Cane's, Crutches, and your Grandfather's Walking Stick!

Started by Galdun, October 06, 2006, 04:32:43 AM

Alright, number 2.  Here we go.

This one is about as short and sweet as kank honey my dear friends.  I think it'd be great if these items were EPable, that is to say that one could equip them in their primary hand.  I 'idead' this already, but I figured I'd post about it on the boards as well.  Canes don't really have a scripted code use, and right now you have to hold them in your secondary hand where things like spice pipes, fans, bottles and other such things go, and mind you these items have to be held in the secondary hand to be used properly(and codedly).  Shouldn't a wounded man be able to lean on his crutch and smoke his spice at the -same time-?

I honestly can't see how this would be abuseable, and the truly wounded could use two crutches!


I think you can use the pipe without holding it.  If I remember it right that is.

And canes have no coded advantage on your walking.  So even if you -have to- hold the pipe, you can remove your cane and emote you are holding leaning on it.

Also, as far as I remember, you can hold your cane in your primary hand.  So you can both lean on your cane (primary hand) and smoke your pipe in your offhand.
some of my posts are serious stuff

You can't.  Guaranteed.  Unless all canes are -not- created equal.

Spice pipes DO need to be held to be used, just like 'tubes' of spice.

Back to something Galdun has mentioned, however, if you're using the can to support yourself, it's hard to smoke drugs from a pipe.  You need to light while inhaling, meaning you need one hand to hold the pipe and one to hold the promethian device.
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Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Some canes or walking sticks could be hold in a primary hand. Actually, until now I thought it is most of them, but perhaps I just saw these "odd"ones.

EDITed to add: I checked it once again to be sure and all canes/walking sticks I found are holdable in both, primary or secondary hand. Perhaps "typo" it? It really looks somewhat "wrong" that you cannot hold it in either hand.

Quote from: "spawnloser"Spice pipes DO need to be held to be used, just like 'tubes' of spice.

Back to something Galdun has mentioned, however, if you're using the can to support yourself, it's hard to smoke drugs from a pipe.  You need to light while inhaling, meaning you need one hand to hold the pipe and one to hold the promethian device.

Not all pipes are huge, and not everyone needs to hold them. An experienced smoker would easily be able to hold it between their lips and use their hand to light it.

Every cane and crutch I've ever used could be held in both primary and secondary hands.  Don't much know what you're talking about.  If you find one that can't be, bug it.
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