Borsail Noble & Non-Noble Positions Open

Started by Naiona, January 18, 2007, 07:40:47 PM

The richest and most powerful house in the known world is taking applications for one noble and one non-noble (can be a servant or slaver) character.

If conniving, sneaky, power-hungry, backstabbing roleplay in the traditions of Mario Puzo and George R.R. Martin appeal to you and you are able to log in -very- reguarly, are not involved in any current plotlines -and- have a good recent account history, please send your application to

Each application should include your account name and a proposal for your new character.

These characters must be fully human and can be any non-magicker guild.  The servant slaver PC can be a slave themselves, or a free person.  Beyond that, we'll consider any concept - so long as it is appropriate for Allanak's foremost family.

A Borsail positions come with a lot of responsibility. Borsail is a big clan with a lot of PC underlings. You -must- be willing to play regularly and must be involved in keeping other PCs occupied. Some understanding of Allanaki social structure and politics is a must.

Positions in Borsail are always filled quickly. Send in your applications or even your intent to submit one soon.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.