Stats and RP Logs

Started by LoD, April 14, 2008, 01:49:22 PM

I definitely would rather see a less-staff involved system in regards to stat raises.

It can sometimes be frustrating to be honest, to have to rp specific training. I know with my current character it seems almost more OOC to sit and lift weights to increase his strength, when the way he leads his life is far more impacting on his physical fitness.
<Morgenes> Dunno if it's ever been advertised, but we use Runequest as a lot of our inspiration, and that will be continued in Arm 2
<H&H> I can't take that seriously.
<Morgenes> sorry HnH, can't take what seriously?
<H&H>Oh, I read Runescape. Nevermin

I would say giving out the extra points based on Hours Played would be far more effective than basing it on time since creation.

Also, I would say -don't- put a limit on it, but have the the amount of time between points given increase exponentially.

Quote from: LoD on April 15, 2008, 01:07:15 PM
I also like the suggested idea of using the points to affect a larger group of potential things:

  • Add 10% to the base value and 5% to the maximum value of a particular skill.
  • Add 1 point to strength, agility, wisdom, or endurance.
  • Add 1 dialect of choice.
  • Add 1 language of choice (2 points)
  • Add 1 skill from a general skill pool.
  • Add 5 health, 10 stamina, or 10 stun.

While I really like this idea, I think some, if not all, would still be up for staff approval (goes into a queue to be reviewed by the staff and either approved or denied-with-reason).  This would still put the decision in staff hands, but automate the process quite a bit more.  This would also prevent things like a rinth-rat auto-learning Tatlum.
When we found her Marnlee mornin',
Hoofprints walking up her back
There were empties by her war braids
And sixty-five dead carru in a stack.

~ Unknown - Heru Got Runover by a Carru

Quote from: DrunkenSalarr on April 15, 2008, 01:50:00 PM
This would also prevent things like a rinth-rat auto-learning Tatlum.

I take the point of your post and agree with it, but I think that this particular situation, and other outlandish ones, should be impossible simply because some skills don't make it into the common pool that can be picked up this way. Examples might include languages other than sirihish, allundean, and mirukkim (or, frankly, all languages - those can be picked up IC already without staff intervention) very specific guild skills, spells, psionics, etc.
There is no general doctrine which is not capable of eating out our morality if unchecked by the deep-seated habit of direct fellow-feeling with individual fellow-men. -George Eliot

Meh, I'm not so sure I'd like the idea of adding brand new skills based off of time alone.  If these 'points' could be expended on skills, I'd much rather have them only able to be applied to skills your character is already good at, giving no immediate bump but increasing their 'maximum' for that skill.  True weaponmasters emerge.

If we do the general skill pool, I just can't help but imagine the same skills will be chosen by everyone regardless, and it will just turn into 'Oh, everyone has this skill though.'
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Another problem with basing it off of 'time played' is then some people might be very tempted to go linkdead in fairly safe places when they couldn't play - or not even linkdead, just idle or run some simple script for hours while they slept, worked, or went to class, to tick up the timer faster.

I like the idea of dynamic stat and skill change potentials.  I'd like to see it based off of how your character lives, how it's spending its time.  Things that might affect your character's 'well being' and stats for good or ill might be how varied its diet is over time, what drugs and possibly poisons its encountering over time, how hard it works and how long it stays injured or very tired.

Maybe food, intoxicants, even getting to a certain state of tired or hurt and staying there for an amount of time can place a subtle affect on you.  And the game watches these effects.  An alcoholic that eats almost only bread and works himself regularly to exhaustion, then -doesn't- rest for a while, might find all sorts of slow, negative, cumulative effects on his stats.

Eat a variety of meat, vegtables, fruit, and bread, work hard in their life but not to hard, then rest and recover soon after, avoid much of what tears up a body...  and slowly improve in their stats as they maintain a sensible, healthy life.

I totally idle all the time now anyway, while I'm working etc and just wait for interesting stuff to happen. I think I'd start feeling guilty about idling if Stat Increases were based on hours played. And I think people who couldn't idle 24 hours a day (I would do that for +1 wis, seriously) would be pretty upset.

Hours played is not the way to go. People who can play for more hours a day already have an unfair advantage, they get to play more!

Why hasn't this system been implemented yet?! We've been talking about it for like a whole 2-3 days now!  ::)
Quoteemote pees into your eyes deeply

Quote from: Delirium on November 28, 2012, 02:26:33 AM
I don't always act superior... but when I do it's on the forums of a text-based game