Request for Your Thoughts

Started by Sanvean, January 08, 2008, 05:41:09 PM

I've noticed and I like it a lot. To me it represents the commitment of those running the game to take a step back and be a bit more objective, though that might be purely fancy on my part. I still catch myself calling the administration imms, but I tend to correct myself. I also remember admin being referred to as gods on old hack and slash muds. I don't know if they still do that. ???
Quote from: Riev on June 12, 2019, 02:20:04 PM
Do you kill your sparring partners once they are useless to you, so that you are king?

I would like a total switch from the usual.  Being referred to as a staff member here, and being referred to as a god at my real-life job.

I like it.  I hadn't realized the rationale behind it, but it makes sense.  The problem with "immortal" is that it is not necessarily obvious, to a new player, that it's an ooc title rather than some ic concept. 

I used to play on a mud where "wizard" was used, and it seems a little cheesy.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

I favor it.  Words are important, and the metaphor of the relationship between staff and players and staff and the game suggests a more professional footing.  "Staff" implies some responsibility and commitment to the game and its users.  "Immortal" implies only being beyond the normal rules to me.

If we could just get "wish" changed to "demand" and "Highlord" shifted to "Toady" we'd be golden.

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

It's not something I ever thought about.

GameMaster, Immortal, Staff Member.. it all means the same to me, and I guess I'm not neurotic enough to care which it is.