Numbers are down, what can we do about it?

Started by Gimfalisette, January 26, 2007, 01:37:51 PM

Threaten anyway, just do it in written form.

Step 1: Continue to play

Step 2: Do stuff. Too many people do nothing lately

Step 3: Create characters that have reason and opportunity to interact with a lot of others

Step 4: Vote and advertise
omorrow is cancelled due to lack of interest.

Another thing that I bet would help is to put an end to the apparently common opinion of "why bother making any improvements to the current game when it'll all change in a few months anyway?". I find it discouraging when I see it, and if I was on the verge of quitting but considering staying, it might be what tipped the scale in the wrong direction for me.

The version shift isn't happening tomorrow. If there's something wrong with the current code or other parts of the game, it should still be addressed and hopefully worked on, since if we don't do it, we still have to endure those shortcomings for a long time. I was guilty of having the "why bother now, might as well suggest it for the next version" mentality at first, until I realized that it made even myself less interested in the game.
b]YB <3[/b]

It's not about building stuff, for me, it's about being unable to create a character with any sort of legacy.  That's always been one of my main drives to login, to create a character people will remember.  I find it highly likely that the upcoming events, which I know nothing about but assume will be substantial, will overshadow any one character.

And even if I created the character that saved the world the legacy would be short lived because people are going to be fucking stoked to get into the new game.

So I'm just biding my time until the new game pops up before I'm going to invest much.  I might login to hunt or interact a little now and then but that's about it, really.

Congratulations, you made me feel guilty even though my partial playing inactivity began way before Arm2's announcement.
So... I am trying to play at least a bit more regularly now.
Quote from: VanthA well-placed grunt can be worth a thousand words.

Ok, I tried signing up for another mud and I emoted kidnapping them and dragging them to Armageddon, but they said that my angelic aura couldn't drag characters to hell. Specially since kidnapping wasn't coded.

Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime