Where's it hopping?

Started by Fragmented, May 01, 2005, 03:48:43 PM

I hope it's not too IC to ask what city/area is most populated right now. I'm awaiting approval for a character and want to start where there's some action, but not necessarrily where it's most populated. I figure it tends to move in waves as far as who's playing where. Can anyone help that gets around the entire mud?

Either Tuluk or Allanak are the most populated, either or and you'll fine more than enough PC interaction.
As for people who can answer questions about the entire world? Is that what you're asking? -> If you are, there is a list of which helpers are the best to answer which questions on the helpers page.
your mother is an elf.

I was more asking what city/area is most populated, Allanak or Tuluk or Luirs at the moment, and was directing the question to people who get around the entire mud daily/every couple of days so they can -see- what's what. But thanks. That pretty much answers my question.  :D

Keep in mind also, that if you already have a character app submitted, its background should indicate where they're from. It's not really the best idea in the world to have in your character's background that they're from the villages south of Allanak, and have them show up in Tuluk after they're approved. Or vice versa of course. Because then you'd need to make up a brand new background on the spot, and your character was approved with the background you already gave the imms.

The place to be?  Tonight's underground rave in Steinal, baby!  Bring your glow-crystals!
Murder your darlings.