Roleplaying Dangerous Situations

Started by Ganja, December 12, 2005, 07:34:02 PM


If someone tries to raid you when they enter a room opposite you, how hard is it to type AT LEAST:

>pemote eyes narrow on %man and he immediately kicks ~kank

I mean, come on.

And conversely, how hard is it to type:

>emote lifts his weapon, running towards ~man
>kill man

And you can get out of almost any death situation without spamming flee or running. Most experienced players don't always want to kill you, but if their character has too then they will. But there are always ways to give people reasons to let you survive. AND ITS PURE RP.

Sides, you independent hunters have tons of sid anyways.  :wink:
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

If this game and its playerbase was in fact mostly as Salt Merchant would like it, I for one certainly would have moved on by now.

Quote from: "The Dude(just visiting)"If this game and its playerbase was in fact mostly as Salt Merchant would like it, I for one certainly would have moved on by now.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "The Dude(just visiting)"If this game and its playerbase was in fact mostly as Salt Merchant would like it, I for one certainly would have moved on by now.

Go ahead and congratulate yourselves on how wonderful you all are, then. I'll say no more.
Lunch makes me happy.

When you subdue someone, that someone can spam Flee until they get away.  In reality, if someone tried to struggle a few times and failed, they'd probably get a strong bump to the head that would knock them out cold.
The code is not there to be looked at as a complete game.  The code is a framework that supports Zalanthas' IC reality, and this IC reality is the vast majority of the full game.  This is why many successful characters have nothing but IC interactions and no combat, while characters who have nothing but combat and no IC interactions are unwanted by just about everything.

"Gee, I sure pissed that noble off, even the 'rinth can't hide me anymore now that he brought every single bodyguard under his command with him into the heart of the 'rinth and is killing everything in his path until he can find and kill me."
Uhh, no.

EDIT: Removed half of this post, which was not related to this topic.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Quote from: "Salt Merchant"
Quote from: "The Dude(just visiting)"If this game and its playerbase was in fact mostly as Salt Merchant would like it, I for one certainly would have moved on by now.

Go ahead and congratulate yourselves on how wonderful you all are, then. I'll say no more.

There's no need for snarky comments. It's just plain obvious that you don't "get it". Some of us were trying to help you to understand, if you choose not to hear us, then I'm sorry. At least we gave it an effort.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "jhunter"
Quote from: "Salt Merchant"Go ahead and congratulate yourselves on how wonderful you all are, then. I'll say no more.

There's no need for snarky comments. It's just plain obvious that you don't "get it". Some of us were trying to help you to understand, if you choose not to hear us, then I'm sorry. At least we gave it an effort.

I also wouldn't be put off, SM, because it takes most people a long while to "get it" if they don't have someone experienced hand holding them through the entire process.  Even people who have played the game for years sometimes don't "get it" yet and continue to rationalize suspect behavior or cheat the system.  None of us are perfect in either our understanding of the game or in its execution, but some of us have played the game for a very long time and quickly recognize particular mindsets.

Many of us recognize them because we were once the exact same way.


Quote from: "LoD"
Quote from: "jhunter"
Quote from: "Salt Merchant"Go ahead and congratulate yourselves on how wonderful you all are, then. I'll say no more.

There's no need for snarky comments. It's just plain obvious that you don't "get it". Some of us were trying to help you to understand, if you choose not to hear us, then I'm sorry. At least we gave it an effort.

I also wouldn't be put off, SM, because it takes most people a long while to "get it" if they don't have someone experienced hand holding them through the entire process.  Even people who have played the game for years sometimes don't "get it" yet and continue to rationalize suspect behavior or cheat the system.  None of us are perfect in either our understanding of the game or in its execution, but some of us have played the game for a very long time and quickly recognize particular mindsets.

Many of us recognize them because we were once the exact same way.


You've got that right. I look back on some things that I did and it makes me laugh now. And you're right LoD there's always room for any of us to improve our play. I try to find ways to improve mine all the time.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I do think it's kind of presumptious to say that SM doesn't "get it" based on this conversation. I don't think he said anything that gave me that impression, only that he wants to code to give a channel to what is possible and not, rather than leaving it up in the air for two players to interperate differently, and therefore end up annoyed at one another so they could run to the GDB and complain. I think it's especially unnecessary to say that you could quit playing if everyone was like him, unless you've actually RPed with him IG recently. And, even if so, it's still a rather mean thing to say.

I think we're all here to have fun. Whether or not our impressions of the game are exactly the same, if we're enjoying ourselves and trying our best to make the game enjoyable for others, I think we "get it".
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

QuoteI do think it's kind of presumptious to say that SM doesn't "get it" based on this conversation.

Agreed.  Very elitest, which is something I end up becoming all the time in discussions.

Someone -can- 'get it' and still not trust other players, guys.  Especially when you consider that someone who 'gets it' can do -all- of this flavorful role-play filled with conspiracy, intrigue, planning, and cunning, only to be called a 'twink' or someone who doesn't 'get it' because after all that planning, they had a doubt as to whether the target pc or whatever would play along since it would result in their certain death.  That -is- the case where you see most of these instances happen, right?  When you're either trying to bring or escape certain death?

Don't accuse someone of being a less valuable player just because one person's idea of RP did not occur.  They may have entertained a bunch of other PC's in the process of getting to that situation, or they may spur a lot of fun RP through the action itself, when your friends or their friends or a templar or whatever finds out.  Or when you don't come back and all your friends are put into a new RP position.  Or when someone finds your corpse after an emoteless raid that kills you, and a guy standing over it.
Endless possibilities for role-play for others, even if you didn't get your 'perfect death scene'.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

QuoteI do think it's kind of presumptious to say that SM doesn't "get it" based on this conversation.

I believe the person claiming SM didn't "get it" was referring to this post:

QuoteBut I think we should expect the code to define the world for us, and what is or is not possible.

All of these kinds of posts are about second-guessing the code to establish the sort of world you want to play in, and so in the end are just your opinion. I'll wait until the Imms hand down a definitive ruling or put it into the code, thanks.

This post states that SM wants the code, and the code alone, to define what is possible and not possible.  This just doesn't work.  It's not about elitism or snobbery, it's about disagreeing with the concept and providing reasons why it isn't valid.  

Quote from: "Armaddict"Someone -can- 'get it' and still not trust other players, guys.

This point has nothing to do with whether you trust another player, but rationalizing one's behavior because "the code allows it" as compared to using a combination of code, common sense, logic and a dash of realism.

There is a difference between elitism and debate.  The bulk of this thread has been debate about playing true to your character in the face of a potentially dangerous situation and the role of the code in that interaction.        No need to bring in the defense lawyers for a response that was born out of flame bait.


Quote from: "LoD"This point has nothing to do with whether you trust another player, but rationalizing one's behavior because "the code allows it" as compared to using a combination of code, common sense, logic and a dash of realism.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Argue the points if you want, but there is absolutely not a single reason in the world to single out someone and start making comments about them personally.  If you want to tear into each others arguments, great, have at it.  Tearing into each other on the other hand is completely uncalled for.  You might not play the game if everyone thought the way he did.  You might think that he doesn't "get it".  You sure as hell don't have to tell him though.  If you really feel that you desperately need to tell him your personal opinion of him, don't be a jack ass and do it publicly, send him a PM.  What in the hell is accomplished by announcing your opinion of someone else?

If you want to tell someone they don't get it or that you would hate to play in a world where everyone was like them, do it privately and not for the entire bored to watch you sling shit at each other.

Thats why you email the mud and tell ginka to forward on a little bit of information about the other pcs death. Or send it to the mud in case the other asks.

"Sorry about killing your pc, been hunting them for quite a while, for a plot line."
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

QuoteArgue the points if you want, but there is absolutely not a single reason in the world to single out someone and start making comments about them personally.

Thank you. I honestly don't care what someone's philosphy of the game is like, as long as they're here to have fun and contribute. I think most of us are, or we wouldn't take the time to read and post on the boards. It always depresses me to see the lack of community on these boards, when we're really here for the same thing, whatever form it may take.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

Quote from: "bloodfromstone"
QuoteArgue the points if you want, but there is absolutely not a single reason in the world to single out someone and start making comments about them personally.

Thank you. I honestly don't care what someone's philosphy of the game is like, as long as they're here to have fun and contribute. I think most of us are, or we wouldn't take the time to read and post on the boards. It always depresses me to see the lack of community on these boards, when we're really here for the same thing, whatever form it may take.

I agree with you on this. People can be idiots IRL can't they?

:shock: Holy shit. It seems to me that the people defending Salt Merchant are making more rude comments than anyone else has made previously. I don't see anything that bad posted about Salt Merchant or that was a personal attack or namecalling (which is what I'm seeing others stoop to) Everyone else is flying off the handle and being ten times more rude, insulting and personally attacking than anyone else had been.

It wasn't my intent to be insulting to anyone. If anyone started this thread degrading with snarky comments it was Salt Merchant. Everyone else jumping on the bandwagon and saying "Poor Salt Merchant, how dare you assholes state your opinions."

Take a fucking chill pill. Geez.

This was a good thread. It isn't anymore. Lock please.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Most of the last set of posts were hardly considered on topic or discussion of this thread.  Knock off the arguing and get back on the topic of this thread, or we'll probably just end up considering it "done" and locking it.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev