So long and thanks for all the abuse...

Started by Vizhon, April 12, 2009, 12:48:33 AM

April 12, 2009, 12:48:33 AM Last Edit: April 12, 2009, 12:52:37 AM by Adhira
Alright... I been playing since 1994, with some hiatuses long enough to get old accounts deleted back when space was still an issue, but I been around. I have come and I have gone.

Over the years I have watched Armageddon not get better in my opinion but get worse. I have seen it turn dark, dirty and despicable where not only do characters have no respect for each other, but players have no respect for each other.

In all my time here, I have never played the asshole. Never the betrayer. Have never played the assassin, the defiler, a templar... Best I've ever done is played a Kadian that was defensively very cloak and dagger and who was eventually retired.

Before the Karma system went in, I thought Armageddon was the best thing in MUDs and code-wise, and creativity-wise I think it still is, and even more so, but I am frankly done with the abuse. I am tired of having every honest, considerate character I have turned into a target and a victim in no-win traps, often with the Staff involved in pushing me down that road, and almost always by people my characters should be able to trust, like a member of their own house, an employer they have always served faithfully or their own fekking tribe-mates.

The game has potential, but abuse, virtual or real, is only tolerable for so long. I think the karma system is the worst thing that ever happened here, and that it has done nothing but control and consolidate the power to those that will rain town terror, helll and torment on any that are under them and I am tired of being on the recieving end of abuse. I get enough of it in RL that I don't need it in my escapes too...

So with that said, for the first time in all my hiatuses I've taken, this time I'm pretty sure it's final, so I'm writing this fairwell.

And to the staff... Thanks for the time, the effort, the creativity, and the blood and sweat you have laid into this, but frankly, I'll flame you outright and call most of you total assholes. This place has become a real hellpit and not anyplace I can see as being fun to play at anymore. So long, and thanks for all the misery.

Thanks for your opinion, since we respect your right to have an opinion I will leave this post here, however I will be locking it as I have no interest in seeing a long list of complaints, flaming you, arguments or so on.  Unfortunately sometimes characters get betrayed by others, and bad things happen, this is what happened to you. It is a part of this game, and this game is not for everyone.

I'm sorry you did not find this game to your liking, I hope you find one that suits you better.
"It doesn't matter what country someone's from, or what they look like, or the color of their skin. It doesn't matter what they smell like, or that they spell words slightly differently, some would say more correctly." - Jemaine Clement. FOTC.