
Started by Alnir, May 13, 2005, 04:12:32 PM

I don't care how experienced you are with Armageddon, your filthy, stinking, 'rinth-crawling scumbag isn't going to last half as long as Jane Schmoe's likeable, good-looking, soft-spoken (female) House aide.

A character's most basic foundations determine their lifetime as much as or more than anything.
ust takin'er easy fer all'em sinners out there...

Quote from: "The Dude"I don't care how experienced you are with Armageddon, your filthy, stinking, 'rinth-crawling scumbag isn't going to last half as long as Jane Schmoe's likeable, good-looking, soft-spoken (female) House aide.

A character's most basic foundations determine their lifetime as much as or more than anything.

Tell that to my current character.  :lol:

Quote from: "John"I think it took me until I hit 40 or 50 before I managed to stop dying, so no need to feel stupid ;)

Can I ask what hooked you (if it isn't IC?)

For me, it was having a templar execute me in the street, and having my supposed new found friends betray me :-D

If that was directed to me, then..
The complete awesomeness of the desert environment, Lack of a major restriction to PK (As SoI was..Never going back their.)
Friendliness of the staff, and their willingness to help. (Again, SoI was the complete opposite, Immortals treated me like trash, and seemed unwilling to want to help me.)
Harshness of it all..
Neat animals.
Kanks :D
And the final thing that really, Really hooked me to the game..
Hardcore elves. :D

Ehm...I started playing this game back when every character used to take anywhere from 1 day to a week and a half to be approved.

No way I want the application process to go -back- to that, it blows.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: "Delirium"
Quote from: "The Dude"I don't care how experienced you are with Armageddon, your filthy, stinking, 'rinth-crawling scumbag isn't going to last half as long as Jane Schmoe's likeable, good-looking, soft-spoken (female) House aide.

A character's most basic foundations determine their lifetime as much as or more than anything.

Tell that to my current character.  :lol:

Heh... I wonder what the relative casualty rates are  scumbags vs. Aides.
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

Alnir: losing a short-lived character to a stupid mistake is nowhere near as bad as losing a long-lived character to a stupid mistake. Heh. ;)


Aides win by a blowout..
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

Quote from: "RunningMountain"Aides win by a blowout..

Dying more or living longer?
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

Quote from: "HardCarbon"
Quote from: "RunningMountain"Aides win by a blowout..

Dying more or living longer?

Probably a little of both, depending on what they get themselves wrapped into and which nobles they piss off. Others are just graceful about it. *shrug*  :P
You do know that MUDsex is not a coded skill, right? -Nidhogg

Quote from: "corona"
Quote from: "HardCarbon"
Quote from: "RunningMountain"Aides win by a blowout..

Dying more or living longer?

Probably a little of both, depending on what they get themselves wrapped into and which nobles they piss off. Others are just graceful about it. *shrug*  :P

Heh.. I was thinking being an aide is in the 'short but merry life' category since anyone who doesn't like your boss will probably find you a much easier target to take out their frustrations on.... (among other risks..)
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

I know how you feel, and how!  All three of my char. have died through player (me) stupidity.
I will feel I have arrived when I finally get to die purely from natural causes!

Quote from: "The Dude"I don't care how experienced you are with Armageddon, your filthy, stinking, 'rinth-crawling scumbag isn't going to last half as long as Jane Schmoe's likeable, good-looking, soft-spoken (female) House aide.

A character's most basic foundations determine their lifetime as much as or more than anything.

I'd have to disagree with that also. My second longest-lived character was an relatively unattractive, dirty, sweaty, foul-mouthed combat-type who went into combat quite a bit. They saw many a likeable, good-looking soft-spoken aide die very quickly.

A character's most basic foundations have an effect on what they do, and while one may live a less harsh life than the next, it's no guarantee for living a long life.

The highest rates of death that I've seen falls into one category: biting off more than you can chew. This pertains not only to galavanting off into the wastes to face down a mekillot, but also mouthing off to Important People, which includes superiors as well as nobility and templarate, without understanding that these people might prefer simply disposing of their problem rather than continue to be irritated by it.