
Started by Beux, August 30, 2006, 09:56:51 AM

I'd really like to see bandages wearable in the same way as tattoo's and scars. This would mean a more distinct set of locations (like you aren't wearing 'a bandage' on your hands, your wearing it on your left hand), and would also mean they could be worn other under items of clothing - which makes sense.

For example if your char bandages up a wound on their stomach, they'd still pull on their armour of the top. Would be nice when you take the armour for the bandage to revealed, rather than just having to emote that it's there, or sneaking off into another room, taking off the armour...and putting the bandage back on.

Your tattoos go on 'hands' as well, unfortunately.

I do think it'd be great to have a little revamp of the wear system, though.  Multiple items worn in layers for some locations, such as clothes under armor, socks, underpants, lingerie...  :D

I agree. It would be really nice to see for an array of items. Reckon it would be a big job though. But I'd really love to see it for bandages. And hands should be seperate damnit! You've got two hands, just like you have two wrists, two ankles...I recon it would be a pain in the arse for clothing, but for tattoos, scars and bandages would be nice to have them as seperate slots.

This is a big project with a lot of overhead but could be addressed by giving items a 'layerable' flag.

When a character attempts to wear an item, if the slot is empty, or the item you are attempting to wear is layerable, the item gets worn. If the slot is not empty and the item is not layerable, ginka could check to see if all items currently occupying that slot had the layerable property. If so, the item gets worn. If not, the item can't be worn (something is in the way.) Items would also get a number identifier to denote in which order they were worn. A second flag would denote whether or not the item covered the entire slot, or if you could see what was underneath it.

This would make it so that you coud put on your silk doublet, and then your goudra-leather vest (both flagged layerable), and then your silt-horror splintmail (not layerable), and then your tabard. If the doublet and splint were flagged to cover the whole slot, and the tabard and vest flagged 'see-through', someone looking at the character with all that on would see the tabard with the splint underneath it, but not the vest and the doublet underneath that.

This is pretty complex and would take significant revamping of the wear code, though, not to mention that re-flagging things will take ages. That doesn't mean I wouldn't hope we'd see it - I could certainly bear the flagging of the item database being a work-in-progress, just like how a significant portion of the database is still uncraftable. I think it would be very, very cool to set the wear locations up like this.