Tell your first character's story...

Started by NoteworthyFellow, July 03, 2008, 11:24:45 AM

I've been gone for some time so details are pretty scarce. The only two characters that really stand out in my mind was one of my first longer term combat characters who started in the byn and got sponsored into the Tor Academy. I think that character had something to do with braids in his sdesc.

Other one that stands out was I believe an assassin character who I don't think ever fault. Was more of an aide to some rich character. Ended up getting killed because he offended a templar with a song he sung. In the templar's defense it was about him. I'm actually looking to see if I can find any of my old files to reminisce about it all now.
21sters Unite!

No. I'm honestly not sure I only have last three character descriptions in the site biography. I don't ever remember that being a thing. And I can't remember names. I might have my old arm docs on a harddrive sitting in the closet but I'm not sure.
21sters Unite!

Creeper. Wow. Old school(ish) bro.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Ahh. A familiar GDB log in. So found my old hard drive. Two big characters that hit for me was number 14 and number 16 I believe.

Ghat - the short, husky man:  was my character that worked in House Tor. Had some great fun training recruits and others who joined the academy.

The other character was Yult: the desert-scarred, young man: Who lived an interesting life that pretty much involved no coded interactions.
21sters Unite!

I remember Ghat, but I have no recollection as to what our interactions were.  Welcome back though.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

consider target,
X eyes you morbidly.

That got my first few char's killed.
Though, I did have a Mul assassin named Lareth I think, that stole the wagon of House Kohmar, (What the house was prior to Kadius) Piloted it off into the grey, and off the cliff into the Sorcs tower. (Ooops) Then after a sudden reboot a short time later, the wagon was back in Tuluk and I had to log. A few days later, he was wandering North Road, and ran into a HG floating in the air. Accompanied with a strange moment of silence because I haden't seen magick before he casted sleep on me, and stole most of my gear, go to find out it was some badassed Sorc that Vis and Wolf were hunting I think. Eventually he died to a Cilops in the grey forest next to the old Ginka Vine.
Two dwarves get into a small fist-fray over who owns a pile of dung at the roadside.

You think:
     "Get your shit together"

Seems like forever waiting for a year to pass...

My first (Real) PC was a bynner named Drogan.  I think I must've just caught a portion of "Private Parts" when Howard Stern was in his gawky stage of not knowing what to do with himself, his life, he just knew he loved being a DJ - and I was determined that I'd either learn to love Arm with Drogan or I'd give up on the whole thing.

So enter Drogan (the beak-nosed, scraggly haired man), the son of a camp follower who's caravan had gotten chased out of Luirs and jumped by Gith in the Red.  Drogan arrived in Allanak with basically nothing (because I had no idea what he'd need).  This guy was the low of the low, almost getting in fights over the dung heaps in the Stables (You have three stables?  When I was a boy there were only two!  And we used our hands!)  Yep.  Shovels.  Who knew?  Well, all that struggling turned Drogan into a really fun character to play.  He put the shit into shit cloak and chased the big three (sid, booze, and scrab) with reckless abandon until the day he died.  His gear was shit, his stats were shit, he smelled like shit and I loved every moment of living the life of a mercenary with no aspirations beyond landing the unlandable scrab, finding the next big contract, and drinking himself poor all over again.

In the process I met so many awesome characters in and around the Byn I half expected to get a request back when Drogan died to stop submitting Kudos requests!  It was totally awesome and to everyone that was around the Byn when Drogan stumbled through.  Just great times and thank you all, all over again for gettin' me hooked on this game.  I hate you all!
Quote from: BadSkeelz
Ah well you should just kill those PCs. They're not worth the time of plotting creatively against.

My first character... It's been probably three years so it's likely safe as long as I'm careful to only mention PCs I know for a fact have been dead a while.

Was a Bynner ranger answering to the name of Ralph. Some wild-bearded chap, with amnesia. He was a closet breed. I pointed to Luir's, got in game, and started interacting. Met this human ranger woman who insisted he should join the Byn, and offered to escort him to Tuluk for thirty sid.

Welp, let's just say that was eventful. Aside from him getting carru'd and surviving (OW, WTF was that?!), they stopped at a gypsy camp. She tried to sell him to a gyspsy woman who said "No, not that one, he's nuts.", crisis averted. Anyway, get there, join the Byn under Sergeant Niall. Good times, everyone thought he was a Tuluki human when really he was a Luir's breed. I tried to follow the breed documents to the best of my ability, which, well, turned into some pretty interesting RP. He seemed to be well-liked. He picked up the titles "Charmer of whores" (for running screaming the word "Whoreeees!!!" as he charged into the backroom of the tavern in Luir's), "Mantis Slayer" (I saw a giant mantis show up and I'm not real clear on what happened but it was dead in seconds and everyone was baffled, I froze up at the keyboard and I have no clue who was fighting it). Most of these were sarcastic.

He once chased a gwoshi-cloaked gith out into the night screaming about some other dead Bynner, blood drenched, in a furious rage, severed gith fingers stuck in his nasty, funky beard. She and her mate screeched and ran like fuck-all as the Sergeant was in his head yelling about desertion. Good times. "For Kyle!!!" leave wagon.

He died when they went out hunting Bahamet. His job was pretty understandable. Charge the met. Well, that's all good and well, keep the met down while everyone else beats on it. Eeeeexcept. Ok, charged the met, disengaged, delay timer's still going through, charge met... and, a big, armored bahamet arrives from the south just before the delay wears off, making it the target. Lesson learned. How many bites does it take to get to the chewy center of a shitcloak? Three. Stumbling in with my next PC on people mourning his passing was a little awkward, but I managed, and had even more fun with my next.

My first PC was Aonghus (Aon), a Tuluki ranger who had over 119 days played on him when he died to a bahamet and two just-tamed oxen who turned traitor when the met attacked and helped kill him.  He was out alone with a templar for whom he'd been training oxen, and was caught afoot and weaponless when the met came in.  He managed to get on his inix but got reeled, and I don't think he ever even got his axes out, though the command was in the queue. 

Aon grew up in a large, rowdy, loving logging family who had a logging company on the edge of the Grey.  I was lucky that he fell in with some experienced players who taught me the game.

I had a lot of fun with Aon.  He was the owner of the White Carru hunting company and had one of the warehouses in Tuluk when they were first opened.  He didn't hire crafters usually, or sell much to NPCs, but made his coin by providing raw materials to private PC crafters and Merchant House PC crafters.  This was great because filling the orders gave me an excuse to get out and hunt and explore, which I enjoyed quite a bit.  He didn't make money like companies with crafters do, but he made enough for whatever he needed, but always seemed to be scrambling a bit to make rent on the warehouse or other requirements, which was pretty good for me really.  He explored most the Grey and east of the thornlands, but never dared to go into Allanak, though he did go up to the gates once.  He completed the Grey Hunt tasks by actually doing the quests, and helped several others do it too, showing them the way to gather the items.

He was in a super-secret (ha! people seemed to -know-) gick hunting group being trained by a templar but it never got off the ground in his lifetime, though he did help kill a few in his years.  It became an important thing to him after being tormented by a Whiran for several RL weeks and having his best friend killed by it.  Until then he was mostly a happy-go-lucky guy looking for adventure and fun.  That hatred changed him, though I'm not sure how visible it was to those around him.

Aon would throw himself into whatever plot/event some other PC was trying to make happen, whether he'd be good at it or not.  This helped me overcome my inhibitions from being new at the game (thankfully lots of things from my years of experience on SoI translated well.)  He won lots of singing/poetry contests but resisted becoming a Bard despite some pressure.  Once he organized a big city-wide dance with nobles in attendance just because he'd paid the Circle for dancing lessons and never got to use it!  He helped run the weekly Citizens' Call for quite awhile, which I enjoyed.  He had a little red-headed son whom he loved and was very proud of.

He died sad because his bard lover and another bard broke his heart for a joke.   :'(

Quote from: whitt on May 12, 2015, 04:46:23 AM
Seems like forever waiting for a year to pass...

My first (Real) PC was a bynner named Drogan.  I think I must've just caught a portion of "Private Parts" when Howard Stern was in his gawky stage of not knowing what to do with himself, his life, he just knew he loved being a DJ - and I was determined that I'd either learn to love Arm with Drogan or I'd give up on the whole thing.

So enter Drogan (the beak-nosed, scraggly haired man), the son of a camp follower who's caravan had gotten chased out of Luirs and jumped by Gith in the Red.  Drogan arrived in Allanak with basically nothing (because I had no idea what he'd need).  This guy was the low of the low, almost getting in fights over the dung heaps in the Stables (You have three stables?  When I was a boy there were only two!  And we used our hands!)  Yep.  Shovels.  Who knew?  Well, all that struggling turned Drogan into a really fun character to play.  He put the shit into shit cloak and chased the big three (sid, booze, and scrab) with reckless abandon until the day he died.  His gear was shit, his stats were shit, he smelled like shit and I loved every moment of living the life of a mercenary with no aspirations beyond landing the unlandable scrab, finding the next big contract, and drinking himself poor all over again.

In the process I met so many awesome characters in and around the Byn I half expected to get a request back when Drogan died to stop submitting Kudos requests!  It was totally awesome and to everyone that was around the Byn when Drogan stumbled through.  Just great times and thank you all, all over again for gettin' me hooked on this game.  I hate you all!

I remember seeing Drogan from the end of my first 'real' character throughout the life of my next. He was such a cool dude and sufficiently grungy. 10/10.
Part-Time Internets Lady

Quote from: Refugee on May 12, 2015, 11:39:37 AM
My first PC was Aonghus (Aon),

That was your FIRST PC? I thought I knew him on one of my PCs... but I don't think it was Creek... I remember your Byn Sergeant, obviously... but Aon sounds real familiar to me.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

There are at.least two well known tuluki Pcs named Aon.
Useful tips: Commands |  |Storytelling:  1  2

Aonghus... one of my favourites. Things weren't as good in Tuluk after you died.

It's impossible for me to remember my very first character.. umm 14 years ago? Roughly it would have been about then. I've no idea. It was probably just some temporary character to make when life was boring in other RPI muds. Arm at the time was my fallback for some combat and fun.

My first character coming back after a long break was Veritas, some Allanaki nobody that I messed about with before settling in Tuluk with a hunter/lumberjack. The first real character I had which got me hooked again was Calistyrr. He was the giant of a man. Cal had quite a few offers on my first day for work. Kadius wanted him, then Salarr, but he ended up going with the Legion. I was lucky to have made some close friendships, one especially with another Legionnaire named Senith, and Cal became quite a decent warrior, they both did. He had four siblings, which all were PC's at some point. One of the brothers actually died in a mounted sparring match by Cal's beetle, when he mistakenly used charge I think it was to start the combat. That was messy. Lots of drinking and anger came out then. Also he lost a favourite in a warren rat who had become Corporal. 'Right den' was one of his favourite lines. The promotion curse got him. Cal eventually made Sergeant, and was involved in the Grey Hunt, and was one of the one's Aon helped. He eventually had a son, which Tenneshi took after his mate got killed. He is definitely one of my favourite's, though RL got me, and his ability sort of hit a plateau in normal circumstances so I thought to push him further, and a single kryl got me. It's quite stupid really, considering his ability to go toe to toe with a bahamet.

One of the toughest challenges he ever had was when he had to be midwife to a certain Kadian who had twins. I was so out of my league, both IC and OOCly, but it was quite entertaining.
Death is only the beginning...

I think my first 20 or so characters were either dead on their first day in the rinth or in tuluk somehow (See negative account notes). Not much there.

Tasfalen, the winrothol guard was the first character i'd say was a 'character' in arm. Out of like 80 he was... one of the early 20s.

I can remember his superiors coming up with some crazy scheme to go murk gemmed in Allanak, and literally as soon as we entered the city gates:
Militia enter the room on caravan's road like" "HEY EVERYONE STOP HERE WER LOOKIN FER SUM FUCKING TULUKIS"

And immediately the dwarf guy in charge of us (Akim?) gets taken. So everyone else scatters and we run to the labyrinth-- Really just confusing and terrifying. Somehow I made it back to Tuluk alive.

There was a female noble in charge of winrothol at the time. I wish I could remember the name. Never really interacted with them, just hated the character in particular. She hired on some scummy little chump into the winrothol guard that was her little brown-noser.

Well, this guy forgot to check my stats or something early on: We're in the sparring room one day and this (he will be called brown-noser) just.. talks shit and kills another house guard (PC) in the sparring room. (This is back in the day when people handled business by locking you in a compound so you couldn't flee: In this case, our own compound. I think how she did it is gave him enough rank to dump us and engage in combat, or maybe he was trying to kill us.)

Anyways, i'm young, I've got great stats on this character, and if I had known what I was doing I would have made an awesome escape because these guards and this guy couldn't handle my awesomeness-- I think I was really upset at the time and I didn't understand the clan was closing for awhile-- So instead I just ran around too worked up and anxious to remember to go kill her and grab the keyring first.

So I whoop this guys ass in short order and he tries to bring in some house guards to fight me. I think I actually do pretty good against those but they start stacking so I run... I'm just running around the winrothol compound fucking shit up and screaming shit like "AKIM WOULD HAVE KILLED YOU!"

I finally get backstabbed again looking for this noble chick upstairs. I would have given anything to kill her at the time I guess she organized the whole thing!

Anyways, really set the pace for winrothol. The next and only other time I would play in winrothol, the staff animated a bunch of elves during some RPT and killed us all.

May 13, 2015, 09:58:13 AM #215 Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 10:00:13 AM by Refugee
Quote from: Riev on May 12, 2015, 02:39:12 PM
That was your FIRST PC? I thought I knew him on one of my PCs... but I don't think it was Creek... I remember your Byn Sergeant, obviously... but Aon sounds real familiar to me.

The Sergeant was my third PC, there was a little Salarri hunter that I had for a couple of weeks before they offered the role to me.  I'd applied for a Salarri crew leader or something and they offered me the sergeant role instead.  Thank goodness.  

Funny story...  I was going to suicide the hunter to take the role, but I thought I'd spend his last day exploring the south since I'd never really played there and knew I was going to have to try to sell this experienced Byn fellow.  So I had this big plan...spent all his money to buy arrows, outfitted himself, and then set out on my big adventure...and immediately fell over the shield wall.  Survived by clinging to the wall, but the beetle was knocked out.  Climbed down, got attacked by a giant worm!  Ran away, circled back around, beetle still I thought I'd look around some busted up wagon to kill the time.  So basically I added less than 10 rooms to my map that 'day of exploration'.  But it was an adrenaline-filled few minutes.    ;)

Quote from: Evilone
The first real character I had which got me hooked again was Calistyrr.

Cal was great.  I enjoyed Aon's time with him.  He was a great leader!  I thought you'd actually suicided him.  I'm glad you didn't, it would be sad if you'd gotten so tired of such a great PC.

Dang, that Senith could hit -hard-, remember?  LOL.

Gul of the Tzai Byn
I had a couple of PC living in their own world, but this is where one first met the real world
She started at 16, the legal age for Byn, though she added a few extra years on for the sergeant.
Bad starts, ironically good wisdom I think, and in those days you were lucky if they age rolled improved. Hers didn't, though
she was virtual for the best years of her life.

She was  a runt in an abusive, protective family, she loved her (mostly absent) Da, the worst of them all. Sometimes she
would follow the black sheep of the family, a quiet hunter.
Followed the family tradition to the Tzai Byn. She started as a lying little shit, soon encountered role model No 1 Trooper/Sergeant Raj, and I still remember the conversation that "turned" her. ooc it was a revelation how events can twist your story as I assumed she was heading for the dark side.

Offline for two years, back with a dubious story. Soon found the biggest meat shield in the warband, halfgiant Trooper Zune,
and she stuck to him like glue. It's a pity our playtimes didn't synchronize better. She was completely loyal to him when
they gave Zune the second stripe, until he eventually left/was dumped for Salarr.

Mainly played offpeak, mainly sparring with vpncs. Riding outside the walls was a real treat. She and me were as dumb as they come. She was a ranger when rangers had a monopoly on stormwalking,  I have a hopeless w-e direction sense and the Known was all Unknown. Couldn't lead the sergeant from the East gate to the West gate in a storm.
Once a runt, always a runt, and that made for a lot of moments. Only against fresh runners could she win.
So many good memories though.
A real earthquake while she was getting bawled out by  sergeant Dar somewhere in the sands for being dumb, and insubordinate.
Missing a sewer contract by ooc being late, and digging out my own blocked septic tank instead.
Her and Zune and a borrowed beetle getting "lost" in the north for a few weeks. "Have you ever been to Tuluk", on the way to fill water from the Byn camp.
AWOL to solve Zune's murder, anyone wearing 'horror armour was suspect.
Entering a poem competition on the spur of the moment, prompted by her distain for the local Tuluki entries, and her passion
to tell of the Allanaki Byn defence against the gith.
Afk for an hour or so to find she had missed seening Muk Utep, though her mates filled her in.
Performing another poem, about a Tuluki Bynner who'd died to the gith invasion far from home, performing it in HIS Sanctuary,
getting into an argument over Muk at the same time.
Being shocked out of her skin to be offered a sargeant stripe. ooc I couldn't at the time, though Zune said 'go for it'
Later ooc stuff freed up a bit, so I offered her as a sergeant.
Last trip to Tuluk, I expected her to be offered the stripe again. On the way back, charged a carru. Didn't even knick his
skin. Her mates, too late. But we'had been a good time together in Tuluk (our Kul the butcher was one) so quite a nice way to end.
She was honoured with a cremation back in 'Nak.

An easy ride to Tuluk, some hunts on the way,
The job quickly done, though little the pay.
With whats left of Dar's Suns, and the Toks they'd become.

Getting drunk in the pubs, then safely away.
Riding the North Road, one last day.
Not far from the Span
From where Josi had ran.

Charging a carru ahead of her mates,
Gul on black Raj, headlong to Fate.
Gul says "on me", jabbing Kuls spear.
A spear sung from carru and a baobab pole.

but the dice fail to roll

"Rescue Gul"? 
None but a body ~lies here.
That beauty and truth should pass utterly

I loved Gul.  Great character.

Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

Quote from: Refugee on May 12, 2015, 11:39:37 AM
My first PC was Aonghus (Aon), a Tuluki ranger who had over 119 days played on him when he died to a bahamet and two just-tamed oxen who turned traitor when the met attacked and helped kill him.  He was out alone with a templar for whom he'd been training oxen, and was caught afoot and weaponless when the met came in.  He managed to get on his inix but got reeled, and I don't think he ever even got his axes out, though the command was in the queue. 

Aon grew up in a large, rowdy, loving logging family who had a logging company on the edge of the Grey.  I was lucky that he fell in with some experienced players who taught me the game.

I had a lot of fun with Aon.  He was the owner of the White Carru hunting company and had one of the warehouses in Tuluk when they were first opened.  He didn't hire crafters usually, or sell much to NPCs, but made his coin by providing raw materials to private PC crafters and Merchant House PC crafters.  This was great because filling the orders gave me an excuse to get out and hunt and explore, which I enjoyed quite a bit.  He didn't make money like companies with crafters do, but he made enough for whatever he needed, but always seemed to be scrambling a bit to make rent on the warehouse or other requirements, which was pretty good for me really.  He explored most the Grey and east of the thornlands, but never dared to go into Allanak, though he did go up to the gates once.  He completed the Grey Hunt tasks by actually doing the quests, and helped several others do it too, showing them the way to gather the items.

He was in a super-secret (ha! people seemed to -know-) gick hunting group being trained by a templar but it never got off the ground in his lifetime, though he did help kill a few in his years.  It became an important thing to him after being tormented by a Whiran for several RL weeks and having his best friend killed by it.  Until then he was mostly a happy-go-lucky guy looking for adventure and fun.  That hatred changed him, though I'm not sure how visible it was to those around him.

Aon would throw himself into whatever plot/event some other PC was trying to make happen, whether he'd be good at it or not.  This helped me overcome my inhibitions from being new at the game (thankfully lots of things from my years of experience on SoI translated well.)  He won lots of singing/poetry contests but resisted becoming a Bard despite some pressure.  Once he organized a big city-wide dance with nobles in attendance just because he'd paid the Circle for dancing lessons and never got to use it!  He helped run the weekly Citizens' Call for quite awhile, which I enjoyed.  He had a little red-headed son whom he loved and was very proud of.

He died sad because his bard lover and another bard broke his heart for a joke.   :'(

Wow, pretty impressive for a first character! I enjoyed playing with Aon and all the Tuluki awesome characters at the time. I was Khal(yat) at the time.
"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat;
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back."

Congrats on a memorable character.  Bastard. ;)

Quote from: whitt on May 12, 2015, 04:46:23 AM
Seems like forever waiting for a year to pass...

My first (Real) PC was a bynner named Drogan.  I think I must've just caught a portion of "Private Parts" when Howard Stern was in his gawky stage of not knowing what to do with himself, his life, he just knew he loved being a DJ - and I was determined that I'd either learn to love Arm with Drogan or I'd give up on the whole thing.

So enter Drogan (the beak-nosed, scraggly haired man), the son of a camp follower who's caravan had gotten chased out of Luirs and jumped by Gith in the Red.  Drogan arrived in Allanak with basically nothing (because I had no idea what he'd need).  This guy was the low of the low, almost getting in fights over the dung heaps in the Stables (You have three stables?  When I was a boy there were only two!  And we used our hands!)  Yep.  Shovels.  Who knew?  Well, all that struggling turned Drogan into a really fun character to play.  He put the shit into shit cloak and chased the big three (sid, booze, and scrab) with reckless abandon until the day he died.  His gear was shit, his stats were shit, he smelled like shit and I loved every moment of living the life of a mercenary with no aspirations beyond landing the unlandable scrab, finding the next big contract, and drinking himself poor all over again.

In the process I met so many awesome characters in and around the Byn I half expected to get a request back when Drogan died to stop submitting Kudos requests!  It was totally awesome and to everyone that was around the Byn when Drogan stumbled through.  Just great times and thank you all, all over again for gettin' me hooked on this game.  I hate you all!
The neat, clean-shaven man sends you a telepathic message:
     "I tried hairy...Im sorry"

Having now encountered the "order" command in game, I now suddenly realize what happened with one of my first PCs and a staff animation gone wrong:

My first PC (or thereabouts) heard voices, being especially convinced the Dragon was talking to her, and was more or less deranged.  Anyway, she advanced up to something like Corporal in House Salarr.  One day, she was organizing items in the Salarri argosy with a Cadet, and two kankflies flew in.  She grabbed her club, and chased one around and pounded it into the ground.  The other one flew down, and it looked like it was mourning the death of its partner.  Then suddenly, I got:

A kankfly says, "o kankfly".

The other PC (a veteran) promptly ignored that, but not me or my PC - it was a transformative moment for her and she was fairly convinced that the Dragon was speaking to her through a kankfly.  It also turned into a lot of plots for bits of gadgetry to prevent mindworms and fix herself, and she joined some cult.

All this to say: while big plots are awesome, sometimes little animations (even mistakes) can be just enough to kick a lot of almost plots into real plots.

as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

In a few months I can talk about it.   8)
There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. Can you feel it?  Can you?
- Rumi

Agggh... my very first character. His name was Greg. A merchant / guard who worked out of allanak. He didn't do much. The first time I actually got to play, me and gunner got into a silly bar fight and I used ''kick'' for real and the guards whooped my ass and sent me to jail. Good laugh.
When I got out I thought it'd be nice to do some exploring. So I went out to the salt flats and ran across some salt worm carcasses. Eh. Walked some more and came across an entire mekillot. He didn't bite me. I stood there for a good... two minutes before deciding to ''kick'' the mek for real too.

and that is the story of Greg. A merchant / guard who was my first character ever.
Live like God.
Love like God.

"Don't let life be your burden."
- Some guy, Twin Warriors

Yes. Nauta. Heh. Crazy. That was a blast.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.
