Multiple patrons?

Started by Cuusardo, September 06, 2006, 06:33:55 AM

The same things happen in Allanak, they just don't call it patronage.
-- Person A OOCs: I totally forgot if everyone is okay with the adult-rated emotes and so forth?

-- Person B OOCs: Does this count as sex or torture? I can't tell.

-- Person A OOCs: I'm going to flip coins now to decide.

I think that the system works well as an idea but as a reality in Armageddon it doesn't work as well.. It's already hard enough to find -1- PC Chosen to be patron under, that if you somehow piss of that Chosen, you are pretty much screwed
since you can't go and seek the safety of another Chosen.

What I would like to know is why no one is interested in Chosen roles as opposed to Southern noble roles being snatched faster than they can be advertised?

What makes a southern role a lot more entertaining for the playerbase compared to a northern one?

Maybe I'll start another topic on those questions, and that's really why I posted on Ask the Staff the other day, I wasn't really interested in knowing if you guys would start accepting more Chosens and Faithfuls or not, I guess I was
just hoping that you, as well, acknowledged that the lack of such PCs currently in the north is just slowly making Tuluk into a 'little Allanak'.
"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat;
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back."

Quote from: Malken on August 08, 2008, 11:33:53 PM
I think that the system works well as an idea but as a reality in Armageddon it doesn't work as well.. It's already hard enough to find -1- PC Chosen to be patron under, that if you somehow piss of that Chosen, you are pretty much screwed
since you can't go and seek the safety of another Chosen.

What I would like to know is why no one is interested in Chosen roles as opposed to Southern noble roles being snatched faster than they can be advertised?

What makes a southern role a lot more entertaining for the playerbase compared to a northern one?

Maybe I'll start another topic on those questions, and that's really why I posted on Ask the Staff the other day, I wasn't really interested in knowing if you guys would start accepting more Chosens and Faithfuls or not, I guess I was
just hoping that you, as well, acknowledged that the lack of such PCs currently in the north is just slowly making Tuluk into a 'little Allanak'.

Ask those other questions on a new thread -- I have some ideas.

However, maybe the staff could put some special apps for Patrons?  These wouldn't be huge political Chosesn -- but rather nobles (or even very wealthy merchants) whose OOC goal is to dish out money?
"The Highlord casts a shadow because he does not want to see skin!" -- Boog

<this space for rent>

August 17, 2008, 04:46:14 PM #28 Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 04:48:14 PM by Incognito
On the subject of Patrons, I'd just like to remind all players who have roles in the merchant houses, that it is definitely a huge part of the Great Merchant Houses to patronize bards (and other artisans). This is usually done for various reasons, the most evident being the influence the bardic circles have in Tuluk, with the templarate and nobility. This is a well known fact, and every merchant/agent should be aware of the potential uses of the Poets' Circle.

In 99/100 cases, a bardic affiliation would only help, and never hurt, from my personal experience! (Unless you do something stupid like knowingly patronizing a "fallen" bard....)

In other words, even on an OOC level, any merchant or agent of importance within the Great Merchant Houses (barring those who're in charge of special assignments of course), should definitely make an effort to either patronize an artisan, or, atleast use their talents in some other manner. It is a way of life on Zalanthas, and definitely in Tuluk.

Also, even if a bard/artisan might have a single primary patron, it IS a part of their training process to independantly approach various other Houses and gain their charms from them. Bard players can easily approach potential patrons and introduce themselves, as being in training to gain their charms, and then find ways to set up more mutually-acceptable relationships with those individuals.

All in all, with the limited number of roles able to provide patronage in the first place, I think that the idea of multiple patrons on an OOC level would be well justified.

ICLY, it would be up to the individual, to set his/her loyalty/priority with each of the patrons.

In my opinion, the Poets' Circle's IC potential depends on the number of Tuluki nobles, their activities and influences, and their plots as well. With a dearth of said nobility, the Poets' Circle will definitely feel the reciprocative pinch - so to say!
The figure in a dark hooded cloak says in rinthi-accented Sirihish, 'Winrothol Tor Fale?'

I wish I could figure out how to use symbols on this board.

It helps me to think of the word as the Spanish one, patron (with the little accent over the o) rather than patron.

The English version conjures up images almost solely of a patron of the arts.  The Spanish one conjures up a quite different picture.  One that is, I think more congruent to what a patron in Tuluk should be.
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."