Hey...are you from Tenneshi?

Started by Nyr, August 06, 2009, 11:29:16 AM

We are re-opening Tenneshi, and we're looking for someone interested in playing a Tenneshi Noble.

Quote from: docs that should be public but aren't, but will be after I fix themBrief about the House:
House Tenneshi is responsible for city planning and renovation. Tenneshi shouldered the majority of the load in the restoration of Tuluk and as such has formed strong ties with House Kadius. They employ the majority of the artisans and craftsmen around the city, outside of those employed by House Kadius. Additionally, Tenneshi retains sole rights to water distribution thoughout the city, having taken control after the fall of House Reynolte. This combination of authority has given Tenneshi a broad and extremely powerful influence throughout the city.

The physical traits of a Tenneshi family member are out of sync with the look of the general northern population. They're known to be thin and slightly angular, taking on a gaunt appearance. They have dark eyes and gently-curling black hair that conflict with their pale skin. Their lips have a tendency to become purple, though its unknown which of the descendents this began with.

Tenneshi nobles are conspicuously very strict in their treatment of slaves.
Their experience with the rigorous study of mathematics and architecture allows them to be studious and take an interest in the history of Tuluki's buildings, yet it also makes them see the world more technically then others.

The role we're looking for will be someone in the building or artisan division.
The building division focuses on the many aspects of building and city-planning, from architectural design to the actual implementation of a project.
The artisan division focuses on many things, like the design, crafting, and sale of wares for the private use of the House, working with the building division on major projects, and reconstruction/touch-up projects about the city.

Send apps to tuluki_nobles@armageddon.org.

Include the following:

  • Account name
  • GDB account name
  • Name of your proposed character
  • Description of your proposed character
  • Background of your proposed character
    • If you are not very familiar with the House you are applying for, we can provide some guidance, but just keep it vague if you're unsure.  You can revise the background assuming you are approved and are given access to the documentation.
  • Your usual playtimes and your expectations of future playtimes
  • How familiar are you with Tuluk and Tuluki politics?  Pick a letter and explain.
    • A. Very Familiar (I make up a new Tuluki parting phrase every RL day that is some variation of "walk in/on/around His _____," and I know each House like the back of my hand--which, of course, has a seven-pronged star on it.)
    • B. Familiar (I can find my way around Tuluk and know, in general, what is going on with the Houses, but am not too familiar with the internal affairs of each one.)
    • C. Slightly Familiar (I know where the Sanctuary is and I know that there aren't any gemmers and that they hate magick, but who do I bow to?)
    • D.  Not Familiar (Striasiri?  I used to own a '98 Dodge Striasiri.)
    • E. Other (explain)

    Get your applications in by 11:59 PM EST on Wed, August 12th.
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.

Apps close tonight a minute before midnight EST.  Get your applications in before then!
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.