I want to hit you in the face.

Started by Lakota, January 06, 2009, 09:33:28 PM

Quote from: The7DeadlyVenomz on January 07, 2009, 06:49:12 PM
Yes, those messages could be changed to be far more generic. The smirking and such has no place in the script. Likewise, the location of the hit is certainly something that could be done away with.

I hate the smirking! Especially when it's my character doing it.

Quote from: Yokunama on January 07, 2009, 07:52:01 PM
I believe face-guards do add some sort of protection to your head.

Urban myth.

I've seen fights completely decided on those bracers/gloves.  I don't think they should be removed, but I would agree an alteration is in order.

The target's skill and armor appears to have no influence on your ability to succesfully hit them with a razor item. I'd like this to change. If you're not skilled enough to hit them with a weapon, you're not gonna get them with little razors on your wrists. Items like these should never be the determining factor in a fight, and in fact I thoroughly dislike the way they work, but with the great defense nerf, at least it doesn't seem possible to become such a defensive powerhouse that highly skilled compatants literally cannot hit eachother. One of the instances where I was most embarrassed on behalf of Armageddon's often questionable code was back when two super warriors couldn't land any hits on eachother and I saw one beat another simply because he had some spiked gloves on.

Ideally, I would like to see an in-combat command called strike which would let you perform some sort of ordinary non-weapon attack, with a significant delay, the success determined only by your offense skill vs. their defensive measures, and doable by all classes. Razor items could then enhance this attack. This would also give non-warriors something to do during combat, and would put some credibility into the part of the documentation which states that certain fighting styles allow for attacks with the hands. I don't like how razor-wearing characters just magically get an extra method of attack, nor how it has made such items artificially valuable for entirely OOC reasons.