
Started by Deathtakeusall, February 07, 2003, 03:14:37 PM

Well, remember erdlus can carry muls/humans/dwarves in darksun, they aren't little pieces of crap that can only carry  130 lb people, though they will only take a mul/human a few hundred feet before running out of steam.  Thats why kanks are usually used.

Quote from: "Delerak"You think that's huge? Inix are six times the size of a human.  Kanks are even larger.  Erdlu are capable of wreaking great damage in a fight, because they are quick and strong.  The guy in the pic is SMALL that's why you think the erdlu looks huge, that guy probably weighs 140 lbs.  Put a mul on top of that erdlu and he wont look that big.

Hmm, you may be right.  It's got a beak and all, but those handlike forepaws threw me off.  On the other hand, try to explain vestrics.  Vestrics are just messed up.  Then again, explain platypusses, I guess there are some freaky animals even here on Earth.

Anyway, I discovered something much more interesting about that picture.  His saddle has stirrups!  Stirrups, I say!  Long, long ago in a thread far away someone argued that without sturrups cavelry would suck, which explains the heafty penalties to mounted combat.  Darksun having stirrups doesn't guarentee the existance of Zalanthan stirrups, but it does show that they are at least possible.   :P

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Bleh, I emoted stirrups all the time when I wasn't an elf and actually rode mounts.  Just they were bone, and also the darksun novels have a LOT more steel then armageddon, mainly because all of the characters you read about are very exceptional and are defilers, muls, thri-kreen, etc, even Kings, I just love reading about sorcerer-kings, especiall Urik's.

From the last Prism Pentad I believe (need to re-read them)

Rikus looks over the glass bowl and contents.
Rikus says "What sorceroy is this Hamanu? Rocks that bleed water?"

Hamanu says "It is called Ice, Rikus the Mul..I have power you could never imagine.."

Bah, an inix bred with an erdlu is a ratlon... and that's what that thing looks like to me... a big scaly erdlu.

Well, I don't even think we can draw too many Parralels to Darksun anymore. Since as far as I know, Inix are larger than Kanks on Zalanthas (According to their tracks at least...) Erdlu are smaller than Kanks, have feathers and wings...

Ratlon are erdlu and kanks, not inix.

Sorry, you're wrong, it is most definetly erdlu and inix.

I'd paste a desc of one which states exactly that fact, but that would probably be crossing the line into IC information, which may have been crossed already as is.
iva La Resistance!
<Miee> The Helper Death Commando is right.

I thought I saw somewhere in the documentation kank/erdlu.  Inix/erdlu, No wonder they are hard to breed!!

The huge green inix plods over to a diminutive, shy erdlu, his tongue darting out to lick each eyeball.

A diminutive, shy erdlu backs into a corner, crying and bleating.

Am I the only one here who's always imagined erdlu as basically looking like ostriches?

Bahaha, me too.
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


Drat, I thought that the fact that they were erdlu/inixes was in the docs... hmm, somebody slap me, I may have crossed the line.

I wouldn't lose any sleep over it, heh.

Its nothing most of the fairly experienced players probably don't know already, and nothing which isn't stated in the desc of most ratlons if you happen to see one :)
iva La Resistance!
<Miee> The Helper Death Commando is right.

I had a ratlon once... never really gave the desc a good read-through though, since for some reason I imagined them to look like tontons from Star Wars Episode V.

I always picture inix as the Dewbacks which were included in Star Wars Episoder IV: A New Hope Special Edition.
iva La Resistance!
<Miee> The Helper Death Commando is right.

Quote from: "Anonymous"Maybe this picture will help?

Um, ok, but what sort of creature is it?  Erdlu, ratlon, sunback or something else?  Just from the colouring I'd guess sunback.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I don't know, it looks even less ostrichy to me then the original pic did.

Here's an idea, why not everyone try to find pictures that are close to what all the zalanthas animals look like? You can get a general description from the Animal Docs so I don't imagine it's going over the IC barrier.

// (For some reason it won't load the image)

I made this a little while back for the game Dune Generations which went defunct, then looking at it I realized it could be Zalanthas if I just added in the known world.
iva La Resistance!
<Miee> The Helper Death Commando is right.