Update ranger Please.

Started by Thunder Lord, March 16, 2006, 06:25:38 PM

Quote from: "help docs"Blind Fighting is a skill that is passively used when in situations where you cannot see your opponent. Warriors, due to their great battle prowess learn how to sense their opponent and what they will do through years of practice. Rangers and Assassins learn to attune their acute senses to help them figure out where their enemy is.

Blind fighting gives you the ability to return attacks against foes you cannot see. This is not an easy skill to master. Even the most adept master is still worse off fighting blind than without.

Quote from: "help docs"A ranger possesses two primary abilities: to know where he/she is at all times and to sstalk and kill prey (for food). Because of the emphasis on these two things, rangers are often greatly sought after as companions in the desert.

Ranger skills involve hunting persons or animals, exceptional powers of observation.....

What I am saying, is rangers should be better at blind fighting then warriors. Rangers live in the wilderness and survive durring the night more then any other class. And therefore should be much better at this then any other class.

Also autoflee NPCs you can't stalk!!!!!!!!! fix it or take it out of the docs it is misleading to my newbs who say "I CAN"T STALK THE FREEKING VESTRIC!"

The skill's been in for what, two days? Is there any reason to believe rangers aren't in fact better at it than warriors?
Brevity is the soul of wit." -Shakespeare

"Omit needless words." -Strunk and White.

"Simplify, simplify." Thoreau

Warriors are more intuned with fighting, and to be more intuned with melee combat is to use all of your senses, if you knowingly use them or not.

Warriors should probably be better at swinging at random shadows than ranger. Since rangers should be better at ranged combat.

And just because a ranger knows where they are at all times, doesn't mean they know where everyone around them is all the time.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

In my opinion, rangers should never be better at <anything> fighting than warriors.  Fighting isn't What They Do(tm).

-- X

I would be inclined to agree with Xygax on this one.

I'd also like to state that nobody except the staff should really know for certain how good the different classes are to one another in regards to the skills. The Helpfiles state which classes get the skill (that we want you to know of). Beyond whats in the helpfiles, the rest is just conjecture on your part, and thus highly subject to inaccuracy.

For all you know, Drovians will actually branch blind-fighting better than anyone. However, since you don't know the numbers, and likely can't get a good idea from a week of implimentation on how different classes might stack up to one another, I'm afraid your demands are probably going to fall onto deaf ears.


Quote from: "Thunder Lord"Also autoflee NPCs you can't stalk!!!!!!!!! fix it or take it out of the docs it is misleading to my newbs who say "I CAN"T STALK THE FREEKING VESTRIC!"

No offense, but I don't think this is really the best way to encourage anyone to code something. Maybe try something less demanding, and accusational?

Seriously, this blind fighting thing has been blown way out of the water, imho. Yes, its a cool addition, and we're all excited, but I think folks need to chill out, and let the pieces fall where they may. The way people have been reacting and demanding about it makes me not want to code anything, and I didn't have anything to do with it.

In general, much gets hashed out on the drawing boards and in discussions online before anyone ever begins coding anything. Chances are, we're happy where things are right now.

This just sounds like a skill that shouldn't even have a helpfile or show up on the skills list. I think we'd all have ended up just fine with an update reading "new supersecret weather based function installed! Please continue playing as normal"

Quote from: "Thunder Lord"
Also autoflee NPCs you can't stalk!!!!!!!!! fix it or take it out of the docs it is misleading to my newbs who say "I CAN"T STALK THE FREEKING VESTRIC!"

I can find no simpler way to say this:  You are wrong.

You can indeed stalk auto-flee NPC's.  How?  Think it out logically, and you'll come up with how.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

Quote from: "Halaster"You can indeed stalk auto-flee NPC's.  How?  Think it out logically, and you'll come up with how.


Wow, that's cool, if it's what I'm thinking. I'm going to have to try it out with my next ranger PC.

You guys think of everything, huh?