Elves and Mounts

Started by Echo, June 25, 2008, 08:02:00 PM

June 28, 2008, 08:49:34 AM #25 Last Edit: June 28, 2008, 10:30:04 AM by Qzzrbl
Quote from:  Armageddon Help Files
City elves are scattered across the settled places of Zalanthas, and have adapted to live by their wits. True to the nature of elves they also live by their quick fingers, and are usually avoided by the honest citizens of other races. Some city elves are members of tribes camped in some run- down space within its walls; others lead shiftless lives with no ties of loyalty at all.

Desert elves are nearly always members of desert tribes, and wander freely about the wastes hunting for what they need. They tend to be darker in skin colour than city elves, as well as leaner and more muscular. Elves are very long-limbed, and desert elves are runners by nature, capable of a prolonged run across most types of terrain.

Allow me to step in and break down this little nugget of documentation. The elven documentation, of course, is the piece of literature upon which is stated the guidelines for playing any and all elves anyone would happen to create on Zalanthas, ever. To stray from these guidelines would generally make you a bad player.

So let us begin.

Question: Are all city elves in tribes?

Quote from:  Armageddon Help Files
Some city elves are members of tribes camped in some run- down space within its walls; others lead shiftless lives with no ties of loyalty at all.

Answer: No. Not all city elves are in tribes. The number of city elves in tribes within city walls is described with the word "some". Indicating that only a handful of the entire city elf population is in a tribe or gang of any sort.

Question: Are all tribeless city elves lonely?

Quote from:  Armageddon Help Files
Some city elves are members of tribes camped in some run- down space within its walls; others lead shiftless lives with no ties of loyalty at all.

Answer: No. The documentation states that most all of any city elves who aren't part of a tribe hold no ties of loyalty at all. Now this doesn't mean they won't have friends. But said friends have to earn their trust, which is a real bitch to do as an outsider to an elf. An elf may act like a friend, or act like he's loyal to you. But you'll never know what he's got up his sleeve. This is why most people don't like elves, and why most elves are distrustful. Why would anyone want to befriend someone who is a potential thief?

Question: Who do elves test, and why?

Quote from:  Armageddon Help Files
Highly distrustful of all persons outside their immediate tribe, elves will often go to great lengths to test the trustworthiness of any companion.

Answer: Anyone they may, or may soon consider a companion, who isn't related, or in the same tribe, should your city elf even be in a tribe. If a city elf is out in the desert, and someone he's never seen before rides up and offers water.... That city elf would be thinking, "Hey, I don't know this person. I've never done anything for him, why is he giving me water? Something's up." And would likely make the water-offerer drink from the waterskin first, to make sure it's not poisoned.

City elves will also set people up for failure in their tests. For example, an elf might KNOW that their potential buddy is in Luir's, but he'll ask, "Where are you?" anyway. Just to see if that potential buddy will lie. They'll do alot of small stuff like that before actually opening up to anyone, and accepting water without requiring them to drink first.

Quote from: QzzrblQuestion: Are all tribeless city elves lonely?

Quote from:  Armageddon Help Files
Some city elves are members of tribes camped in some run- down space within its walls; others lead shiftless lives with no ties of loyalty at all.

Answer: No. The documentation states that most all of any city elves who aren't part of a tribe hold no ties of loyalty at all. Now this doesn't mean they won't have friends. But said friends have to earn this loyalty, which is a real bitch to do as an outsider to an elf.

The answer is what? Helpfile makes clear separation between elves with ties of loyalty and without. But you make up some "friends", who do not worth any loyalty, give them to tribeless elves and say that they are not lonely anymore. Now, there are lots of people I don't five a fuck about, but I don't call them "friends".

Quote from: Doppelganger on June 28, 2008, 10:03:57 AM
The answer is what? Helpfile makes clear separation between elves with ties of loyalty and without. But you make up some "friends", who do not worth any loyalty, give them to tribeless elves and say that they are not lonely anymore. Now, there are lots of people I don't five a fuck about, but I don't call them "friends".


What what, you imbecile? Helpfile clearly states that tribeless elves have no loyalty at all, yet you mumble string or two of unrelated nonsense and conclude that tribeless elves have friends.

Quote from: Qzzrbl on June 28, 2008, 08:49:34 AM
City elves will also set people up for failure in their tests. For example, an elf might KNOW that their potential buddy is in Luir's, but he'll ask, "Where are you?" anyway. Just to see if that potential buddy will lie.

I do this all the time, even when I'm not playing elves.


1.   A biped, ungrateful.

Quote from: Doppelganger on June 28, 2008, 10:23:58 AM
What what, you imbecile? Helpfile clearly states that tribeless elves have no loyalty at all, yet you mumble string or two of unrelated nonsense and conclude that tribeless elves have friends.

No need for name calling you grammarless fool. I was asking "what" because your post made no sense. It's possible to have friends without being loyal. And looking over my previous post, I see that I used "loyalty" instead of "trust". Sorry for any confusion, it has been edited and fixed.

I don't envy your friends.

Quote from: Doppelganger on June 28, 2008, 10:32:22 AM
I don't envy your friends.

Me neither, but that's entirely beside the point.

But as I was saying, a lone c-elf with no tribe or family could be lonely, I guess. If he decided to avoid interaction with anything and everything he possibly can. But there's not much you can say to back up your theory of a majority of tribless c-elves being lonely.

Hey.. Lets all be friendly here..

We know elves are not going to be able to mount shit... Unless its sexually.. So this thread has been answered! And the c-elves discussion is going a bit far..


"Don't take life too seriously, nobody ever makes it out alive anyway."

Arn't Trust, Friendship and Loyality three diffrent things?
I can create the illusion of friendship, and have no ties of loyality or trust, if it better serves me. Elves arn't fringe dwellers. And im sure are blessed with the ability of forethought.

On a side note, is there an option on this GDB, where I can add users whom's posts I dont care to read? And have the GDB filter them out for me? Or do I just have to put up with losing brain cells.

Quote from: Echo on June 28, 2008, 10:44:19 AM
Arn't Trust, Friendship and Loyality three diffrent things?
I can create the illusion of friendship, and have no ties of loyality or trust, if it better serves me. Elves arn't fringe dwellers. And im sure are blessed with the ability of forethought.

On a side note, is there an option on this GDB, where I can add users whom's posts I dont care to read? And have the GDB filter them out for me? Or do I just have to put up with losing brain cells.

I said look at the distraction!! And, no. No such option is within the GDB.
"Don't take life too seriously, nobody ever makes it out alive anyway."

You could just stop reading its entirety except staff and clan boards.
There is no general doctrine which is not capable of eating out our morality if unchecked by the deep-seated habit of direct fellow-feeling with individual fellow-men. -George Eliot

Question answered.  Snarkiness and flaming started.  Locking thread.

Keep in mind the forum rules--if this kind of stuff keeps going on in more threads, the contributors of the snark and flaming can and will have posting privileges revoked for a time to cool off and think before posting.
Quote from: LauraMars on December 15, 2016, 08:17:36 PMPaint on a mustache and be a dude for a day. Stuff some melons down my shirt, cinch up a corset and pass as a girl.

With appropriate roleplay of course.