
Started by HoD, March 17, 2007, 09:20:38 PM

Roleplaying: Dwarves, whose origins are unknown, typically attempt to find one single goal to which they can adhere and they will never abandon that goal for as long as they live (or until it is completed, when a dwarf feels the need to set himself or herself to a new, more difficult task than the last). Fear is generally not a lever one can employ with dwarves, for they will not be shaken from their purpose, whatever it might be at the time, even if it means their death.

Dwarves whose origins are unknown....Does this mean dwarves from dwarf town XX lack the need for a focus?

Or have all dwarves not known their origins since the time they were slaves?

The parenthetical phrase leads me to believe all dwarves' origins are unknown since the time they were (supposedly) all slaves.

If it read "Dwarves whose origins are unknown typically attempt to find one single goal..." then yes, I would assume some dwarves know their origins and don't have a focus, and others don't know and do have a focus.

Yeah, the commas make it so. I think the writer was just looking to put useful information in without sounding totally dry or like a bulleted list.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

Also, despite it saying "typically", all dwarves must have a focus. The character won't be approved without it. Someone should have changed that bit of documentation, it might give some people the impression that the focus is optional.
b]YB <3[/b]