His Shadow beckons. Will you answer the call?

Started by Niamh, July 03, 2009, 03:45:40 PM

We are looking for one templar for the glorious city of the Highlord.  All applications are to be sent to the arm_of_the_dragon email address.  Please include your account name, concept, and as much information as you would like to give us about this character.

Good working knowledge of Allanak and its politics is a must, as well as the ability to start and drive plots, bringing your underlings and anyone else you see fit along for the ride.  High playtimes during peak hours is preferred.

Deadline for getting your applications in is July 15th, 11:59pm EST.
Eastman: he came out of the east to do battle with The Amazing Rando!

Thanks to everyone who applied!  You will be hearing from us soon.
Eastman: he came out of the east to do battle with The Amazing Rando!

Once again, we are looking for a pair of hardasses to wear the Blue and do the Highlord's dirty work.  Same guidelines apply.

Note: No tandem applications will be accepted for this.  Good account notes are preferred, and remember, you will be expected to submit weekly reports and keep staff up to date on all your shenanagens and goings-on.

Have your applications in by 11:59pm Saturday March 20.
Eastman: he came out of the east to do battle with The Amazing Rando!

The deadline approacheth.
Nyr: newbs killing newbs
Nyr: hot newb on newb violence
Ath: Mmmmmm, HOT!