The Daily Virtual Minutia of Zalanthas As Seeds for Plot.

Started by The Imms Know Who I Am, April 20, 2005, 07:37:56 PM

Orignal poster here...3 things

1) Player generated and run quests are great, but in terms of generating in game consequences, (other then pc deaths) they will lack until the imms get involved. That's not to say they don't have their place, but their effects are limited and they do get stale. For example my 'price of spice' example would never fly without the imms. That's not to say players shouldn't be catalysts for things...they should, but imms do and will always need to determine consequences.


Me device has a this a continuation.

2) I really like naionas idea. Reason being. Rumors have a certain heat, which is usually linked to how plausible they are and how many people are talking about them. There's a lot of junk on the in game boards, stuff that random players have posted that are linked to anything of substance. You've seen them. A mechanism for showing which rumors were hot (note that doesn't mean true) would be great.

I can't remember what point 3 was...anyway.

Me device has a this a continuation.

2) I really like naionas idea. Reason being. Rumors have a certain heat, which is usually linked to how plausible they are and how many people are talking about them. There's a lot of junk on the in game boards, stuff that random players have posted that are linked to anything of substance. You've seen them. A mechanism for showing which rumors were hot (note that doesn't mean true) would be great.

I can't remember what point 3 was...anyway.

I'm against setting a separate board for plots and quests.

Right now, if I read the rumor board and saw rumors about gith moving around Allanak, I wouldn't know whether it was just a player who went too far and was unlucky, or whether the gith are actually expanding.
I like it this way.  A separate board will mean that mundane-seeming rumors will be given far more attention than they should be given, and it will also create a separation.

People shouldn't put more weight on staff-created plots than they do on player-created plots.  They're both IC things that happen to IC people, with no inherent difference as far as the characters are concerned.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

...I don't think I've ever seen a QUINTUPLE post of the same content before. Triple, yes, I've seen that elsewhere... but QUINTUPLE?