm back and forth all the time, my focus tends to be upon not keeping others waiting. I don't really stop to emote unless something is obviously out of place, particularly in the city, where I'm just another face in the crowded streets. That said, I do try to at least tack a description onto my departure.