Started by Anonymous, June 25, 2006, 07:10:14 AM

Okay, i have one major beef with the Labyrinth....And my beef is, how do you know where the feck to go???  I realize its called the "Labyrinth" for a reason, but come on, if you were raised your entire life in there....I am sure you would know your way around. SO, it wouldnt make sense to wander around aimlessly in the alleys because it would be bad rollplay...... rollplaying being lost, when your character -would- know where to go to get to a bar or market, doesnt make sense. Its all because of an OOC innexperience with the rinth...... Do people get what I am saying? I think we either need graffiti that points arrows where to go for the tavern, market, etc. Not written in words, just like pictures to more easily navigate the rinth. OR we could have a primitive map in the help doccuments.....Norhting extensive that shows every twisting alley, but just the general borders, and the whereabouts of important locations that rinth noobs wouldnt know of..... I personally like the graffiti signs...... Please gimme feedback.

Quote from: "Anonymous"Do people get what I am saying?
Same as in any aspect of the game. OOC lack of knowledge always affects how much you can know ICly. I'd recommend not playing a 'rinther until you OOCly have more knowledge of the area.

Quote from: "Anonymous"how do you know where the feck to go???

quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Draw a map of the place.  Seriously.
You have no idea how helpful that would be.

Get some graph paper or use an automapper, or use Excel tables or anything else.  Mapping the 'rinth was one of the first and most important things I have done while playing a 'rinthi.

If you're dressed up right and you explore the place carefully and don't go snooping where you shouldn't (going into populated non-private buildings, for example, is dangerous), it's possible to map at least 90% of the 'rinth.
You should also learn to make use of the various landmarks and waypoints in the 'rinth - statues, graffiti, abandoned buildings and so on.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Make your own graffiti.
Make use of the scribble command.
Its not permanent, but it'll help a bit.

'Help scribble'

This is the problem when you create a character background who "always" did blah or who was "born" blah.

Whenever embarking on something new in the game, I typically represent myself as a n00b until I learn it as a player.

Think of it like starting a D&D game with a level 1 character.

You don't start with a background of a level 10 character. You become that by playing.

You have a valid point. The way people have addressed it on Armageddon is to just keep losing characters until they bring themselves up to speed. After a few (or several characters), your next 'rinther will be as savvy as he should be.

I would advise to 'every' newbie player to keep away from anything but a human ranger, why?

- You are allowed to 'quit' anywhere. A newbie doesn't know when to stop and someone gets winded away from the city.

- You learn a lot of skills at once, if you live.

- It's easy for you to be recruited. You can identify yourself as either a warrior or a hunter to clans and get recruited. Every warriorly clan and house has use for a ranger or two.

- Even though it may suck at the beginning, you learn to fight well. You don't need to use the confusing and often dangerous to learn combat skills. You just swing.

- You don't spend 'that' much time to watch "A yellow kank resists to move. A yellow kank resists to move. A yellow kank...."

- After you beef up a tiny bit, you start earning. If you don't, a simple 'forage food' is available. Ask the helpers about it!

- We all know newbies can't resist the urge and travel long distances. Ranger-quit comes handy. Also being able to move in storms is a plus.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Quote from: "Cenghiz"Ask the helpers about it!

You lazy shmuck!

I'm just kidding. Please ask us questions, we love them :D
your mother is an elf.

i learned the rinth by heart..... took me 20 chars to do that LOL
dd my msn if you want,

Quote from: "adrien"i learned the rinth by heart..... took me 20 chars to do that LOL

btw byn is always a good thing to join when your new.... but you may get bored of being locked up if your a wild spirted person like me. but their good for learning the basics.

... i clicked on the quote not the  edit.... silly me
dd my msn if you want,