Finding the Byn

Started by JustAnotherGuy, May 05, 2008, 08:03:00 PM

Yes, I know I should probably find this out IC but I know WHO I need to contact but finding them at the right time has been the hard part.

I was just hoping if someone could get in contact with me from the Byn via PM with playtimes as I play off peek and well, it isn't the most fun sitting around twiddling my thumbs typing 'contact Amos' over and over again.

Anyhow, thank you for your time.

(PS.  I'm severely sorry if I should place this in say the New Players section, but I thought it was fitting for Announcements also)

I read a thread somewhere and a staff member said they don't mind you wishing up to join, if you've already tried all the proper channels.

I would offer a suggestion, that isn't very positive but nonetheless:

If you can't ever find an officer of a clan, you have a very small chance of actually interacting with an officer. Meaning, you aren't likely to ever receive orders, or have instruction, or go out on assignments, or even have regular sparring partners...if you can't ever find the people who are authorized to do those things.

So even if an IMM clans you, what good will that do if you are the only PC in the clan during the hours you're logged in? That's a recipe for storage, if you ask me.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

I'm pretty sure the Byn is booming right now, and if he wanted to play a combative PC, and train up, it's still probably his bet bet.

I've been imm clanned in the Byn two times now.

Neither time did I store and both times were a blast.

Myself, If my PC has been trying to join the byn from the get go and has 8 hours+ play on him. I stand at the gates bitching, whining, moaning to the NPC sarge there while wishing up every 15 min till he/she finnaly gets annoyed enough to ask me if I have the money.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Out of curiousity ... what will happen if he asks you this and you 'dont' have the money ?

Funny you should ask...I've seen that happen many times...totally depends on the  PC/NPC sarge...Or...find out IC ;D
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Quote from: Lizzie on May 05, 2008, 09:02:33 PM

So even if an IMM clans you, what good will that do if you are the only PC in the clan during the hours you're logged in? That's a recipe for storage, if you ask me.

I don't really like this conclusion. I played in a clan where I was the only PC for quite long time. I didn't store that character - actually it was one of most funny characters I ever had. I think it all depends on your expectations and reasons -why- you wish to be part of the certain clan (and not some other).

I'm talking about the average new player who wants to get involved and interact with other PCs and be taught how to continue being involved and interactive. Which is supposedly why they would want to join the Byn, above and beyond any other clan. It's great that the Byn does this. And it's great that it's booming right now, and in fact when I'm logged in, it usually is easy to find a Bynner in the game (though not always at my location but still, that's pretty good).

The problem is when a -new- character shows up, wants to interact, comes here asking about it, *specifies* that they haven't been able to get in touch with ANY Bynner with authority to hire, *specifies* that he doesn't play during peak time, and is told to get codedly clanned by an IMM. Is that IMM then going to continue animating the NPC Sergeant so that this newly IMM-hired Bynner has someone to learn from? Will that IMM stop all other activities, so he can devote time to this one single player during the guy's usual login times, to make sure he sticks with the schedule, or punish him if he doesn't, or hell, even help him not stick with it if that's the kind of NPC Sergeant it is?

If you're a veteran to the game, or have been in the Byn (or any other clan for that matter) a few times with previous PCs, then you've learned how to work around that. But if you're new to the game, and you want to interact, and you get clanned in a clan with no present PC authority during your usual login times, it SUCKS. I imagine it probably sucks even worse if you play off-peak, when seeing ANY other PCs that your character would interact with is difficult. No one to pay you, no one to report to, no one to scold you when you screw up, no one to praise you when you do good, no reason to do good because no one is around to give a damn, no one to send you on assignments. You get to follow the schedule. And that's all you get to do, because there is no one around with the authority to have you do anything else.

I can't imagine anyone who likes playing hard-core roleplaying *interactive* text games, wanting to do nothing but skill-grind all day by themselves.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

Quote from: Lizzie on May 06, 2008, 08:13:24 AM
I'm talking about the average new player who wants to get involved and interact with other PCs and be taught how to continue being involved and interactive. Which is supposedly why they would want to join the Byn, above and beyond any other clan. It's great that the Byn does this. And it's great that it's booming right now, and in fact when I'm logged in, it usually is easy to find a Bynner in the game (though not always at my location but still, that's pretty good).

The problem is when a -new- character shows up, wants to interact, comes here asking about it, *specifies* that they haven't been able to get in touch with ANY Bynner with authority to hire, *specifies* that he doesn't play during peak time, and is told to get codedly clanned by an IMM. Is that IMM then going to continue animating the NPC Sergeant so that this newly IMM-hired Bynner has someone to learn from? Will that IMM stop all other activities, so he can devote time to this one single player during the guy's usual login times, to make sure he sticks with the schedule, or punish him if he doesn't, or hell, even help him not stick with it if that's the kind of NPC Sergeant it is?

If you're a veteran to the game, or have been in the Byn (or any other clan for that matter) a few times with previous PCs, then you've learned how to work around that. But if you're new to the game, and you want to interact, and you get clanned in a clan with no present PC authority during your usual login times, it SUCKS. I imagine it probably sucks even worse if you play off-peak, when seeing ANY other PCs that your character would interact with is difficult. No one to pay you, no one to report to, no one to scold you when you screw up, no one to praise you when you do good, no reason to do good because no one is around to give a damn, no one to send you on assignments. You get to follow the schedule. And that's all you get to do, because there is no one around with the authority to have you do anything else.

I can't imagine anyone who likes playing hard-core roleplaying *interactive* text games, wanting to do nothing but skill-grind all day by themselves.

While I tend to think that to each his own ... and if someone has their heart set on playing a Byn for example, that's what they should do ... I also understand where Lizzie's comming from.

I live in Japan, and play off-peak more often than not, and I don't think it's a coincidence that my character is independant, and has developed an urge to avoid joining any large clans. Most of the time ... almost nobody is on when I'm on, so why would I want to confine my character to a certain area and further renforce my lack of things to do?

And yeah, I think skill grinding and solo-RP gets old real quick if you never have any interaction also  :(
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.

Lizzie - even if an immortal doesn't have the time to show a new player around in the Byn, it's likely someone else will eventually. If this new player is off peak and never sees any players, well, that's just rotten luck. I'm sure any Byn Sergeant or immortal would be glad to let go a new player if they're not finding any interaction.

But in my experience, the Byn has taught several new characters the game syntax and given them their first gritty taste of Zalanthas, whether they be prime time or peak time players.

Not to mention, JAG isn't all that new...

I'd like to point out that it was my... second character? First longer-living one for sure. I mean... yeah, for many people it's important to have interaction in their clan, but it's often not the only reason. For some other it's important they play -Bynner- even if there are not other Bynners around. After all, you have the whole world to interact with, even if your clan is empty. And you know... it's empty now, but that could change. It's possible it was full when you joined and the day after you did everyone fell off the Shield Wall.

Also, I have to admit I feel a little surprised. Skill-grinding? Why? There is hundred and one of other things you can do, even in absolutely, totally-empty clan. I hope that players who have nobody to interact with in their clans are doing more than spamming skills. After all, spamming skills gets really boring very soon.

I think Lizzie just has a some sort of grudge against the Byn. I'm not sure why.
Quote from: H. L.  MenckenEvery normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.

Quote from: Lizzie on May 05, 2008, 09:02:33 PM
I would offer a suggestion, that isn't very positive but nonetheless:

If you can't ever find an officer of a clan, you have a very small chance of actually interacting with an officer. Meaning, you aren't likely to ever receive orders, or have instruction, or go out on assignments, or even have regular sparring partners...if you can't ever find the people who are authorized to do those things.

So even if an IMM clans you, what good will that do if you are the only PC in the clan during the hours you're logged in? That's a recipe for storage, if you ask me.

This is logical but also a bit misleading. Actually being clanned will allow you access to the places that clan members are more likely to show up at, i.e. barracks or compounds, and so you'll actually see more of the clan probably.

I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

Thanks to everyone and their concern.  I do know there is a Leadership PC in the Byn that does play during the time I do, but I seem to keep missing them.  I fully understand the concern that it may not be a good experence for me to join up a clan in which I would not be able to get any orders are from, but that's what NPC boards are for and the like.  Off that topic though I have already been contacted and I know I will have fun in the clan as I do know a few people within that I'm really looking forward to RPing with.

On another note, not to give out too much IC information, but my current PC...  well...  Byn or Bust.  So, he's got his mind set.

Thanks again for all the help and comments.  I was surprised when I read all the posts that it brought forward, and all very good concerns and it's very appreciated.

Quote from: Bogre on May 06, 2008, 03:15:17 PM
Quote from: Lizzie on May 05, 2008, 09:02:33 PM
I would offer a suggestion, that isn't very positive but nonetheless:

If you can't ever find an officer of a clan, you have a very small chance of actually interacting with an officer. Meaning, you aren't likely to ever receive orders, or have instruction, or go out on assignments, or even have regular sparring partners...if you can't ever find the people who are authorized to do those things.

So even if an IMM clans you, what good will that do if you are the only PC in the clan during the hours you're logged in? That's a recipe for storage, if you ask me.

This is logical but also a bit misleading. Actually being clanned will allow you access to the places that clan members are more likely to show up at, i.e. barracks or compounds, and so you'll actually see more of the clan probably.

As well, if you don't join a clan, you can't take over a clan and make the clan's recruitment playtimes your own.  :)

My charactor is in the byn I play at all hours of the day, when do you get on?

Quote from: FatDot on May 06, 2008, 03:16:02 AM
Out of curiousity ... what will happen if he asks you this and you 'dont' have the money ?

Quote from: X-D on May 06, 2008, 03:30:35 AM
Funny you should ask...I've seen that happen many times...totally depends on the  PC/NPC sarge...Or...find out IC ;D

Really does depend entirely upon the PC/NPC sarge. _WAY_ back when I had my very first byn character, I was fronted the money by my sarge. (Not all of it, but I think 200 'sid) Had to pay him back, Eventually got kicked out. hehe. Fun times, Never finished paying him back either.  ;D
"Don't take life too seriously, nobody ever makes it out alive anyway."

Usually you can find the name of a Sergeant usually by brief chatter in the taverns. Tavern rumor boards also tend to have announcements and names to contact regarding it.
Currently the Byn is fairly active, with a lot of great players around with a various playtimes. The leadership is a bit lacking as it currently falls on a single player.

I would recommend the Byn for both new players to the game and experienced players.

The Byn is jumpin' right now.  You don't know what your missing.  Excuse me while I go back to noming on my stew.

And at least if you get Clanned by the Imm you can have access to the board and stuff.

And with almost every time I've been in the Byn, there is hardly time to go out and socialize. we are either training, cleaning, shopping, doing contracts, or hanging out in the sleeping area talking.
Quote from: SynthesisI always thought of jozhals as like...reptilian wallabies.

Quote from: FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWitI pictured them as cute, glittery mini-velociraptors.
Kinda like a My Little Pony that could eat your face.

*blinks* Well, talk about resurrection.  Thanks, but I'm good now.  Still good advice for anyone else that might be looking to join a clan.

You know what? I would have been happy to see the Byn languish. There were independent groups filling the void.

Quote from: number13 on June 27, 2008, 02:17:09 PM
You know what? I would have been happy to see the Byn languish. There were independent groups filling the void.

The only problem with this happening in Arm 1.0 is that it's fleeting, and the Byn has the benefit of the compound and other resources that make everything so much easier and cleaner to operate.  That's why many of the changes in Arm 2.0, where independent groups will not only be able to fill the void, but have similar access to such areas to help them succeed, is very exciting.
