Spiced ale and dehydration.

Started by Dead Drunk., October 03, 2005, 12:16:28 PM

As I lie mortally wounded, and can't wait for a response from the mud e-mail, i'll ask here:

Is it a glitch that means spiced ale doesn't relieve any thirst at all? Even though I was dehydrated I would have thought five mugs would have quenched something, for a bit. Instead I just passed out drunk,  and will soon revert to my maker.



This post is pretty funny. Heh. If you're dehydrated, you want to be drinking water. Definitely not alchohol. If you needed a drink in real life, would you start guzzling hard liquor to relieve your thirst?
subdue thread
release thread pit

Yes I would!

I'd certainly guzzle any liquid I could afford if I was dying of thirst in Zalanthas, with a full belly.

Wouldn't you?

Well... I'm pretty sure that drinking alchoholic drinks actually makes you thirstier, not more hydrated. I could be wrong, I'm no health expert. I'm also pretty sure that spice ale is more potent and alchoholic than normal ale.

If I was dying of thirst in the desert and all I had was a bottle of Jack Daniels, I'd probably drink it so at least wouldn't feel anything when I died. But I'm pretty sure most survivalists would recommend pure water when thirsty over booze.
subdue thread
release thread pit

I'm certain you are right. Alcohol dehydrates the body - but I hoped it was a longer-term thing in the crazy world of Zalanthas. And in the short-term it would refresh me enough to...dunno, try something else to get out of my jam.

But yes, water is definatly the thing to drink to survive.

And never drink alcohol when drowning in the sea, as it reduces body heat.

(If anyone finds me, ignore the steel longsword and piles of sid in my inventory please. They're not for you.)

Quote from: "Dead Drunk."Yes I would!

I'd certainly guzzle any liquid I could afford if I was dying of thirst in Zalanthas, with a full belly.

Wouldn't you?

I sure hope I would have enough sense not to.  Drinking alcohol while dehydrated is pretty damn close to the worst thing that you could do.  Passing out is exactly what would happen.  Think of it this way, ever tried heavy drinking while dehydrated?  You might feel like you are less thirsty for a little while, but as soon as that stuff gets past your lips and into your body things would get worse.  You will black out if you drink enough.  Most hangovers are just dehydration.  You can drink half of a keg and wake up completely dehydrated and hung over out of your mind.  

Like in the real world, NEVER drink while dehydrated.  That goes double and tripple if you stumble dehydrated out of a desert.  Downing 5 spiced ales is roughly the worst thing you could concieve of doing.

So, long answer short, no that is not a bug.  That is exactly what should have happened.  Don't try solving dehydration with in real life or Zalanthas with alcohol or you will likely regret it.

Yes alright.

I'm so glad -you- answered my post Rindan. I'm a big fan of yours.

Well, this is cleared up. They've all got the right of it. No, don't start boozing it up if you are dehydrated. Find some water.
Sometimes I feel less like an immortal and more like a drug dealer.

Quote from: "Qetesh"Well, this is cleared up. They've all got the right of it. No, don't start boozing it up if you are dehydrated. Find some water.

Unless your pc knows they can't get to any water and they don't want to feel anything when they die. Then...booze it up!!!  :wink:
"Dumbass." - Red Foreman

Quote from: "Arabian Nights"
Quote from: "Qetesh"Well, this is cleared up. They've all got the right of it. No, don't start boozing it up if you are dehydrated. Find some water.

Unless your pc knows they can't get to any water and they don't want to feel anything when they die. Then...booze it up!!!  :wink:

Sounds realistic! Im gonna go die now!

It would be cool if rangers could drink their pee, like once or twice

There is a little bit of water in ale. I'm not sure how that would work out. If alcohal would dry you out faster the the water would hydrate you.

We;re not talking about moonshine here.

Plus, people on zalanthas probably wouldn't drink at all. Water is so rare, why would you risk dehydration? I wonder if any useful insight could be gleaned by looking at desert civilizations and their treatment of alcohal. I can't see it being favoured.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


Quote from: "jmordetsky"It would be cool if rangers could drink their pee, like once or twice
There is a little bit of water in ale. I'm not sure how that would work out. If alcohal would dry you out faster the the water would hydrate you.

We;re not talking about moonshine here.

Plus, people on zalanthas probably wouldn't drink at all. Water is so rare, why would you risk dehydration? I wonder if any useful insight could be gleaned by looking at desert civilizations and their treatment of alcohal. I can't see it being favoured.

So...I scroll down this part of the thread to see what else was posted and this was the first thing I see. LOL!  :lol:

I can see this but since we don't suffer any of the negatives of having to go to the bathroom regularly I don't think it should be added. I'm just one of those that think both of the positives and negatives of something should be included if that aspect is added. *shrugs*
"Dumbass." - Red Foreman