
Started by Rhyden, October 02, 2007, 05:44:23 PM

Quote from: "Bebop":( Meh why does Tuluk always get the shaft?

Tuluk is known for its caste tattoos and artists and Nak gets this dood first.  Not to mention all the IMMy ran plotlines going on there I keep hearing about.

Chill. He put it in mostly for testing, so it's pretty logical to put it in the most populated place. And he already said that if it works out well he'll make one in Tuluk.

The Tuluk vs Allanak thing, you guys shouldn't be complaining... I'm still trying to find a way to tailor my clothes to fit without having to go into the city walls.  Well also cloth... why is there no cloth... or scrub sand... garrr...

Any thoughts into a -completely- custom tattoo artist?

Well, nevermind.. there are a lot of dumb players out there, and we'd inevitably get:

<worn on arms>     a tattoo of a realy big dragin with wings outspread and teeth gnashing and fliyng through the sky menacingly

And re: tuluk people whining..

Quote from: "Rhyden"Cry more.

It's official, for now on no one is allowed to have an opinion on the GDB.

You are the drama queen, once a twit, only complaining
Drama queen, feel the beat from the cowbells ring
You can rant, you can whine, wasting the time of our lives
See that girl, watch that screen, dig in the drama queen

Quote from: "Coat of Arms"You are the drama queen, once a twit, only complaining
Drama queen, feel the beat from the cowbells ring
You can rant, you can whine, wasting the time of our lives
See that girl, watch that screen, dig in the drama queen

I digress but did you just write that?

My point is, some people enjoy playing in Tuluk.  When the IMMs keep condoning stuff in Allanak there is only so much players can do to keep interaction in Tuluk alone.  Especially when OOC recruiting isn't allowed.  I have heard of two IMM ran quests or whatever you want to call them within like a month?  And now a new tattoo guy when tattoos are a huge part of Tuluki society.  It seems like the only reason this guy was put in Allanak is for an OOC reason that the IMMs right now are prefering Allanak and the fact that inkings are prominent in Tuluki culture was left out of the decision.

QuoteI digress but did you just write that?

Yeah. Feel free to sig.

QuoteMy point is, some people enjoy playing in Tuluk. When the IMMs keep condoning stuff in Allanak there is only so much players can do to keep interaction in Tuluk alone. Especially when OOC recruiting isn't allowed. I have heard of two IMM ran quests or whatever you want to call them within like a month? And now a new tattoo guy when tattoos are a huge part of Tuluki society. It seems like the only reason this guy was put in Allanak is for an OOC reason that the IMMs right now are prefering Allanak and the fact that inkings are prominent in Tuluki culture was left out of the decision.

The tattoos that are part of Tuluki culture already exist. There's no specific need for "a stylized well-hung kank tattoo" in Tuluk, any more than there is in Allanak, but it was placed in the latter because that's where Raesanos can most quickly see how it works out and if anything needs to be corrected. If Tuluk had the bigger playerbase, I'm guessing the tattooist would have been introduced there. As soon as it turns out that the new tattooist is the bomb and once a few typos are corrected, I'm sure you Tulukis will have the shaft removed from wherever it's stuck.

True, but Tuluk is going to keep having the lower population if IMM favoritism keeps popping up like this.  People want to play where the stuff and the interaction is and once society is quickly overwhelmed if the IMMs start favoring one over the other.  I just feel bad because some folks still want to play in Tuluk.  Oh wellz.  I understand why this was done, but I think it would have been just as easy to load up a second NPC and stick him in Tuluk.

Quote from: "Bebop"True, but Tuluk is going to keep having the lower population if IMM favoritism keeps popping up like this.  People want to play where the stuff and the interaction is and once society is quickly overwhelmed if the IMMs start favoring one over the other.  I just feel bad because some folks still want to play in Tuluk.  Oh wellz.  I understand why this was done, but I think it would have been just as easy to load up a second NPC and stick him in Tuluk.

Excuse me.

Immortal run quests? Favourism? We players pushed and organized the rpts. True, we need staffs help to have a successful one. But players identified the plots. We players picked it up. We players pushed forward to organize it (with a lot of help from staff to organize time for us, thanks so much for being patient). We players made all the preparations. Staffs may have done a lot for us, but they did not do all the work for us. The RPTs are simply results of /months/ of stories coming to a close finally. You merely heard of the ones that we had a lot of immortal help from. There are easily ten times that amount of rpts carried out by players ourselves throughout the same period.

We will be offended if you think we are spoon feed.

Back on topic, the tattoo is sooooo cute.

I just want to add. Things do happen in Tuluk. But maybe it is so subtle that you didn't notice RPT happening.
Don't piss me off. I'm running out of places to hide the bodies.

I agree with Melody. There is no Imm favoritism in this new update. That is ridiculous to even assume.

I am sure this -awesome- new installment of custom tattoos is going to be introduced elsewhere, inlcuding Tuluk. Thanks Raesanos!!

And the Nonman King cried words that sting:
"Now to me you must confess,
For death above you hovers!"
And the Emissary answered ever wary:
"We are the race of flesh,
We are the race of lovers."
     -"Ballad of the Inchoroi"

What I meant is IMM support.

It just doesn't look like it's as prominent in the north.

Please talk about tuluk in a different thread so I can use this one to track responses to the tattoo script.  Thanks.

Actually, it might be best not to have a discussion on if one NPC existing for a little while in one city but not the other is a problem for the game, because its so, so not a big deal.

I'd love to see tattoo artist as a subguild.

Nice I remember seeing an imm animate this guy outside a certain bar.