
Started by Olgaris, February 03, 2009, 11:13:11 PM

It's time to kick some major ass.

We need someone with big balls, or swollen ovaries, to play a Salarri family member. The potential for travel exists, as always, with the Greater Merchant Houses, but this role will be primarily located in the North. We are accepting applications for Merchants or Agents, but it is likely we will only be taking one player on this, so be sure to be awesome!

Send your applications to:

We will take applications until Feb 10, 2009 at midnight.
You give your towering mound of dung to the inordinately young-spirited Shalooonsh.
the inordinately young-spirited Shalooonsh sends:
     "dude, how'd you know I was hungry and horny?"

Almost made our decision. Sorry for the delay.
You give your towering mound of dung to the inordinately young-spirited Shalooonsh.
the inordinately young-spirited Shalooonsh sends:
     "dude, how'd you know I was hungry and horny?"