Oash Noble

Started by ashyom, March 23, 2006, 06:28:41 PM

Do you have a desire to play an Oash family noble with all the perks? Perks will include lying, deception, manipulating people and events, politics, drinking, spending money, commanding underlings, scheming, a fondness for the best wines on Zalanthas and most of all, driving roleplay for yourself and others.

Playing in the primetime hours preferred.  Knowledge of Allanak politics is a must.  The role comes with some responsibility; you should be prepared to instigate plots for your underlings and play regularly.

Interested parties should respond to Oash@armageddon.org with 'Oash Noble Applicant' in the subject line.

Please include:
Account name
GDB name
Concept you have in mind

Bumping this up.  Please try have your applications in by end of the week.

Apps are closed.  Thanks to everyone who applied.

Apps are now again open.  We have spots for 2 nobles.  Read original post for information.

Tweaked original post to update contact info.

Final decision will be made tomorrow night.  If anyone else would like to apply, have yours in by Saturday 9 PM EST