Cancel / Change Application ?

Started by IAmJacksOpinion, April 22, 2007, 04:29:15 AM

I'm almost positive something like this used to be implimented, but:

Due to recently having one of those moments when you app one character, but instantly get an idea for another, I'm suggesting code which gives you the ability to cancel an application waiting on the approval project or one that's already been aproved, but never been logged in on.

You've all had those moments where you just submitted, or have been approved but suddenly there's a better idea, or something you want to change a little. You app a warrior, but get a better concept for a ranger, and  you're left with two options:
a) Email and wait.
b) Suicide.

I know which one gets you back in the game a whole hell of a lot faster, but is unfortunately frowned upon!

What I'm suggesting, is a login menu option to change your application. Of coarse, it would still need to be checked over and approved, but it'd be handy as hell!
Quote from: musashiengaging in autoerotic asphyxiation is no excuse for sloppy grammer!!!

I thought you could login while it was in the approval queue and change it if you wanted?

As for the changing after approval idea, good idea :) I'd like to see it in Armageddon II :) (I doubt we'll see it or (m)any other changes in Armageddon I)

When you get rejected, you are given the options to delete or revise the character, I'm not sure about while in the app process, I never check.

As far as your options, don't suicide, ask for storage.
For FantasyWriter:
Never again will I be a fool, I will from now on, wrap my tool.

before you're approved?  You can submit a request, that your app be denied.

However, I agree, an applicant should be able to remove their application manually.  Arm2 implementation ftw.
The rugged, red-haired woman is not a proper mount." -- oops

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