Zalanthan names, not just for Arm 2.0, but for today!

Started by Marauder Moe, July 28, 2008, 11:02:23 PM

I had a revelation today about how we can establish a set of Zalanthan names, rather than inventing them (which isn't that realistic).  Not only that, but we can do it without any staff help, without a name bank, and we can do it immediately.

It's simple: all we have to do is stop making up names for our characters.  Next time you apply for one, use a name you've heard in the past.

Haven't played long?  Check the history docs or the player submitted stories and logs.

Naturally, try and use a name of a character similar to yours.  Like, if you're applying for an elf, try and use the name of an elf character you saw once rather than a human name.

Thoughts?  Anyone else willing to pledge to use 100% recycled character names from now on?

I like it and think it is a very interesting idea... as long as everyone doesn't pick Amos. ;)

An interesting spin on it for 2.Arm would to have a list of names and their meanings for each race/tribe/city/language.
Say one tribe could have a system like the Chickasaw Indians where a name like Itawanabba meant "sits on bench" (sorry only accurate one I know off the top of my head.) But actually have your name mean something.

Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PMGreb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.

Cool idea, and realistic.

The meanings idea is good, too.

I would do this, I like the idea. Perhaps.. for those of us with bad memories we could all compile names of certain races here we've seen into one massive list and add it as a sticky so we can keep adding. I really like it Moe. Since I'm utterly exhausted and going to bed, I'll make a format of sorts instead of jogging my memory right this second. Anyone interested can just copy it and add their names.

Perhaps put a <m> or <f> or both beside each name, if the mood strikes you. And I'm unsure what staff thinks about living characters names. Perhaps we should leave those out for now to be on the safe side. Could also add the aforementioned meaning next to it, if there happens to be one you know.







Specialized Names

Tribal Humans

Desert Elves


You know you've raised a nerd when your five year old answers the question "Do you know what gymnastics are?" with "Dungeons and Dragons?"

It's never too late to live happily ever after.

I guess I should be flattered if I saw someone going by a name a previous character of mine used. But no, I wouldn't be. I'd be pissed.

No thanks, I'll continue making up my names.

Pissed?  Why?

Do you get upset in real life if you run into someone with the same name as you too?


I like making up names for my PCs, too. But I usually draw from names I've seen IG before to fill out the vNPC cast.
Quote from: nessalin on July 11, 2016, 02:48:32 PM
hidden by 'body/torso'
hides nipples

As long as the rule wasn't absolute, it might be cool.  I don't mind recycling PC names, but someone once ran a character with my GDB name which pissed me off.
Quote from: manonfire on November 04, 2013, 08:11:36 AM
The secret to great RP is having the balls to be weird and the brains to make it eloquent.

Quote from: Ourla on July 29, 2008, 12:38:44 AM
As long as the rule wasn't absolute, it might be cool.  I don't mind recycling PC names, but someone once ran a character with my GDB name which pissed me off.

Was the sdesc "the lithe, dreadlock-tressed woman"?
Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PMGreb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.

I rather enjoy trying to come up with new names that I haven't heard before or used before.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: Marauder Moe on July 28, 2008, 11:57:09 PM
Pissed?  Why?

Do you get upset in real life if you run into someone with the same name as you too?


Eh, not the same thing. In game, if someone uses the -exact- name as a former pc of yours, it likely has more to do with flattery/stealing than it does pure chance as it would be in the real world.

Quote from: Forest Junkie on July 29, 2008, 01:13:23 AM
Quote from: Marauder Moe on July 28, 2008, 11:57:09 PM
Pissed?  Why?

Do you get upset in real life if you run into someone with the same name as you too?


Eh, not the same thing. In game, if someone uses the -exact- name as a former pc of yours, it likely has more to do with flattery/stealing than it does pure chance as it would be in the real world.

I bet Jesus and all his apostles feel the same way.

I think it's a solid idea, but I'd like to see cultural naming trends rather than a hard set list of names.  Maybe four of five popular names for Tuluk and Allanak and maybe a few tribes, and then a list of various trends, like tacking on a set of letters to a name to denote familial ties or some such.

Stuff like how Anderson means son of Andrew or Johnson means son of John.


1.   A biped, ungrateful.

I dunno.. let's say that a list -IS- created and made public, stickied, etc.

We get an influx of new players one week, all of which make pc's named... Amos or Malik or something you see a lot of.
Seeing four Amos pc's running around would make me angry.  Not only is it uncreative but I feel like it would really take
away from the character creation process by making it easier.  Breathing life into yet another Amos... bleh.

Let's also not forget that popular names change throughout the years.  Would the list have to be updated every so often?
I would think that over generations, people might name their children after themselves or their grandparents, but not

I just kinda dislike how there are various code-related problems with multiple characters using the same names. Not just the risk of accidentally attacking the wrong guy, but various aspects of psionicism and magick as well.

Quote from: Marauder Moe
Do you get upset in real life if you run into someone with the same name as you too?
Haha, actually, I do. I'm kind of a dick like that.
I think it's a cool idea, and I personally try to use 'common' names every once in a while. But I agree with others; it shouldn't be a hard and fast rule. Or even a recommendation. But having a list of common names, organized by locale, would be a pretty cool resource.
Amos and Malik would of course have to be on the list. I'd also recommend 'Lo'. I've seen quite a few 'Lo's running around, though some were admittedly VNPCs.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

Well don't get mad at them, get mad at your lazy parents for giving you such an uncreative name.  ::)

I just think it'd be more realistic for names to be chosen more often than invented.

Also, I most certainly meant in-game names, not GDB names.  However, I know many people's GDB names are the name of their first character...

As for the code, well, contact accepts multiple keywords and in a busy room you have the keyword command.  I'm not going to discuss magick code, but I don't think it's such a terrible thing for a magick mishap to occur.  People on the Arm Reborn forum seem to adamantly desire such things.

Anyway, while a name bank is a great idea, it's been tried before and not enough people seemed interested in participating.  My main point is that we don't need a name bank. All you have to do just pull a name from your lists of past character acquaintances.

It would be okay if you:

a) Didn't -have- to do it.
b) Asked people before stealing their name (I also would be severely pissed for people stealing mine, at least without asking.).

Personally, you'd be better to have a long list of 'approved' names, ones that the initial player themselves said, "Here, if you want it, please use it", rather than a free-for-all.  Its an okay idea, but personally, I like being creative, I like making the perfect name to fit the character, and people going, "Oh yeah, I'm totally <my char name here> too!" would ruin that part of the char creation for me.

In short, if its optional and you have an approved list for a name bank (sticky it, helpfile it, let people send in their old/new/current/future char names when they wish/when they finish with them), then fine.  If its a compulsary free-for-all, then drov-no, I do not think its a good idea!
Previous of note: Kaevya the blind Tor Scorpion, Kaloraynai 'Raynai' the beetle Ruk, Korenyire of SLK, Koal 'Kick' the hooved Whiran, Kocadici/Dici/Glimmer, Koefaxine the giant Oashi 'Aide', Kosmia 'Grit' the rinthi
Current: Like I'd tell you.

I'm going to chime in with I don't really see the point of this.  Just come up for a name you like and I guess if you -really- liked someone else's name at some point use that.

Quote from: Ghost on December 16, 2009, 06:15:17 PMbrandon....

you did the biggest mistake of your life

Well, of course I can't force people to do it.  I just think the game would be better off if most people did, or most people did most of the time.

However, I don't see how reusing a name can be considered stealing.  Sure, OOCly you may have invented it, but did your character's parents ICly invent it?  And for those of you who've had PCs successfully reproduce, did you invent names for your PC's children or name them after some other PC/NPC/vNPC?

What if we added a minor caveat and encouraged people to only pick names of characters an RL year or more gone?

I understand a bit why you might be upset if someone named their character after a living character of yours, but what about a dead one?

Quote from: Marauder Moe on July 28, 2008, 11:57:09 PM
Pissed?  Why?

Do you get upset in real life if you run into someone with the same name as you too?


I once saw him snatch the testicles off another man named Derek.

It was entertaining, but disturbing.

He has an entire room in his lab full of "Derek Testicles".

He says its like looking into a mirror of his soul when he sees other "Derek" folk.
Quote from: James de Monet on April 09, 2015, 01:54:57 AM
My phone now autocorrects "damn" to Dman.
Quote from: deathkamon on November 14, 2015, 12:29:56 AM
The young daughter has been filled.

Quote from: Marauder Moe on July 29, 2008, 10:10:02 AM
Well, of course I can't force people to do it.  I just think the game would be better off if most people did, or most people did most of the time.

Why?  I don't see the great attraction myself.  I've met one other person with my first name.  The only person I know with my first middle name is my mother.  One person with my second middle name.  And two non-family members with my surname.  In my entire life.  It just gets complicated if you have two-of-the-same, even in RL, one of them gets nicknamed something else usually anyway!  Ergo, not much point.  I'd far rather see more people using nicknames from a list!

Quote from: Marauder Moe on July 29, 2008, 10:10:02 AM
However, I don't see how reusing a name can be considered stealing.  Sure, OOCly you may have invented it, but did your character's parents ICly invent it?

Intellectual property dear?  Thats stealing.  If you -want- to share your name, thats fine.  I don't want people to use mine, and I think, as a player, that is my right.  I personally, don't want people using my name, other people obviously feel different.  So let it be an option, not a compulsive thing.
Previous of note: Kaevya the blind Tor Scorpion, Kaloraynai 'Raynai' the beetle Ruk, Korenyire of SLK, Koal 'Kick' the hooved Whiran, Kocadici/Dici/Glimmer, Koefaxine the giant Oashi 'Aide', Kosmia 'Grit' the rinthi
Current: Like I'd tell you.

Intellectual property?  Are you serious?  The name is Amos, not Amos(c).   ::)

It's totally not against the rules to re-use another player's character's name, as far as I know.

Quote from: Marauder Moe on July 29, 2008, 10:24:43 AM
Intellectual property?  Are you serious?  The name is Amos, not Amos(c).   ::)

It's totally not against the rules to re-use another player's character's name, as far as I know.

Definitely agree with this point.  I feel especially in a game like Armageddon where they don't have a limit on one name per person ever on the whole mud that people are free to use whatever name they feel is appropriate within the naming rules.

Quote from: Ghost on December 16, 2009, 06:15:17 PMbrandon....

you did the biggest mistake of your life